Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 18, 1989, Section C, Page 30C, Image 104

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FREE LOCAL Lay a way
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Personality Profile
( ontinucd from 2H(
Honds also said the .irl of dr
signing .iml constructing i us
hunt's dues not nnlv .ift• •< I the
designer or builder. it also .il
fei Is ihf actor or actress who
pills on tli.il i oslurnt'
It reallv helps them il the
c.oslurnt’ looks good t lose up to
them she stiid And thr\
feel i onfidenl ih.it lhe\ t .in
move .mil it s not going to up
And d Ihes know thrv look
good on st.igc Ihe\ i .in t on
i ei it rule their efforts on their
pel for til.IIX e .111(1 lll.it S win
we put so nun li effort into it
( anislmi ting strong ( osturnes
.dso helps eut down ( osls he
( .lose less expensive l.ihrit S t .lit
lie used d the t nstumes .ire well
designed .mil Ini lit. Honds said
In addition to her works w ith
I I Honds also designs and
builds t osturnes for the faigene
I estival of \1iisu al Theater
I lie festival’s latest proditt lion.
Ml I .ill l.,nl\ featured Honds
t osturnes
Aside from her duties as a
t ostumer Honds is the I heater
Arts Area head
Honds first be< .line Theater
Arts Area director two vears
ago It was not all smooth sail
mg over the last two vears he
i ause she was not tntallv pre
pared for it she said
I i .mu1 in to this position
kind of through the bar k
door. " she explained "The
first vear was just survival, fig
Welcome Students
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Photo h\ Mark N Irn
A lr mi mini Hands, the I 'ni varsity Speech Department's Thea
ter \rts Area director, reviews sketches of costumes she de
signed for a l niversify play last year.
uring out what do I do in order
to make things run smoothly
"The second year, 1 began to
recognize it is a position where
I i mild have an impec t and
make a difference." Bonds
said "My sense is with this
year. I might actually start to
implement some ideas that I've
had in terms of what 1 would
like to see happen in the thea
Despite all she has accom
plished Bonds still remains
hu mble
"One of the things that is im
portant to me is to mention my
colleagues because we are .111
area and none of us 1 an do
what we do without the sup
port of the rest of the faculty
and the students." she said.
"We .ill work together to put
something on I 1 an t do what I
do without my graduate .isms
tants. vvitliout the students
Bonds said that's the nature
of theater
In addition. Bonds tries to
gets away from it all at least
once a year by traveling.
"Just about every year. I have
gone to Kurope or Asia or the
Middle Hast, just somewhere,
because I love to travel but also
because I'm always culler ting
visual images." she said "And
it's ideas I can use in my re
seart h. ideas I can use in my
design and information that I
can incorporate into my class
While she is on vacation.
Bonds visits other schools to
find out what coursework is
like there, and visits museums
to find works of art that she has
Turn to Bonds, Page 31C
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Mon.-Thur.— 11:00 a m. to 10: ill p.m
fri.' 11:00 a.m. to Midnight
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