Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 18, 1989, Section D, Page 5D, Image 111

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    Notre Dame gets tough for title defense I
SMU returns; some coaches cion t
By Rit k Warner
Assoc iated Press
SMI is bid k mi the field. No
Ire Dei me is back on fop and Ita
lian is back on the ground tor
extra points and field goals
Hut tour ut tbe most familial
figures in college football won't
be hue k on the sidelines lor the
1 UH‘1 season
After enduring an N( A A
"death sentence" that killed its
football program for two years
Southern Methodist I’niversitv
returned Sept 2 against Ki< e
with a scaled-down squad and
upgraded standards
' I bis is the most unique sit
nation a university ever found
it sell in as fat as football. Alb
letii Direc tor Doug Single said
"We re on our last chain e here
We've got to make it work 01
it's over
To prevent another si andal
the school has instituted .1 slew
of safeguards and reforms All
athletes must now I.ike an eth
us course, boosters are banned
from rei ruiting and there are
tests on the \( A A rules that
SMI" li.es repeatedly broken
over the \ears
School president A Kenneth
I've sa\ s no more nonsense will
be tolerated "I’ve made it
quite 1 leer tb.tt il I find out
about |i heating) we will self re
port and I w ill rei ommeud to
the board lli.it we drop football
(loach Forrest (iregg, who
left the (been Has I'.u kers to re
turn to Ins alma matoi enters
tbe season with only -tli sc hoi
arslup players and |ust three
with i allege experience
( )ne (it thrill is v\ ide ret eiver
Mich.irl Ifowen. who played
for SMI in ItIHti then spent .1
ve.ir ,it Oeorgia liefore returning
to Dull.is
lhere's no pressure bei .mse
we don't have anything to
lose " Howen saul At (leor
gia. vim have a lot to lose even
game \on plav
Si andal has rarely been a
problem at Notre Dame, which
prides itsell on winning with
out (heating or bending the
rules The defending national
champions demonstrated that
again a few weeks ago bv sus
pending All American line
bai her Michael Stonebreakei
for the season and refusing to
allow running hai k l oin
brooks hat k into si I100I lor dis
i iplinary reasons
\ntre I tame i oat h I on Holt/
defeildetl the notions by the
university's Office of Student
Affairs which operates inde
pendentlv of the athlelii tie
part ment
I know they have a phi lost 1
pin here ill how tliev operate
and I trust that philosophy
said Holt/., who later learned
that four othei Notre Dame
players won't be available this
season bet ause ot injuries, ai a
demit s or personal problems
Despite the losses and a land
mine si heilule that 1 in ludes
Michigan Southern ( al I’etin
Stale and Miami the l ighting
Irish are talented enough to
i h.dlenge lor .1 set ond straight
national title a teat last at
i omplishetl bv Alabama in
We have .1 tradition, said
Holtz whose team opened
against Virginia in the Aug it
kickoff ( Dassii Notre Dame
has a wav ol rising to the m i a
\otre Dame's first ma|or test
was against Mil higan Sept In
Almost all of Ho Si hemhei h
ler's top guns relumed from a
Rose Howl team that i ante
within six points ol a perfect
An athlftn direr lui Si hem
m>( Idfi shared in Mu lupin s
M \ \ basketball title l.is! nc.i
.1111 \s i ii,ii li. though. In' lias
tiner uon a national i li.impi
I’ll is i null) lin tin1 \ far
111 is in a c) iff it nil \ far tor
Ilf football i o.u li a! a school
Turn to foothnll, Paj»t* *-’1)
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