California C on limit'd from Pa^r t>l) I told him nut tu look I mi k. said Oregon IhmiI i i mi h K ii h It rooks "Whi'ii \ ouri' mil ill front you don’t look bai k If there's .1 guv chasing you I think hr might have burn .ihlr ti i rrai h thi' rnd zom* There \\ as .1 bright spt if The lumbir 01 1 urn'll light in front ol thr studi'iil section ami thi'\ didn't like thr i all Thr sn tion rrspondrd to llir olfii inis \\ illi a shower ol insults and trash, which ignited ihr stadium and the Dm k drfrnsr ''I Jrfensivrlv . thr turning point lor us u as attn I .at i 11 Hri r\ s fumble.'' brooks said l lir ( row d got Iirrd up I'he drfrnsr got lirrd up ( al gained onh I I \aids on llir next possession and was forced to punt thr hall auay Mrauuloir. ( al's drfrnsr was falling .ipart Thr Hears wrrr penali/.rd la cards lor spearing tailback Derek l.ovillr A later lai r mask 1 .ill 1 osl ( al live cards, and a pass inlrrlrr rncr 1 barge 1 ost I I more This set up an 18-yard p.iss to )or Keit/.ug. who made a spirt t.K i .iii li m tin' li.n k i>l tin* i*ii(l /iint' lor tin' Unit h dow n H ill) the extra [miiil I In* si nrc -T> 11 Oregon Another Mi ( .ilium liehl goal from the se\ i'll v .lid line III die Itil (|ll.U ter 111.ule ll JH-1 I (Ail made lire game interest ing with h Ot remaining in die game with .1 one xard I I) pass to (ireg /om.ill Hut .1 tnui li neeileil two|ioinl ti \ \\ .is in I nmplete .111(1 the si 1 ire _’H l‘l Oldham le( oven'll a fumbled (!al [Hint return, and l.oville full the dual nails 111 tail's 1 offin with a i-vard 11) run w 11h Ja set mills led Sex eral fat tors in the game negated levlol s unpiessive perfoi inaiu e Hie Hears were 1 ailed tor penalties Hi limes lot a total loss ot HI vards. >4 ot those i aille at kex moments during an otherwise l.u kluster (Iregon dme that ultimatelx ie suited in a Dm k tom lidoxvn Although Tuvlor avoided (li egon s pass rush well ( al’s ot tensive line allowed him to lie I urn to ( alilnrnia. Page ltd) I illIh.iik I .illn Hrrri cliiili's .mother wotilil-lic t.u klcr while si ■im/icnni; ho IM hi i .irrrr host) .mil III \ .inis m ci i mi; m t hct’im \ 11-1 'I triumph in cr ( .ihtnrni.i I Mini* ll> »l.ll III! I Mil l rushing Top 40 hits art* always on sale*! {()"> days a year. $1 -|88 THE CULT | SONIC TEMPLE I WELCOME BACK STUDENTS IT'S TIME TO START BUILDING THAT COMPACT DISC LIBRARY, AND THERE IS NO BETTER PLACE TO DO IT THAN COMPACT DISC WORLD! $1 -|88 | THE B-52’S ' COSMIC THING H Featuring COSMIC THING m m-n r i CompactOac $1 ^88 BODEANS home. Fvuturtny You Don't ChM Mui h Compactuisc Vi $1 188 I< M MM) M \M \< s HI INI) M \N S /( M ) fHBU8if M > *» ‘Ml #li. New releases on sale for first 10 days EUGENE'S MOST COMPLETE $1 "| 88 ! THE BEAT FARMERS POOR A FAMOUS FMAuftvM 'MM I turner*' MAMMtO iOUAUll 4uam< •*«' m am TO SAT KMC OK U tAST $ 1 1 88 TOM PETTY FULL MOON FEVER I MJN T UAL • IHJWH hunnm a imam fm#» >ai . jn ft Cl A «M«t EOT ««TT*P >bLbC I ION Ob CUMrAL I UhCS Over 12,000 disc s in stoc k Rot k, Blues, Reggae, Rap, Folk, jazz, Classic al, Country, Soundtrac ks $-j "J 88 THE CALL ItT THE DAY BEGIN ' '-i i » > >M| .A. IU <.»• «- /■< H.;X ami m It's worth the trip atross town 5ee for yourself! A Ask about our Bonus Cards Great selection of blank tapes $1 '|88\ 0 LOVE AND ROCKETS trilurei- i . ggBBB So Alive ,tss£& IteliAndJdIBibylon /s11 KOOL MOE DEE Knowledge Is King featum. ^ They Want Money MVV n'8m lonB I Go To Wort r Ask us about our Bonus Cards Great selection of carrying cases and storage racks.