Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 18, 1989, Section D, Page 8D, Image 114

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* i
use might be team to 'three-peat'
Bv Thomas Prowell
I merald Editor
Out- (i.n Southern California won't Ire win
ning .ill the nation's < hatnpionships
It may happen sooner than voti think too
The Dodgers are also-rans I he l akers folded up
like a c ardhoatd Mtnsi reen when the Pistons
t ame to pla\ Kven ss 11h (irelzkv the kings are
no hot key powerhouse
That leaves only the 1 ’or ifit !0 (onierewe
foot ha 11 teams 1st and 1 ( I A froth of whom
have to repl.it e then starting quarterbacks. Rod
nev I’eete a lit I TrOV Aik III. Ill lespe. I well
One Southern ( alitorma "three-peal bid
has been foiled already this year Will it happen
again7 Here's the i nirr.ihl's Pat 111 predit lions
1 — I NC Down .il i S<
tlit-\ re talking not uf win
ning llir I’■!< Id Inil uf takmg
the ii.iliun.il 1 il!«• .ivvav from
Notre I lame ()ne i an sen
w In thovre Ixired with the
Ini al i umpclilinn llic I'ru
j.ms have a 1 a 1 i.unferenc e
record over the Iasi two sea
The linr and sin ondarv are both reinforced
steel tough (built lor the earthquakes. naturally)
I'S( is likely to just mercilessly «rin<i down its
opponents (ihris Hale is the league's top corner
li.ii k. l im Ryan and Don Hibson are brutal on the
line With hulking muggers like these, who needs
a (JH? 'tint could put Barbara Hush in there and
she'd stdl lead this team to the Rose Howl
2 — I ( I \ I he Bruins lost
mew to gr.nlu.ilion Ih.m did
tin' I roj.ins. lull there's still .i
gre.it le.tm here A howl im i
tiition .mil .1 Tup 20 finish
seem more Ih.in reasonable
The offensive line is
lops, .tnd it'll give explosive
h.n ks liri.in Drawn. Sh.ns n
Wills and Krvin Williams plentv <>i rushing
room \ strong running game will take some ol
tin' pressure off tin- now QH. either |immy Bonds
oi Hri't Johnson
,t Arizona Tim Wildcats
an' quit k on both offense and
defense ( Mlensive < oordina
for Rip Scherer’s new pass
ing game should give run
ning (JB Ronald Veal anothei
weapon; List year Arizona
was first in rushing. List in passing.
The home schedule also gives the (aits
something to purr about tile school hosts both
the Trojans and Bruins Arizona will lie looking
to upset and the\ could lust do it on this field
Are vou paving attention. ITd.A :'
■1 — Oregon i jvoi the 1.1st me
\r.irs. lhr Ducks arc e\ai tlv a
">(Mt ballcluh. Not only that
their season records for the
last five ( ampaigns are t> ">
j ii ti ) and fen. Does
Amerii a s most medioi re
sports team pla\ at Ant/en
'Hie Dik ks will spend this year again trying
In prove the\ (.m get over the hump, and they II
h.ivi1 to do it against a tougher slate of opponents
Hut the tools are there for coach Rich Brooks to
snati h the grail.
Mm h has been made about the team return
mg its offensive squad virtually intaet. but that
offensive squad ranked ninth in yards per game
last year. Min h also has been made about the far t
lh.it Oregon doesn’t play I SO this year, and that
is something to appreciate
Hut again, it seems likely that any bowl
hopes will rest on the defense, an Oregon
strength the last two years but a big question this
season. David Ousano and Chris Oldham are the
foundations of a squad tfiat must replace halt o!
its starters
\ bolil prediction: Brilliant but accident
prone junior QB Bill Musgrave will stay healths
Turn to Predictions, Page 91)
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