> ilr |»ho(o Opposing defenses didn't always get a good look at tailback Derek l.oville (32). but the* 'll get another chance this year, l.oville is one of It) returning starters on the offense. Ducks pin hopes on the offense New coach will lead veteran squad By Gil Arredondo Emerald Contributor While the Oregon Duck Kuo! ball team returns JO starters on offense, one < rut ial man won't be bat k ibis sear bast winter, after a dismal end to what could have been the Oregon Ducks' best season in years, offensive coordinator Hob Toledo left bis job with the team behind to take a similar position \\ ith Texas A&\! The man hired to replat c To ledo was Mike liellottc the lieatl t oat h .it (ial State < lint o the last five years This year Hellotti is the quarterbat k (oath as well as the offensive i oordinator Adapting to Hellotti's style li.isn’t lift'll tlillit nit. iii i nrding tn senior t.iilb.n k Derek l.nvillf lit' s,i\s llif major t hange is just thf terminology "It's still the same (janif |ilan. lint were tr\ mg tn get the ottensive bat ks mil in the pass ing game more Ihere's no real need lor us (the tailbai ks) to sta\ in and bint k bet arise there's .in obvious size tlifler eiit e He’d (Bellntti) lather have ns out there t ati lung the ball. Loville sa\ s Despite the l.n k til strategv t lianges in a stjuad that tin ishetl with a five game losing streak there is some grudging BEFORE HITTING THE BOOKS GET A CUT WITH CLASS. You don t have to cjo to the most expensive h.iir< utter in tow n to be ,1 port of the newest full trends in hairstyles. At Precision ( uts we spec ini i/e in c utting hair so you can c ount on getting the look you want. Work school or play —We ve pot your c ut. ^ 8 Cda7 PiucisioN Luts M't C IAI ISIS |S C l I I I s< | IIMK 2001 Franklin Blvd. Eugene 484-3143 confidence held in the Dur ks lt\ Ihc media Outstanding ju mm i|uarterba< k ltd! Musgrave (who separated Ins shouldei midwav through Iasi season, sending the I links into then tailspin) h.is been noted is .1 possible all Amerii .111 and I leisinan lroph\ 1 andidate Musgrave appears on the re gional 1 ov er of Strrat and Turn to Offense, Page 10 1st Quality futons handmade at our store... The best in Eugene! Futon Frames Couch by day. bed by night. Many styles to choose Irom. Priced trom $99 00 Furnishings Desk & floor lamps, bookshelves, tables, rugs, pillows, mirrors, posters, shower curtains, and more! ' Three Way Lounger Designs to fit your style. FURNISHINGS FUTONS j 16^ 164 W. Broadway (Downtown Mall) 343-3622 □ Open seven days a week