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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1989)
"25 Years of Quality Service” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 2025 Franklin Bl»d Eugene, Oregon 97403 ,0 PASTA HOUSI A RISTAUHANT Fellini’s Pasta House Restaurant Beer and Wine Available PIZZA SPECIAL Large 16 in. 4 topping $A OK offer ends ~ W June 14, 1989 ^0 ■ M (save $3.75) Open 11-9 192 W. 11th Ave. Mon * Sat. corner of 11th A Chsrnslton wti 485-2409 TIME FOR A RESUME. U< know ii sjIhim cum fur mhi him (uu'MkjIc mm lu rcfU i i hut it s also him to look totin tuturi Kmkos i .in Ih Ip \<mi prepare for tour future Wi luu juhk rart^e of njh i i.ilt \ |Xi|x r> ami in.tli tiin^ iiiuIojx n to ^»i\t \our result h tiu look it ill si r\i s ( oitH'In uikI si i i ts imlat IIkti s no turn'like tin present kinko's Great copies. Creat people Bring in ad and receive: s2.00 OFF A Resume offer expires June 15. 1989 Open 24 Hours 860 E. 13th 344-7894 •a n Slocum Lab has three-fold goal Extends programs to community By Chris Chan Emerald Contributor The Slocum Lab, located in Ksslinger gym, has a three fold mission The lab provides learning op portunities for students in the fitness management, exercise physiology and athletic train ing programs, research oppor tunities for faculty and gradu ate students, and offers com munity service programs to the campus population and the community. The lab. initiated in 1983. is operated by the Qdlege of Hu man Development and Perfor mance's physical education and human movement studies department, where it receives much of its funding In addition, the lab receives generous contributions, one in thi* form of an equipment loan from the Hovverman Founda tion. One of the community ser vice programs offered by the lab is the Community Health Improvement Program (CHIP), which functions in cooperation with Sacred Heart Hospital and serves a number of faculty and community members. The program's primary goal is to increase participant's awareness and knowledge of health and fitness by adminis tering initial fitness evaluation, individual consultations, bi weekly supervised exercise pe riods. blood pressure monitor ing and health education class es. "CHIP has given me the op portunity to involve myself in some physical activity on cam pus." said Margo Ramsing, in ternational services foreign stu dent adviser who is an active participant in the program "The program is excellent, and the instructors are aware of working with people between the ages of 40-70. "The sessions have a lot of variety in terms of ways to keep fit. such as aerobic sessions, stretching, jogging or walks and a 15 minute seminar every week on nutrition, or anything related to health care is also of fered." Ramsing said Additional services provided by the lab are hydrostatic weighing, underwater weigh ing to determine one's percent age body fat. graded exercise, only offered to clinical clients and participants of <’IIIP. and a collaborative study with the Or egon Research Institute looking at self-care in Type II Diabetes. "Our future goal is to pro vide services to the community and the catnpus population in line w-ith the three fold mis sion." said )anice Lettunich, director of the Slocum sports medicine lab. At present, the lab is in volved in a project for metabol ic study with McKenzie Wil lamette Hospital. The study is designed to de termine the resting metabolic rate of clients involved in weight control programs for about a year. Other projects include the New Weigh Plan, which is an exercise component for the weight control programs with the Eugene Clinic and the Adult Exercise Program, a re search project funded by the National institute of Aging di r»K;ted by Dr. Edward McAuley. physical education and human movement studies department assistant professor. McAuley's program illus trates how the lab can fulfill the three fold mission. "The project itself provides research opportunity for both faculty and graduate students and serves a dual purpose." Lettunich said. " For not only does the project provide a much needed community ser vice, potentially enhancing the health of about a hundred com munity members, it has also provided student education for the fifteen students who have assisted in the project.” Lettunich. assisted by Kathy Ober. CHIP assistant director, is a certified preven tive/rehabilitation exercise spe cialist certified by the Ameri can College of Sports Medicine. In addition, she was a former technician at the Oregon Heart Center at Sacred Heart, and as an intern she worked at the car We ship your stuff home! S' 1 to 1000 pounds, computers, stereos. TV’s S' Insured, custom packing S' Baxes for sale S' UPS. Emery. Motor Freight 440 Chamelton, Eugene • 344-3106 (around back of building) diac-rehabilitation canter at a community hospital in Carmel, Calif Ober is a certified family nurse practitioner with experi ence from the University of Chicago and Mercy Hospitals Her responsibilities include the marketing of the CHIP program and assistance in its teaching program, exorcise sessions and health lectures. Under the supervision and administration of Idtttunich and Ober. the Slocum l^ab is hoping to receive greater recognition for its projects, services and programs. Library hours to lengthen The University Library will extend its hours of operation lo 2 a.m. dur ing Dead and Finals weeks. Hours of service will be extended in the knight. Architecture and Allied Arts and Science libraries from today until Wednesday. June 7. Circulation service, study space and access to the collections will be available, but no refer ence service will be pro vided after early evening hours, said George Ship man. University librarian. Shipman said the Uni versity administration has provided the funding for these extended hours in response to the heavy use of the libraries during comparable periods in previous academic terms. For more information, call the University Li brary's Office of the Li brarian at 686-3056. \>"s Second Hand Clothing J 1 MAKE MONEY WE BUY. TRADE & CONSIGN i quality, clothing (new to 2 yrs old) , Remember us when ’ cleaning out your closets. Or just i come browse through our unique shop. ' C*tl Mornings lot Appt 344-7039 SAVE MONEY 10-6 Mon.-Sat. 360 E. 11th between Mil! Ait High