f 6nS0 Continued from Page 1 Smith \ 4**1 li .mmi.il ( nllege f(M)ll>all magazine Ilf was also (llihtwd as one ol ihf liesl passing ipiarterbar ks in tin* nation b\ I hr Sporting Nows Another preview magazine, l.intl\ s, named four of Oregon's athletes to their pre season all league unit Senior flanker Terrs Obee. senior offensive tai.kle (,’urt Dvkes se nior i ornerhac k khris ()Idti«iin and larville were the players honored (loach Rich Brooks, in his 1 till season as head corn h ol the- football program, also re c eived some pre season praise t'hr Spurting Veils has Brooks listed among its group of "A Baker’s Dozen” coaches of whom "nobock does it better” He was also cited by Insnlr Spurts .is one' ol the nation’s top direr tors ol c ollcge football programs There have been losses of major c oiitnbu tors on the (Intensive team sue h as Imebac ker Scott Kozak, c ornerbac k I bom K.iiimever and a superb pass rusher in Matt Brock all of whom are now in the National football League 1’hat lias some tans worried about tile alulits cit the defense- to step on the field and pick up the slack against a schedule that has been deemed b\ main as one of tin- more diffi c nit m the c ountr\ Not to worn snvs I .civille "Out defensive loam looks strong Tho\ havo .t few people they iosi kov plavors sui h as katimeyer and ljroc k but they have people filling in that .ire ,i lot (pinker than those guys but not as big Wo have a qmc k defense The defense tins year is led by Oldham and senior linehac ker Mark Kearns, both men have Iwen i liosen In their teammates as defen sive < aptains Musgrave and l.oy tile are this season s offensive captains Last year. Mux grave became only the second underclassman in Pniversity history to be elected a season long team c aptain After the loss of Musgrave and the team's five game losing streak, there arosg a lot of concern about whether the team ofiuld func lion without bun It hasn't been proved it to anyone yet but the Due ks feed they c an do it "We definitely yy.int to keep Mill healthy but yy e also have some quarterbacks behind him that have some experience now In the past they didn't have- that experience Now they have it and they 're more confident about their ability We've got a feyv young guy s too." I.ovillo says "The guys that are backing up Musgrave (senior) Pete Nelson, (sophomore) Mob Brothers, they have a little more c onfi deuce and they feel good about the yy.iy they re play mg 242-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. German 8 AUTO SERVICE Reliable Service For Your Foreign Auto Specializing in Volkswagon • Mercedes • BMW • Audi Datsun & Toyota welcome EXPERT WORKMANSHIP & SAVINGS “Serving you for over 21 years" L' ®? WORT H blxlilz/ hATS * >T ,, ■ ■ r » Vy ShiK-VS ^ jJ J€RSeYS peJupwer CAMPUS 877 E 13th 343 2488 9 7 Mon Fn Sal 9 5 DOWNTOWN 6th & High 687 1775 9 6 Mon S»l 10 5 Sun g ShoR'S Pu*-”-PS RACK' zz Lo-_*S ftrNPeSLS t n\:c .1 rhino h\ M.irtm I hi«*I (Jujrtrrh.it k Hill Musgrave was nervous hut not rusty after his 11-month hiatus from football. The junior (JH threw three tout htlow n passes. allforma (onlinued from 7D s.ii kcil three times, while Mils grave survived the game un lorn lied h\ the He.ns' defense W e w ere ver\ i oncerued w ith i nntiiinment of Trn\ Tay lor Itronks s.iul "We didn't dn it right .ill the time hut th.it i om lies .1 little caution into vom defense, when vou don't want to allow Taylor to break Brooks credited the team's running game as the hig factor in the Dm ks' offensive success. I’aylor won the passing duel I IIif> passing yards to Mus grave's 231). but Oregon nut rushed the Hears 228-7-1 "I think we established the run whii h (la I I don’t think ever did very effectively, and that was the majol difference for us offensively "A lot ol times when boville got the hall he got hit in the hackfield. Brooks said "We’d get the hall to him a little deep ei and ( a I had penetrated into the hackfield. and we'd miss a few bloc ks tfi.it we shouldn't have missed on those plays "Hut Merry was hitting it so quukn because hr was closri to tin; Iiut*. hr said I led run right In those gin s " Uriinks urditi'il the I)u< k u! fensivr line, ninth rltectiveh prolei tril Musgravr throughout the game ami countered what had hern a tough Hear defense 'There was the fact that we were able to run the hall, the tart 111.it Musgravr wasn't sat ked against a defense ol gins th.it i ame in thinking they were going to shut us out Hrooks said. "Also, guys that ate us alive two years ago Joel Dickson had lour s.u ks and DeVYayne Odum and guys like that They're hig time play ers. so I'd have to s.n our often sive line did a pretty good job ' Musgravr. alter also i red it ing the I)ui k linemen, denied that Ins 10-month hiatus from lootball had i hanged either his game ol the u ay he play rd it "1 played the wav I always do," Musgrave said "I'm not rusty; I was a little nervous, but I felt pretty i omfortable We fix hair color. Color that's too brassy Too dark Too hghf on ffie enCjs /Vo matter what the prob lem, we can fix it Quickly and easily With SoColor.' the honey creme hair color by Matrix For beautiful, lasting results Every time Let our hair coloring specialists get your hair back where you want it to be - natural looking Call today tor a free consultation 50 West 13th, Eugene 686-1435