Letters Disenfranchised This is in response to the let ter from Bryce Ryan (OI)E. May 1<)) c laiming that justified van dalism is legal vandalism. First, vou berate the ODE for not signing their editorials What connection is there lie tween spray painting a side walk or a wall on private prop erty and ink in a newspaper? Second, not unlike jeans dav that did more damage than good for gay rights, graffiti as a public medium is still a crime Would it make equivalent sense for someone to spray paint im portant views on your home, if the reason was justified and no other option was available for the so-called artist? A better brand of vandalism? I know, how about. in some special cases, and only if the cause is a good one mind vou. legal shoplifting or even better tenable sexual harassment All right, enough sarcasm Agreed, the number of homophobic atti tudes and discrimination of any and all minorities on this cam pus is frightening. And 1 do support the rights of the disen franchised. but to get off your back and out of your face in light of the double standard is absurd Christopher Doughun Philosophy Key role In response to Mike Swan son's letter (ODE. May 18): sBIIIIBIIIIB!lliailliailliailllBIIIIBIIIIBIII«|j I SPRINGFIELD I | SCIENTIFIC i I SUPPLY I 1 I | Hours: f | Mon-Fri 10-8 | | Sat 10-6 J | 1 ■ 726-9176 ■ | 1124 Main St. § 2 Springfield ^ tflllBIIIIBIIIIBIIliailliailllBIIIIBIIIIBIIIIBIlllii I Diversity athletu s does a great deal to better the Timor sity as a whole and that in turn is a benefit to ear h individual student For some students athletu s are their only resource for get ting through the rigors of school These resources range from financial help for the ath letes to their maintaining their mental health by taking them away from the numerous hours of study Maybe you don't see a direct benefit to Mike Swanson, but these athletes and their ath letii a< tivities add to the getter al diversity .it the University Furthermore, athletu events allow for a sociological la< tor known as a safety valve A safe tv valve can lie explained as a time set aside in order to re lease, or "vent," deviance University students can release many of their aggressions and frustrations bv simply attend mg a sporting event and veiling support for the team This vent ing could, if not for athletics, o< i ur in forms such as slander ing individuals, vandalism, fighting, etc So you see Mr. Swanson, alh letics play a key role in the University and need all the support they can get And it you can't see this, that is unfor tunate for you. Jim U Martin Student MOVING OVERSEAS TO STUDY ? or RETURNING HOME? or SENDING GIFTS TO FRIENDS? I,et Airport Brokers save you on the transportation cost. We offer air and ocean rates on overseas shipments. Before you ship eall us for a rate! AIRPORT BROKERS CORPORATION (503) 249-0031 Looking for a good deaP ^ Chech the Emerald ADS __ ()regon Daily _ - Emerald P.O But .»!». tugrnr. Orrgun 1 he Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday except during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the University of Oregon Eugene. Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is pros ecutable by law Managing Editor Editorial Co Editor Sports Editor Graphic Artist Entertainment Editor Editor Aaron Knox Kolvin Wee Paula Green Gary Henley Jarrett Jester Frank Byers News Editor Editorial Co Editor Photo Editor Supplements Editor Night Editor Carolyn Lam Person Thomas Prowell James Marks Darla Jackson F rank Byers Associate Editors Community Betsy Clayton Student Government/Activities Frale 1e Gu/n i Higher Education/Admimstration Mic hat?! Drummond Politics Don Peter-. Reporters Christopher Blair Brian Bloch. Chris Bouneff Polly Campbv D«m •> Clifton, Ashley Conklin Greg Hough Jack Milflkin Brad Robert sc Mon W*i'ker Photographers Bill Haines Mark Ylen Advertising Sales Maureen Bernadeiii Ten B .ring Matt 1 ■■. • K»: , MaUmey. Scott McAvoy Tracy McCullough Amy Mittlest aedt M*- a N* -n V ki Reed Elise Sharon Kathy Smith. Scott Thorkiidson Production Amy Barth Alice Cannon Jed Clark J>m Finch. Yvette Gill, l i Haggerty Jennifer Huey, Stephanie LaHaie Scott Maben Wendy Morns Angie Muniz. Janet Schober Ted Shepler. Scott Smith Jennifer Via • Ingnj White K»-: ly Williams Mark Ylen General Staff Advertising Director Susan Theien Assistant to the Publisher Jean Ownt - , Production Manager Michete Ross Advertising Coordinator Sa tra D.r «>' Classified Sales Colynn M Math Accounts Receivable, Circulation Newsroom 686 6511 Classified Advertising 686 4343 Display Advertising 686 3712 Production, Graphic Services 686 4381 A joke As the co-authors of "Tingle f-on r," «r fi*«*I obligated to dear up the i onfusion caused bv our statements in I fit' artii le " 'Tingle Force’ tickles dormi tory funny bone" (01)1 Stas ID) As pointed out by John Sow ell in the letter "Old math" (OI)K, Slav 19) we did only make Si t>J in profits There seems to be a problem with our statement tn.it «i' nought .1 ti vision set with lhi*. revenue. I ht* truth is, we \V«* hulli believe uurst’Ivt'S In Im'l.urlv huuumnis follows .iml ivluui we were interviewed fur the story we tended to give flip pant responses to must ot Kmer aid Contributor Karen Kegels’ questions We explained how we sold the book for six cents over pro dilution cost and then told her we bought a television w ith the prolits Non see we were inek mg ,i joke \nybody in college should lie able to see that we i mild not possibly have made enough money to buy a televi sion Therein lies the humor This should i leal tip any i (infusion your readers ma\ have had. and should also serve as a reminder that we i an t always believe what we rend \1 it had \ t- none \ 1 u liael I. Kussell I reshmen Happy Hour All Night Long On Tuesday nights. Original joe's offers With the Original hx-s Discount 0 your driver s license and closing you can enjoy favorite beverages, as well as tudents a bit of happiness Card. To get one, just present Indent 1 D I hen from 7 p m until happy hour prices on vour discounts on appetizers We also include chips, salsa and bean dip M free Come to Original lot'son Tuesdays We re celebrating all night Original Joe s • 21 West bth Street • Hugene • Across from the Hilton Put time on vour side with a Macintosh personal computer. No more all night rewrite sessions. No more searching through unorganized notes. No more waiting in line at the computer lab Save time tor other things like more sleep Time is mnnmu out \ isit us toda\ Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Coi.'outing Center Monday-Friday 2am 5pm 686-4402 Special pricing available only to eligible students faculty and '.tuff of the University of Oregon ThcpowiTtobevourlx'si. m