Summer Salel 20 * to 50 ; off summer styles natural fibre (lathing ■■Iran hats iuni liummixk'-. '’■! | i!f Aw nt**' ■ the l xt »•!“•••. «r *4 J Hfyfi 7 I ill*! * t’litli M.if*'•' ] >wriMrt»r$ fiH i ‘ )A FOLKWAYS IMPORTS CLOTHING JfWElRV & FOLK ART FROM AROUND TmC WORLD Safon /klm vaP\ k « .0° o°v V*> aO'A 6i»9 Eye Lash Tinting s10 Get your hair ready for fun in the sun. FREE Haircuts with Perms & Colors ($15 Value) Cjallery Salon 313 Oakway Center Annex 683-1943 I)isco\ or how honltlw and comfortable \ our foot i an lx* in original Birkonstix h footwear And discover the Iresh now hnik ot Birkonstix k xiiulah and slxx-s in exciting now colors and stylos j Biikensiock BIRKENSTOCK OF EUGENE 342-6107 5lh A Pearl Shops \liin-Sal ‘>-6; Sun 12-5 .Entertainment. hr /mi (irnnr. nitfhl manuurr lor I .nr Ihr Musil . displays his shirr s Cl) sr Ci linn I'huln hi Mar h \ U-n Music stores strive to satisfy Choice is what, not where, to buy By Kelvin Wet* I meralrl Entertainment Editor I'lir i hun t* is yours Kugene oilers tin* i hoosv music lover .1 v.tst uuinhei of options when il (dims to where she or he can go to purr.base that 1.1’ (II) or 1 assette. Lorated closest to the l'nivnr sil\ is Far e The Music HHO K ]Utii Ave Far i> The Musii stoi ks thousands of l.l’s (ID s ( assettes singles and more It 's open from 10 .1 in to (1 10 p in on weekdays and on Sat urdays until r> to p in On Sun days, it opens from noon to 4 ,10 pm \ lillli- further au.1 \ is House ol Records jr>H I 1 tth Ave I Ins store spot ializes in all types of music Irom jiiz/ to punk and alternative mush Irom oountrv to blues to i lassi ( al U lull1 most people think ot House ot Records as a resale music store, the idea is not true said Charlie Simpson, who works there "Ai lunllv. that's not true." lie said "We re about halt lieu and about half-used House of Records is open Mondays to Saturdays from 11 a in to t> p in . and on Sundays from noon to f> p iti Car Care with a Conscience German Car Specialists Audi • VW • Porsche • BMW • Mercedes Benz ig?*5 ^ »»h * t ugene 687-0040 OCR TEXT RECOGNITION, IMAGE SCANNING, GRAPHIC SERVICES AND FILE TRANSFERS FULL SERVICE TEXT AND GRAPHICS SUPPORT FOR MACINTOSH AND IBM PCS HIGH QUALITY. COST EFFECTIVE. FAST FRANKLIN PARK PLAZA #3 5120 FRANKLIN BLVD, EUGENE 747-4589 A little v\.ivs , 1 v\ ,i\ , m the Mu gent* Downtown Mall, is the Rer ord Carden M57 Wiliam ette St Record Carden spei ial i/es m rmisii from the l‘)2()s to the I'ttitts according to its ad \ eft isemeiits I he store stor ks Id’s, CDs. cassettes and also ini ported music "There's very little that we don't stm k." said store owner Mike Mi Adams "One thing sets us apart from other stores is our seler lion of ini ports and our spec ial order policy '' Mi Adams said her ause the store deals with many different agencies, special orders are usually filled within a week at Record Carden instead ol the six to eight weeks other stores take to fill such orders It is open seven days .1 week, from It) <1 in to ') p m Mon days to Saturdays, and noon to t> p in on Sunday s Lot ated in thit* Fifth Street Market is Halladeer Musii 2tt(i I I ittfi Ave . which is open from ft) a.ill. to t> p in. dailv This store slot ks ni!v\ ago folk pop international and children's musii in tin* form ol Id’s ( 'l)s or cassettes I11 nddi lion, it boasts a unique tape lis tening (eater lets custom ers "t ry fie lore you—fun-—flm t.ipes ( .<11 individual stores for more information about what they do and do not sto< k This is not meant to be .1 1 umpletc listing of all musii stores in tins area, tint a starting guide to the countless record and (!l) stores in the nearby \ 11 inity 860 E 1 5th saa ?89a THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve got your tan when you want it' SunShowrr on campus as nn • e« i ijt" Op»U«» by H»w4o I