Ayatollah Khomeini dies at 86 Local Muslims expect little to change in Iran From staff and wire reports The religious leader of Iran. Ayatollah Ruhol l.ili Khomeini, died Sunday onlv IJ days after lie underwent surgery tor bleeding in his digestive system, according to Iran's offi< i.d news agem \ I te was nt> ‘ The leader of the Islamic revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini, passed away at a Tehran Hospital " the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported Sunda\ IRNA said Khomeini s death "took place at ter .1 surgical operation to stop bleeding in Ins di gestive system on Tuesday. ~.t Mas Saturday Iranian officials hail said Khnmei nis health was deteriorating, and they urged the nation to pray for the country’s spiritual leader Iran’s stale-run radio and television, muni tored in Nicosia (Aprils, also had said Khomei ni’s condition was declining, but gave no de tails. both Iranian news sources carried a brief statement from Tehran th.it said. "At t p m on Saturday a complication arose in the imam's con dilion, which the doctors are trying to control We urge the nation to pray for the imam's health and hope that their prayers will be answered According to University international studies adjunct Professor Massoud Kheirabadi, a native of Iran, the ayatollah's death has been "expect ed'' by most Iranians "He was expel ted to die, as he has been very sii k tor about six months now. " Kheirabadi said Kheirabadi said he believes Iranian President Ali Khameni will be the next "strong man" in Iran. "There are some people who think the Muja huh. llettist underground fighters) based in Iraq will take oyer, he said "Hut 1 really do noi see much chance lor that.'' The new government may have more moder ate elements Kheirabadi said, but another revolu tion is very unlikely "If there is any change, it will come from Ayatollah Kuholl.ih Khomeini KMM - 1‘tH‘i within tin- present system lit* sun! Muslim Student Inion Diroctot khnled Alazzouni. .t native til Saudi Arabia, said the ayu tollall lias been a controversial leader wilt) only represented It) percent id the world's Muslim population "As a member of the other 'll) percent. I would hope it (Khomeini s death) would briny for Iranians more freedom, freedom of speet h and more demoi rat v " Alazzouni said Khomeini had been the absolute “guide ol Iran’s theocratic government since he overthrew Shall Mohammed Kt'/.a I’ahlavi and 2.AIM) years ol Iranian monarchy in February l'tru Get the word out with an ODE classified OPEN SUMMERS I • Shampoo • Haircut • Blowdry A|| For 0nl • Style EMU Ground Floor CAMPUS HA9K D8S9GW Men & Women $10 N€|US Call now lor an appointment! Walk ins Welcome1 484 0314 Oregon l)uil\ _ _ Emerald I* (► Ii4.\ hi|ritr Dirgun T *>#• * ' •• ; « r i >•• ili 1 • . 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