Sports Wheelchair mile record shattered at Classic By Ashley Conklin and lack Millikin Emerald Sports Reporters The 1989 Prefontaino Classii was built up by the his names Mac Wilkins, former Olyin pic champion and world re cord-holder in the discus: Mary Slaney, current American re cord holder in everything from the 1,500 to the 10,000; top women's quartermiler Diane Dixon ami Mute h Reynolds. tin' current world record-holder in the 40U. were all marquee names for the Mavward Kield event All were si rati hed from com petition As it turned out. the higKesl cheers were reserved tor Drain Blanchette, who broke the world record in the wheeh hair mill- !>\ mor»* than eight sec omis ami aroused the a.HtiO In attendanc e with an outpouring of enthusiasm during his victn r\ lap hette added the mile record to Ins other two world marks in the UK and lfik races "I wanted to break four min utns. hut didn't plan a world rec ord," tire 21 \ ear old Springfield resident said "I was holding h.u k ill lirsl. hop ing thul the n'st of the pack, would pi< k up the At the 81)0 mark, I loll I Ii.kI to leave them t.vun Williams, the Canadian record holder in thi* i. Mill and .1.000 meters rail awav from a star studded liidd in I hi* l.ii(ll) meters lo u in in 8 l ’ ‘IJ. the fastest time in the world this \ oar Norway's Ingrid Kristiansen, llic world record holder in the 0000 meters. 10,0(H) meters .md iiiiiriithoil ret eived most ol the attention coming in. hut finished second m M r>!) 20 Former Oregon star Annette 1 Find was third in !);00 t> t "To he honest it didn't both er me I didn't get a lot ol attention coming in." Williams Turn to < lassie, Page lb Photo to Mark V Irn The legendary Ingrid Kristiansen of Norway (!) led Canada's Lynn Williams (73} in the wom en's 3.000. hut Williams t aught anti passed Kristiansen to win in 0:47.93. NOW YOG CAN TAKE OREGON HOME WITH YOG! The Oregon Coast— an Adventure Awaits (60 minutes) 1 xplore the beauty of the Oregon Const on this delightful aw aid winning video tourney Tour many scenic, historic and entertaining sites from Astoria to Brookirnis This unique video is .1 momento to be enjoyed time anti time again, and a sour* ** of mfoimotion for those planning to enjov the adven lures of the Oregon (‘oast Oregon—State of Wonder • <60 minutes) I his ti ip thiouqh the state takes you to the majestic W allow as the fossil bet Is and lava fields of eastern Oregon Silver f alls State Park the (‘t >lurnbia (jotqr. the Oregon < aves, C rater l ake and of course, the in< redible Oregon (Oast Visit Ashland and peek in on the Shakespearean f estival Get a taste of the old west at the Pen dleton Round (Ip rodeo, and wat< h the t olorful Rose \ estival Pa rade I hese informative and entertaining programs will < apt n ate the visitor and native alike Both are <. omplelHy narrated and muse al ly s< oied Satisfa« tion is guaranteed Send your < fret k for $29 9b lor one. or $54 95 (or both quality programs Add $ ^ ‘>0 f<»r hair dling and postage Visa and Mastercharge accepted Mail to: 1 80 Waite Street • fugene, Or 97402, or Call: (503) 461 0423 W.I >.V .‘-0 \ '/.vCS/.V, *'/■ ’/• V «*>'fs It took Galileo 16 years to master the universe. You have one night. It seems unfair. The genius had all that time. While you have a few short hours to learn your sun spots from your satellites before the dreaded astronomy exam. On the other hand, Vivarin gives you the definite advantage. It helps keep you awake and mentally alert for hours. Safely and conveniently. So even when the subject matter's dull, your mind will stay razor sharp If Galileo had used Vivarin, maybe he could have mastered the solar sy^em taer «x>. Revive with VIVARIN! * NfrMUpft <4 luArr C Vntutt ‘.m t<*OI