Remaining 1989 Duck football schedule Sc pi 2.1 Sept. 10 Oct. 7 Oct 14 Gel 21 Oct. 2K \n\ 4 Nov I i Nov. IS .ii Stanford \ri/ona \\ ashingloii Stale .ii Washington ,il Arizona Stale I ong Beach Stale* at Brigham 1 oung ' at l ( I A ( h egon State I on p m 1:00 p.m. I :(MI p.m. I 00 p m (> ito p.m I :(M) p.m. II 00 a 111 v It) p m I :IMI p.m. Molin' games appear m hold I at e \ 11 I lines lire I’ai tin ' Denotes a non a tmterem e game COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON COUPON A Quality Futon Choice in Eugene. Hand crafted with a personal touch at home operated prices. DELUXE FUTONS FRAMES & MORE SAVE $ 10.00 SAVE $5.00 (on of der s over $ 1 00) (on orders under $ 1 00) SUUjH* Double i Jut » I utons m.iUr« * (X I0O GO 1 29 00 » th . ‘i't (Hi ) V) on I V* - n ■ f ulon I rlimes I ho-* a.jv fold if H) fr rimes Sinijl** starting at $ / 5 00 Double starting at $103 00 (jin i it slatf mg at $ 1 ? $ 00 And now also leaturiru) pi!loss furniture Chairs, Loveseats, and the bean b.uj ol the 90 s the CONf CHAIR 185 1 River Rd. • 689-8435 NOdOOD NOdnoo NOdnoo NOdnoo NOdOOD o o c ■o o z o o c ■o o z HOW TO BUY TEXTBOOKS AND S/VE I MONEY COME TO THE SMITH FAMILY BOOKSTORE FIRST. Chances are you will find most of your books at half price k ) BRING THE TITLE AND AUTHOR’S NAME. If might take some time to find your books, but we will be glad to help you look, and the savings are worth the wait RETURN BOOKS YOU DO NOT NEED. It you buy the wrong books or drop a class, you can return the books for a full refund SELL YOUR OLD TEXTBOOKS. After you buy your textbooks, bring in your old books and The Smith Family Bookstore will buy them lor a very fair price SMITH X FAMILY bookstore 768 East 13th • 345-1651 1 Block from Campus Ducks, Berry power over Bears in opener B\ C hristopher Blair I morale! News Editor It wasn't pretty at times but Oregon's la -Hi win over the ( alifornia Boars Sept 't at Aut zen Stadium was nothing if not i om no ing I he game marked the long awaited return of (Jregon junior ipiarterliai k Bill Musgrave, who missed Ihe second half of last season after breaking his t ollarhone in Ihe game with Ai izona St,tie ( )t I jo Musgrave fat ed ( a 1's senior quarteibai k I ro\ Tavlor. w ho has been pit ked by several sports publit at ions as the I’at if n 111 (amferem e's best quarter hat k. with Musgrave consid ered .1 i lose set oitil It appeared the game was going to be a quarterbai k s duel Oregon scored less than five minutes into the game when Musgrave hit junior llnuket Tom Hargnin with a 10-yard pass in the end zone The I lilt ks tumbled the snap for the extra point making the s< ore n it Oregon Oregon got on the board again in the fits! quarter with sophomore ku kei dregg Mi ( alluni 's t "i -yard into I lie wind held gti.d l icit score would lead to a see saw hai k and forth game in the second quartet On the en suing kickoff. (ini's Darrin ( dee! si ampered to the Duck _’(l yard line setting up a tom h down pass from Tavlor lo |u nior Tagaloa Another Mcdallum field goal, this one lor .(7 sards made the score 12-7 Oregon with 7 M rein,lining in the hall After Tavlor re sponded ss itli an H-vard tout li down pass to light end hen Origgs for ( a Is onh lead of the game The two point convei siou attempt ssas no good and the score was 12-12 Hut a last minute dm, would put the Dm ks ahead tor halftime. Willi I 17 left in the hall. Musgrave hit luIlliai k I at in Henv who ran >8 saids be tore lieing brought down .it the (ail a Musgrave followed with a tom Iidown pass lo left Thom .isoii Musgrave’s pass lot a two pointer was swatted In |ohn belli and at the hall it was 18 1 t. (Iregon both teams came out reads tii pla\ in the third <|narti-1 and it there was a turning point lo the game it oci urred here W ith tin I )m ks m possession lien \ broke free in (Iregon territory and sprinted untoui lied toward the Hear end /one Pursued In (ireei and defensis e hai k |iilm Hards. Herrs gained t>M said before being tai hied at the t forma seven yard line 1 lards knot ked the ball Iroin Derry's hands on the ssns down, and (ialifornia ret ns a red Turn to ( alilornia, Page 71) Welcome to Eugene from the store with the finest sportswear and equipment for all four seasons. BE CERTAIN TO CHECK OUR GREAT IN-STORE SPECIALS' I EUGENE I ATHLETIC — OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK — ALL MAJOB CBEDIT CABDS ACCEPTED 94 WEST BBOADWAV DOWNTOWN MALL EUGENE OBEGON 97401 343-1288