Off Campus Continued from Pane 2t>( Springfield Quad is 1o< ated In the Springfield Mall More information about (line ma World can be obtained b\ calling t-12 ti'i tti. while infor mation on Springfield Quad can be found by dialing 7llti '107.1 Right around Valles River (ienter is another i inema ceil ter. the Valiev River Twin !.o i.ated .it 1077 Valley River Drive, the Tw in can be i untact ed at tint. tit. t l Another < inema i enter i an be found on West 1 1th Avenue It's Movieland. run b\ the same folks that run \allev River Twin MUKAI JENNIFER ORDER DEADLINE 9/50/89 BACK TO SCHOOL SALE! EVERYTHING IN STOCK 15% OFF This includes - Art and Mounting Custom Framing Shrink Wrapping 291 E. 5th Ave. 485-0034 .RIDE SHARE Traveling soon? Need a ride? Offering a ride? Huii* ShpU* ntvdtny «uui nff^nntj fiiii'N .mvuiii’u* in Ou *}<»n ni ihi-»ut the tountiy I »>i !!:• lit* M lf< dmdlK *n i *iH 345 7600 Moviolainl. HUH S«'m*< .1 SI is wheelchair accessible. .is indi (.iti'd by tin’ symbol lound in tin' i enters advertisement An amazing thing abnul Mo vieland is its size il is large enough to run si'vcn movies si multaneouslv l or niori’ information ahoul Movndand. i all \42 111’ Several lips ahoul mm 10 wall lung Most 1 ini'ina i rulers offer t'i oiimm In kots loi movies shown before > p in or > ill p in The economy price lii kols ot Ion .110 imalid hir spei 1.1I on gngements In addition, Movie land and Valiev Kiver IWm have Tightwad Tuesdays Also, if .m early movie is |ust not convenient, take into con sideration that Pniversilv stu dents iii.i\ sometimes he aide to get discount tii kets The IAH: Mam I lesk is one loi ation w here sin ll disi omit In kets are sold And d a theater is a little too t.n .m a\ lor a nil e e\ ening u alk i nnsider I I II the lot al litis servn e l hmersitv stu dents |>av for unlimited service through their mi ulental lees and the buses go out to all i me Ilia centers THE BOOK FAIR All Kinds Of USED BOOK FARE • irf t : :> : !■ r 1.1 .V "Browser's r r Paradise" corner ( Mill & SI 343 3033 Since 1 966 Open Mon Thurs 10 00 S 30 Fn eve unlil 8 00 S.H lOOOSOO k_.. Clip ODE coupons for CREAT savings! Okay, we catch your drift. ’ heading ^ o ^school, . the ha likely to succeed. So banking isn't a high priority. But now that you're on your own, listen up. Dad's wallet and Mom's purse can't always be there for you. We can. T-7 checking accou \0u’ll set \x )ur ver\ I’-HANK* is a registered service mark of U S Bancorp Member FDIC OREGON CAMPUS BRANCH 13TH & ALDER • 687-7800