Personality Profile Bonds Continued from Pui;r f(K used in ( lassos |iist to sot1 them in poison Bonds said stir (lot's most ill what she (loos because ol hoi love lor llio llio.ilor anil the .iris a lovo sho said is apparenth not shared by many 'll seems to me that in the 1'idled Slates, the arts are not treasured.'' she explained "There are a small elite group ol people who recognize thea ter and recognize art, and sup port il and want it to continue "But my impression is that a majurilv ol Amerii ails are more interested in making motiev lug business, sell advancement, i iglit clothes right i ai i iglll house and sports "I mean, you're never going to see a costume designer gel Regional Italian Food j Eugene’s only hand-thrown, wood-fired pizza. Check us out! AMBROSIA 342-4141 paid what Mike Tvsnn gets paid. right •’ she jokeiI Hiunis s.ihI it is mi reasingU cl if fit tilt Ini voting ,u tors ,ii trrssrs .mil artists tu find their artistn soil m stn li a soi ict\ wIni It is prt’t alont today "(It's almost impossible) tor someone ti> Imd llm artistii self m a soi ittlv wlii’ii- that is not valued. it's oililod out from tlir time wlicn v\ i' ii‘ t hililri’ii slm said Honds said sin h problems art’ i aiist’d lt\ budget i ills in support tor thf arts ' rhi' rut uni i ontroversy hr tvvi’un (Congress and money for the National Kndou inent for tile Aits she said It s gist terrify mg toi them to -,av d we don't like your art then yye're going Id leiluie \diii budget l>\ min h u lii'n llii- budget Idi \l \ is sd mmiM ulr compared In I lie budget Idi ilelense HdiiiIs ulil join the e (.turps .1 111 I go Dill Id tli. mi till Idi till mankind she said "Hut I iIsd fuel ivhnl I'm doing is IVuce I iirps Idi the simI. I’eai e orps Idi the spii il Theater i an lie a learning e\perieni e VOLVO Owners Preventive Maintenance Special ^r Alpine Import s /Service Tht* VOLVO Spot ijlists FREE SAFETY INSPECTION $10so OIL CHANGE 4 ( yl in< ludes oil A (liter UHattHi a! i-’m \ M.nn m 'ipnngttt'Ki (all 72b- 180H lor appointment Ml WORK (,l -\K-\MIIO Now Selling (jiulilv L s.-.l \( )l \l >S ’-I’ 4400 OtmCAUY ACCLAIMS CLASSICAL * OPfKATtC MUSIC ON COMPACT DISK BIS DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON PHILIPS HARMONIA MUNDI LONDON HUNCAROTON CHANDOS HELARC CM from 1 11 luusique U0urni6t Reference Quattty lp s Catering to the lyrita Reference Recordings Discriminating Collector cneskySheffield Itocl Inside BRADFORD'S the M l r.0 W B- .idWiiv OPEN SUNDAYS NOON S 343-9000 Lt ('EM’s HM M 11 Al l \N U IMM * C .imj.iI * I .»u Pinner'* VruJ l mil l I :vV \l»*n I hur*, IO:iV sunJ.i\<*. Midmuhl on I ri «S» * l > Pru i* * I ull V mu * \ I I RIM • — \ triiiN >9 I *Jv 1 r.i\ ' l*>f I .111uali l’.irlu'. « l* 485-2909 6th «St Willamette lain'" trom the Hilton) WELCOME BACK STUDENTS! vv* DAIRY,OUEEN < STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE 13th & Hilyard 706 E. 13th BLIZZARD 343-7512 HOMESTYLE M ULTIMATE Dairtj Queen brazier