Wjvc M.iruls ill I4K (M»kl Goldworks 1502 Willamette Mon Fri 10 am b pm Sat 10 am 4 pm 343 2298 All Work Done on Premises r |)|S( ()\ I K (il.OHAl IKWHIKS MU natural fiber clothing options for men handsome and comfortable lotion and ravon lahrus front around tin world in a refreshing selection of Me ki ts hells pants and hats Discover also our collections of useful Irav el produt ts lur all globetrotters and unique folk art pines shirt Sih Si Huhlit Mjrkri |Kivsn\tiirs l*.*'111« i * i GPU WW * 'M' * *-M»* BOndS Continued from Page 27C from anywhere .il anytime Her constantly being on the lookout even while she is not at work or intentionally doing re search has paid off on several o< casions She recalls one inn dent that look plat e when she was out of the c ountry While she was on sabbatical in l.ondon .1 lew years ago she learned that lIT was going to prnduc e the play Anlinonr The director had written to tell her what he was looking lor and she immediately hit the museums looking for snore es of inspiration, she said Hut il was not in the museum that she found her inspiration for the main c harae ter; it was while strolling in Saint lames Hark looking at dm ks ''The dm ks were' .ill lilac k antarrigon and white, the same color .is the vases at the British museums she said I had this terrific idea for makeup for \nligtmr by looking at these dm ks so I spent a couple of hours there- skelc lung all the different feather patterns that they had After the resean h is done Cat s Meow Jazz ol dIues Corner Ja// & Blues, Records, CD's, Cassettes Cift Certificates! Spec iaI Orders Gladly? In the Fifthpcarl Shops FiItIi & PiarI • Euqi*i 686 8742 ' V. w Ihope \ these books . • get to who lost them Fall Hours Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. \ Friday 9 a.m. to 12:30 a.m. Saturday 12:00 to 12:30 a.m. Sunday 12 to 11:00 p.m. welcome Students Your Recreation Center will be open everyday all term. r \ LOCATED GROUND FLOOR IN THE EMU Bonds must design, select ma terials for and begin building these i ostumes It is during these stages that students who work with Bonds in her costume shop located in the basement of Villard Hall ( ome into the pit lure Bonds said it was not always easy to get students to work there was a safety problem Today, the costume shop is totally renovated and Bonds said she hopes this will inspire more students to become in volved in costume building Bonds takes great pride in her work, and this can clearlv he seen in the structure and quality of the costumes pro For me, the art of constructing is just as important as the art of design or the art of acting. You can take great pride in that process, it's a sculpture and you want to put it together beautifully. -Alexandra Bonds with her in the costume shop bcc.iusr ot the old sweatshop < onditions th.it used to exist "It was prettv hard to get people to i nilir and work in here before bei ause it was sui h a dungeon she explained III addition to being a miser able plat e, it also was not good toi education.il purposes and duced at the shop. "l or me. the art of construe t ing Is just as important as tilt art of design or tlit■ art of act ing." she stiitl "You ran take great pride in th.it process, it's a st nipt lire and you want to put it together beaut dulls I urn to Bonds, Page 11C N When all you do are haircuts you have to be good. We’re great! PRECISION HNRWORKS haircuts ) still f PR6CISIOM S HNRWORKSI Monday thru F nday 9 00 6 00 Saturday 9 00 5 00 29lh & Willamette (behind Round Table) 343 1182 a WELCOME TO EUGENE We Carry Quality • Patagonia • North Face • Royal Robbins • Woolrich • Sierra Designs • Vuarnet • Nike • Tiger • Reebok patagonia Remember to ask for your 10% Student Discount MCKENZIE O U T F I T TE R S 79 W. BROADWAY VALLEY RIVER CENTER Mon Sat 9 30 6 Sun 1 1 5 iReq Center HouiSi