Personality Profile Bonds content with off-stage work Arts a Peace Corps tor the soul/ designer says By Kelvin Wee Encore Editor Her name is Alexandra Bonds and though her work is imperative to the theater world, she is seldom greeted by roaring applause, asked for autographs or mobbed by fans For the past 10 years. Bonds has designed and built hundreds of costumes for dozens of pro duct ions in Eugene. Although all her work keeps her behind the scenes. Bonds said she would pre fer it to stay that way. "I don't clamor for audience applause," Bonds said "II I wanted that contact with an au dience, then I might have < hosen to ac t I'm a de signer because that's the artistic expression in theater that appeals to me Bonds received her undergraduate degree from Syracuse University and her graduate de gree from University of Denver She worked in Minnesota for five years and at the Guthrie Thea ter in Minneapolis for a year and a half, after which she moved to Oregon But Bonds isn't just an ordinary costume de signer or builder, as she may i laim so modestly She also is the director of the University S(.. Department's Theater Arts Area a proles sor of the art, the c hairwoman of the UniversiU Theater's Selection Committee and a world traveller The truth is Bonds's obligations keep her on the go from as early as sunrise until her final pro jeet is done each dav. which often i an continue past sunset "You would think that being a University professor or being in the theater, I have a lot ol flexibility," she said "But it s a nine to five job, and sometimes it's a nine to 1 1 job. depending on where we are in a production Within that time, she has to prepare for and teach two classes, attend far ult\ meetings, keep office hours, take care ol UT business, as well as research, design, purchase materials lor and build costumes for shows The whole artistic process lor Bonds begins at the- UT Selection Committee table when sug g e s t i n n s lor |> I.) v s arc re ueivnd "W fill' cUlt’ vvhill our pla\ s are going (o be .is inui li .is .1 \ t'.ir in .nl vaiui'." s li i* said ' T h f selei lion pro< ess is ,i i n m p I it a l a d 0 nf bei a li s e u e need lo b,d am e I he needs 01 the students with the ,n .ill able resmin es i n ter in s o I Alexandra Knuds I i me . ill o n e y mul labor "We also want to consider artiste esthete possibilities." she said "We like to think about an obligation we have to the campus ami the community at large in terms of presenting differ ('lit kinds ot theater, different kinds of works After several months of meeting the season is selected Hut that is not where it ends tor Bonds; it's only just begun. As a costume designer floods has to researi h the outfits for the pla\ selected, considering the period and setting of the play, plus other tailors important to developing that winning look As such, this leaves her constantly on the lookout for visual images that will inspire de signs for (osturnes she has to prodm e for the shows "I keep my eye out for tilings that ( an possi lily he an inspiration tor a design for a show even though I am not const iously working on the play she said "It's always looking always see mg The designer is always looking for those vis ual clues to put together " And lor Bonds, these inspirations can come Turn to Bonds, Page 28( BEFORE HITTING THE BOOKS GET A CUT WITH CLASS. N on don I hav e to cjo to tin- most expensive li.iirc litter in tow n to be <1 part ol ttie newest tall trends in hairstyles. At I’rec ision ( ids we spec i.d i/e in i littincj hail so you < an i mint on getting the look you want. 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