Board votes to reaffirm food court By Brian Bloch Emerald Reporter New and current KMIJ Board of Directors members on Thursday reaffirmed the hoard's pre vious decision to support the construction of a food court in the EMU Skylight Refer torv _EMU Board_ After an extensive debate over whether to confirm the decision or withdraw the board's re quest for proposal (RFP) asking potential contrai tors to bid on placement of a food consortium in the Skylight, the board reaffirmed the dec ision In a ‘)-2 vote. Faculty board members )im Peters and C.reg l.obisser. who voted against the reaffirmation, ar gued that new hoard members needed to tx* more informed about the previous de< ision process concerning the Skylight, and that the new hoard needed to re-evaluate that process before confirm ing the decision. They contended the original idea of plat ing a fast food restaurant in the Skylight was worth re consideration based on potential economic bene fits and discrepancies in market researt h con ducted last year "It's clear that the requirements of the set ond RFP would not allow for the income a last food operation would provide." lobisser said "I certainly would hope you would vote not to real firm this RFP simply because you don't have enough information ' "I'm very concerned about being stampeded into making a decision." Peters said "We need to determine which options the students really want ... which hasn't been done " Other board members argued that the devel opment of the second RFP calling for the consor tium-style rest auranl had been a long. open pro c ess where main student views were Militated "This whole process has lieen very inclusive, very open and we've tried to gather a large ton senses." said board member Doug I’vle It's very clear what students want up there |is| having a food-court type of operation Adell Mi Millan. KMU director, said the I 'm versity and the State Department of Ceneral Ser vices are lining sued for bidding costs and loss of potential income b\ Thomason Restaurants Coral legedly inappropriately denying a bid Irom Carl's |r earlier this year The Itoard rejet ted the Carl s Jr bid in favor of establishing the food court in the KMW "Kvervthing will be considered from reai h ing a settlement to taking it to court." Mi Millan said "There is a possibility that the court might reimburse them for their bidding costs." In other business, tile board unanimously elected Programs Representative Mar*, korolofl as summer chairwoman The board also passed a motion to send three proposals for KMC renovations to the Cniversity Planning Office Act ording to Mi Millan the pro posals must lie approved by tlie Cniversity ad ministration and the governor and then svould lie placed on the state's capital construction list to be voted on by the Legislature sometime in the future The first renovation proposal calls for expan sum of University i iiihi i are fat ilities and renova lion and i orislrur tmn of off-campus family hous ing in Westmoreland and other areas The remaining proposals are tor renovation of the recreation i enter on the I Ml gmund floor and an addition to the north end of the building including the Century Rooms. I ir Room and ( raft (tenter I ■ ( I z o a 3 o 0 1 I I I OPEN MEMORIAL DAY! PI Z Z A SERVING DELICIOUS NEW YORK PIZZA 7 DAYS A WEEK By the sllce-or by the whole pizza P hrvi/'n f rr\r1 /■* r i • r ♦ /-» w3- w ~ ^ K ~ ^ Come down or call up Sy’s and order these great specials. 1 FREE SODA pms 10$ OFF ANY SLICE OR 1 .00 OFF s2.00 OFF ANY SMALL PIZZA ANY LARGE OR MEDIUM PIZZA pajs 2 FREE LARGE DRINKS ay s mew iui* rwca i hiobi um dod soso 11:30Midniqht Mon. Sat. 3:30-Midnight Sun. coupon good through 5/30/89 ■■■■■■Ml 'copies' TH£ COPy SHOP 539 E. 13th 485-6253 Attend RIGOS CPA Review 70.4% PasS Rate IlMKr I INF Instruction for the Nou-mbcr IlfW ( l’\ K\am < Hu 4.H cI.ihn is ollcrvtl in I*m1luix1 tx'^umiu^ JuiX’ I 11* *♦ \ vs* »\\i Mill \ I |U\ HU i .K VMM 11) I t*r fun tv r Mit«>muiit*n \ .ill i5IMi :s\ "\SS Bubba’s Place . >na£rv«i l r\ ()tir ()\\ n Homemade FRKNCH 1 RIFS Ineredihi\ I?iH:iskcI 1U HH \’S IM \( I 1 24d AID I U 344-1 ‘>(>0 Nti:i) A Posri K Maim .’ ( .ill 1 cticr IVrlo i ( n.11 Iik . THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON "Rejected again, huh, Murray? Have you heard about this new breath-freshening toothpaste?'" EUGENE’S ONE AND ONLY! *■ AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE BE SURE TO ASK FOR IT! In 12 oz. Six Packs or Draft.