Predictions ( ontinued from Pjrc HI) this vear Musyrave \s injuries in the have .ill i time* in lilt’ open lieli), the offensive line is too yood to let other te.ims yet to Musyrave Injuries on the open field .ire usii.ilK the re suit of either bad pl.n or bad luck Musyraves in his third vear of play now and he's yot the expe rient e (fiat vou’d assumes would avoid had pla\ You'd also fiyure that his bad lui k streak should < lianye hv now Of course, one could also s.u the same thiny about the Dm ks as a team who have been on a bad link streak of their own tor some team now — ;\i i/uiia r»i«nr immr is where ASI "s he.ill is; the Sun Devils h.ive .1 siiifn11 \\ card u ith night ul I I games at liome lour ul their lirst games are against nun i onferem e opponents and thev don't even plav 1 St (Ins year. Hut beyond the si hedule advantage, the Devils are de i idedlv mild Their running h"'' " ' ^ ” " > • 'O'" ' 1 * I’.iul lustin doesn't seem like the kind of player to load an impressive passing gaimi. espec iallv he hind a linn without nun h experience I)«*vil do fnnsn weak last year couch Don lames and his team won't have to plav at Aut/.en Stadium for a while hut the\ do have a tough ear ly schedule that ma\ keep Washington out ot a howl game lor only the second I line mis iii-i .im it'll lake to get the Huskies to postm-,i son will be ,1 development of talented but err.itii (JH Cary Conklin and a shoring up ol the line hankers The lines and running game both look solid, despite the loss of some ke\ personnel The one returning person who really matters is James himself, who’s seemingly been around forever James is the man who drives the Huskies and he's got some personal motivation this time Last year, he voluntarily passed up a raise after Washington's disappointing season If the Hus kies don’t prndut e non he may not haye that op lion and y\ ill instead be looking lor a new job. 7 ( aldnrnia \\ ilh Aikinan and i’eele nil servers pit k the t eildt'li Hears' golden bos Inis las 1(11 as the i’ai ID s best ipiar terhai k Consider also that ( a! lost three contests in the tmal 2D sri (mils last year tin ( ImliiiK the n 1 minute name with Oregon State! whir.h won t happen this sear and ( al seems reads to move up U hot her il k<'|s 'll'' lirst division is dnubtlul Ihe detensive .no) ill fensive lint's both are shaping up ',s the league's worst, .inti the team could use .1 blue -t hip rtm mill; b.M k instead of the tour inexperienced soph omores the\ ve not H Stanford \n\ ( ardinal I 0.11 ll 1 tennis ( been will ill licrtl ,1 team that s bellei than departed coat h s I at k Klwav s I lib! ret ord indi i ales t here are I "> returning starters ■ tit hiding running bat k |on Volpe 5 *♦ — h «isitiitv,I(i■ i iiair s'" *> Jv/r/s/t ( onna turn STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 13th & Hilyard 706 E. 13th BLIZZARD 343-7512 HOMESTYLE1'1 ULTIMATE Dairii Queen brazier