CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 ODE POLICY CLASSIFIED ADS CAN BE PLACED AT OOPirfw. ts * i Mu UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNT! M fcMu MAIN DESK PAYMfNT A Ad*An<. a ofllriS 4 I • J Ay'eOffUtnt <» wean etlat ••■* F or t) i’ >y . u 686 4343 *to*> by IK*' £i»‘e ,iM .utiherl o'litf .« ■ E MU RATES Thrac tint minimum chary* it i. 70 lor Iht first intar Won and l. 40 >Or cuniiculut intarWont /, ®ni8 p#r hn<s tof the Writ J4. And ant* u ' ,i:f • ir •*' ■>•*» ? •» I* 4 1 % >un *• in >u» hjryt 9 POINT 12 POINT ill BO/Un*) 18 POINT 24 POINT BOX BORDER SI SO DAY GREEK ART 11 SOrOAV display classified OPEN RATE Sfl SO/INCH F IRST DAY 16 40MNCM CONSECUTIVE DAYS DEADLINES L Nt ADS 1 PM the day baluie publication Display classified aos i pm i»o dayt baiora publication ERRORS Tin* 0».-c Daily t ' • annul I# fp'i'. 'tibia ior mom lh.. n# day s . »«?cl «*J»*rw*'ny won The ODE s ItAt>«><ly tor tyruyrai *>.cai on ■ < l mcorre .1 inter ' jO* or ^-vx\%iOn» "« Advart jmg puD •.had snail ha t-miad solely to the a'cailat'On ut Charge* concerning •*•41 p:M.O' » IP* Cv1 feMfCl-nfl the on 0< t *or* lot the laud ot th* advaMi*ei y*hich lessen me ..tiue ot mt Adver it i’ cel Euoit re lung from undaai intaMton uidn or hand*** eng will not ba compentaiad Please note nearly all induction* on ad form 6B»> 4 J41 belor* 1 pm ' If-i■ n»t da, . ,1.0 It is «»>'! ed.rMlm *•/ *, MJ'.ji.j >\ t• *♦ I / to CtU> . * *tJ *Of i% i > •’ p lays it >s SCn«?f1ulo<! lu RlfUNOS Will B( l iMHf D TO CRIOITS ONIV NO CASH RfFUNOS Tr«t» Qre«,, lm«?f»l«J i* '.«■ I.i, t* »m jM f'»*d4y Uur*»‘*J Iho ■»< , ff (Sr Jum-I !»,. i' ! 'tllii'.iljf liljIMItJ |t»«; Thtfk* **• the Classification* avcileb'e placing an ad with Ihe 001 tOl' lonely He Art* 106 PeiSOMjis I tO lost A O - »d t tr. Campus Bu'h'*» Boa"! t20 Typmg Sr'<" **s t JS Instruction ’ n f o* Sa V1 *• 136 Buy Of T*adi • j m.v ro* p. • 14*> CAfs 0 »(.»'•% Scootrf. i*aSCompoU?i4 t * ironies 160 Sound Sysla”** 166 Instrument* 1 *■ ) Rcsa i* C*tM* i 1 V 0,)ukN • 66 S*i f du»pm*« • ■ tytS T revel 200 « oe» A M )r *t ?06 WeeM* : .»•' • • *. • 2>i0 Opportunities 2t5 Help V*.4’ * : 220WOI* Study IV ' • • A, •> . ODf POLICY *‘i*$ 0©m« Conti v S <-COWoomttM!«-. - ' »*f>5 C^tisi C<»m a”% i L - - • ■ • •! Food L On”> .'Vi Health & F ••>*, ■■ «.* . •• Jf/i p’i FOR 1NVITA I IONS BROCHURES FLYERS P O - I 1 R s AND M o r i; LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS TOO I MU 086 66 1 1 Ki i u l< this |).t|MI 105 PERSONALS RYOKO We love you and we * ill miss you1 ■> <■ » <*? i- M he-1*- M.*f. A Bothiny MARY K, ■ . i«*. i .« • < T A masters ?9 ot it fs •*{'«* mode l .*% F UN **' •!•■ ilis ‘ * 11 .is lights mKnthM.f* my ol her roommate/houset*.!* Chns idle night talks (talking m our sleep) gmaahh 1 J.A.M. BIG DAY, AY? Quit procratinating and have some fun. Just couldn't put off that 3-0 any longer? Michele MIKE it was a virtual plethora of random rtSudi pseudo tyou know what) for the u; Waltons even though they d>dn t have the chest for tt Your Swift Data NINA How at ut d t'.% kruti 1 PHOEBI You a«e a goddess' LISA A-e you really a Dingieberry 1 TRACY Want a smoke? JENN How tong does it realty take you to get »e«»<ty ’ SSEUG OH W WF LOVi YOU PLANNED PARENTHOOD for Pap smears infection check birth control A counseling Days A evenings 344 94 ft PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Tasting BIRTHRIGHT M7 66*1 PROBLEMS? Telephone hotline for U of O students Spm to Bam every night ami at) day weekends Strictly confidential CRISIS CENTER 6*6 44ft* 105 PERSONALS EUGENE PREGNANCY HOTLINE •. -• ,n».Cam Y4S-0400 I Rtf PREGNANCY COUNSEL >NG HOLT INTf RNATIONAI CHILDREN S SFRVICES CALL SANDY 687 2202 (COLLECT) GRFEK5 T '-a, n th® ■ l*» ' * ■ j-. , WALLY INTI UNSHIP A Kf Y TO YOUR CAREER I md chi I ,o*jr IM#rn»bip options at an orientation Toddy *1 2 00 pm St *n»orwf by CPPS SHANNON B. IS 21 TODAY! Th® timing could b® b#tt®» but w® II mak© th® bait o! it' HAPPY BIRTHDAY! LOVE KAREN Stephanie N. will b® 22 on Jun® 10 Happy Bifthday1 Leva Dabbia Kim Debbt® STUDENT HEAL TH CENTER AIDS Information and Tatting Ratourcat Dif*r.!ory AIDS HOTLINE LOCAL 1 00 ‘ OOt <’ M- !.iy I ' day AIDS INf ORMATION CONElDf N TIAL TESTING b£ 7 4013 ANONYMOUS TESTING Whit*. Bird Clinic 14? b?‘ *. AIDS INFO • a -f '4. To th* (old) Photograph*' who doves a VW hug and HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIM!!! TREE Mam knoffiges Barchan nr • sunshine I J n( yOU rTiiKfty Jack WAN! TO Cl.ARIFY YOUR CARE t H Dim i TION ' Attend art orientation to CAREER ASSESSMENT PROGRAM Today at 2 00pm Room 2.17 Hendru.fcs Hall Sponsored t)y CPPS i We .it the Cultural Forum .1 d Student Activities Resource Office are eitremety concerned by the rise m hate crimes in our . <immunity ; Death threats against gay people I assaults and rape of woman ; harassment of people of color and ; ! may other incidents have all taken 1 plate on our campus this year We I believe it is time for everyone who is i concerned to etpress then < ondamnation of all hate crimes m no unclear terms ! By making this statement the ; Cultural Forum and SARO hopes at j teas! to break the silence and begm j to focus attention on the need to seriously address the growing problems of hate based attacks as well as of com pi ar ency and i omplicity silence on the part of the community Once the silence is broken perhaps effective steps c an t>e taken to better educate ourselves about the wealth of diversity that i characterizes the best in our I community ‘ The Cultural Forum hopes to i continue to play a vital role in this 1 process by presenting events repre ( sentat'ves of this rich diversity no LOST A FOUND - FOUND ‘ ■ •» U»f Friday V26 Call to identity 4K«> 4319 LOST Gold '->-•{ i’rt'trtg \"«0 vary •ten! tmentai It Found p te*S«* call Jnnet Pm 4Hf> 9736 f 686 *» 28 7 ms CAMPUS BULLETIN'BOARD RETURNING STUDENTS Don’t Sell Your Books Yet! STUDENT-RUN BOOK SALE Wouldn’t it be great to set your own prices on your textbook buybacks? Now you can. The New man Center on campus is sponsoring a student booksale next fall 1989, during Registration week. You tell us the price you want for your books, and we sell them, minus a 3% charge. No catch. For more information call 343 2674. leave message and we'll return your call. 120 TYPING SERVICES WordStyles A Typ«Script* Dissertations. Papers Resumes Etc Advise.f dit Input Convert and or Pont Out START TO FINISH or any where in between A< , r • ' VOUR >»M Compel t Cindy 464 5454 Brandy 484 8044 I ASTYPE WORD PROCESSING . ed.t.ny 5 10 pages m an hour 0«s»er • ' WEST WIND WORDSMITHING Eipert editing Reasonable IBM Laser prtnt Shelby *44 5389 - SO wnitn i *i<c >< ’«•:?-*?> x nci 34:ir o«ar>«* ' yetrm «>f tware Convera 1 or .■ APPlt CP M IBM MACINTOSH UAiiNH PH I NTINC 132 E Broadway Suite 102 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Word Processing 1553 OAK ST 344 3064 TYPING ON DEMAND Quality l ow Prices 68/0655 TYPING / EDITING Fast. Professional Reasonable Close to campus 34 5 8283 SUSAN S WORD PROCESSING IBM compatible letter quality printer Reasonable rates convenient location near university 3436659 l ASER WORD PROCESSING 18 years experience Editing IBM Grad school approved Near ampus Robin 344 0759 TYPING UNLIMITED iBM Compai-pie-Grad Sc*1:o Appr >«d Barbara L and 485 089C BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING 492 E 13th No 101 i?0 TYPING SERVICES JO. THE TYPING PRO Qua ■!y <HM A' -cl pfCK as*. "U Call 6834066 WORD PROCESSING lettei quality printer. aiperl editing Call Rosalind a1 M7 2393 no FOR SALE BUY * SELL • TRADE Stereo & PA Equ'p VCR v TV’s STEREO WORKSHOP 1621 £ 19th 344 3212_ EMERSON 0 6 < u ft rube microwave wh.te *96 13 color TV *95 687 2269 POT’ ERY KICK WHEEL S Call 726 4834 6 9pm Super Single Waterbed Complete with pedestal headboard mattress line?, and heater Must sell Used only 6 mo S1'* .hn 345-2486._ Twin bed mattress and bo* spring di nette set studio couch, end tables blue metal chair hollow door desH top bookshelves bed chair electric fan TV frays <4. railin' trays (8) shower u'tam mist, glassware 344 7017 APPLE FEST SALE ‘89 Back from Boston with STORE WIDE SPECIALS Software 40 80* r off retail Educational A games d<%k VA ds dd 40 each colors 50 TV* ds dd I’ 30 paper *23Jbox 2600 Ail nbbons S1 off Panasonic Printers 1180 *219 1191 *269 1124 *369 For all your computing needs j Sale Ends June 10 Learning Downtown 61 W 8th Ave Ml 10 6. Sat 10 5 683 3827 TIS THE SEASON! * GRADUATION * * FATHER’S DAY * • GOOD LUCK 1 GOOD BYE * •WEDDINGS'NEW BABIES' • ANNIVERSARIES * * RETIREMENT * TAKE A STEP BEYOND THE ORDINARY TO JABBERWOCKY 1306 Milyard Street Phone Eugene Oregon 97401 (503) 484 0530 Mon Set 9 30 6 Sun 12 5 135 BUY OR TRADE I WILL BUY YOUR in case of ram Graduation tickets Can John at 345 305 7 after 10pm if interested ~ MEN WANTED CASH paid for your unwanted clothing No appointment needed SECOND THOUGHTS 77 W 11th QM601_ Wanted FpU sue Futon K/ot Frame ' an Kirn 344 tt»74 WANTED 23 or 54 to 56 cm bike also need IBM clone <* hard drive Tom 343 i778 M5 CftRS-CYCLES-SCOOTERS Cheap!! '85 Elite 80, $390 only, call 343-7913. DIRT '’HEAP Aero 00 battery, helmet Musi son S SO• GREAT BUY 80 4 door Volkswagon deluxe diesei 61.000 miles 43 MPG $1600 C « 485 598? or 344 1583 MUST SELL 86 lynx G S all extras 34.000 miles diesoi 34 MPG Bargain at $2,900 Can .344 1583 O' 485 5982^ HONDA ELITE 80 Red Wiin FREE BIEFFE HELMET' ONLY $400 OBO Call Mo at MS-43S3__ HONDA SPREE for sale Good condition Only $250' Call Susan at 686 6079 RED ELITE 80 1986 Good $650 Call Whitney 344 8334 leave message 1985 HONDA elite 150 one a • good condition, $495 OBO 343 666 7 Doug or leave message 71 VW Delivery Van miles on ro built engine LOTS of re i ont work Great hauler, camper trav eler $1875 683 11407d ays 346 5698/eves & weekends 86 RX7 Fully" loaded, while. 44000 ■ $ mint I., $1 87 Honda 60 Elite $400 OBO Incl helmet 345 1 832 iso BICYCLES BIANCHI STELVIO Excellent condition, $250 343-7384 Steve S 155 COMPUTERS-ELECTRONICS MUST SELL! IBM PC 578K RAM 2 floppy drives EGA color monitor Panasonic 1092 NLQ printer, many ex tras $900 OBO Call Bryan 344 9728 STAR NX 10 N llity parallel interface, for sale $75 Call 344 1772 170 RESALE CLOTHING Eclectic Clothing Gift item* Turk*-.' Kilims & Carpets We consign design ’ l a* Dee Dah 4b6 Willamette Think Comfortable thoughts, Summer clothes from Bing Chetry Palace Bing Cherry Palace 62 W 13th We Pay More Gentlemen’s Encore Pay TOP dollar for Men's and Women's clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 TRY THE BEST 175 BOOKS OVER 300.000 BOOKS IN STOCK All Selling 36 50%ott list pn< ** *Te*tt>ooks *CliM Notes Magazines USED BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD Smith Family Bookstore H5 TRAVEL STATE OF THE ART TRAVEL Where YOUR BEST DEAL is our best business We can handle ALL travel needs PAY TOP III CASH' for Denied Boarding Compensation BUMPS vouchers, coupons FREQUENT FLYER AWARDS and _morel 685-8166 BEEN BUMPED7 MERIT ONE Turn those airline compensation vouchers into cash Call Debbie ADVENTURE IN TRAVEL 464 0600 One way from Port to Anchorage 1245 leave SJ to Male call Saaaki 46S 9261 FLY ONE WAY f ugffW to San San Diego June 10 ST 19 344*1662 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU mi, CAMP&s, mrRB FINALLY 0U1, ANPART tMLY HOT! I'M SPtAUNS. I of amuse, of me UNbPtAKA&lY VOYBUR : IST1C DlARieS OF ANVY ' l UJARMOL1 FORGET ABOUT B6JN6 FAMOUS FOR. FIFTEEN MINUTES, 6AN61 TUB LATEST CLAIM TO FAME IS FIFTEEN WORDS IN THE WARHOL 9!ARIES' I- I- I •* r I I ^ oecounse. this IS A KIND Of FAME. A LOT OF US ARB OftffTBHJL TO Be WITHOUT' \ y "PCC-1,19db LIZA JOLP ME OT HAL STON'S THAT SHE ANP BOORS!E ARB SHARING Baryshnikov:' . i _ Pressure? Homework Overload7 •Lower Stress •Increase Energy \iJtunlitii. Stlfi'hl Stress Calm Formula h \\ .1 l >11 It.. | > ,U I, I I