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Non paying positions otters upper division credits through on-campus internship program Pick Up Application At Athletic department in Mac Court Deadline for Application is Friday June 2 _University Temporary plant director chosen By Christopher Blair Emerald Reporter The University has hired an interim Physical Plant director to fill in for retiring Director Harold Babcock, who will leave the post in early June Buford “Buff" Roac h, former vice president for Chevron Oil of Europe. Inc . began his du ties at the plant Monday The two will share director duties as Babcor k ties up loose ends in the Job he has held for 1H years. Roach, (iti. was hired as inter ini direr tor by Dan Williams. University vice president for administration. Williams said he recruited Roach for the job. having become acquainted with him when the two worked on the preliminary studies of the proposed Riverfront Research Park Roach spent his freshman year at the University before transferring to and graduating from Oregon State University in 1948 with a degree in electri cal engineering He went on to a 35-year ca Car Care with a Conscience Audi BMW Porsche Volkswagen Alfa Pomeo Mercedes Benz /4ntnnia German Car Specialists 687-0040 1975 W. 7th • iugene ri-iT with i.nevron. penorming operational ami management assignments in California. Mis sissippi and Brussels, Belgium before retiring in 198.1 Roach is active In the Eugene junior Symphony Association, the Eugene Arts Foundation, the Fairmount Neighborhood Association, and the Kiwanis Club He served on the River front Research Park project from 1986 to 1987 as an assis tant, coordinating staff and do ing preliminary planning for private building projects. "I have a great deal of re spect for him. personally and professionally. Williams said. "He has a wealth of first-rate experience as an executive and has a great ileal of technical ex perience." Roach said it will be business as usual this summer until the University finds someone to fill the position permanently. "My primary responsibility at this point is to understand what's here and how it works, and maintain continuity until a new director is found." Roach said. As Roach performs his duties this summer. Williams said the University will be conducting a n.inun.ii sean.ii iui a nev\ rnys ical Plant director Invitations for a search committee have been sent out. Williams said he will head the committee, which will have “about a dozen" members. Williams said the University advertised nationally and re reived more than 100 appli cants from around the country The search committee will be gin reviewing the applications in early June Williams announced the tem porary filling of the post to Physical Plant employees in a May 18 memo to Physical Plant employees, which also an nounced that an outside man agement consultant will exam ine the plant's organizations and operating methods in early )une. The study follows an internal review in March about possible improprieties at the Physical Plant Babcock announced his retirement in March after Wil liams disclosed Babcock had been cleared of the impropriety charges; however, Williams said some indications of ques tionable management decisions had been found. 1989-90 student senators elect officers at meeting The 1989-90 Student Senate elected officers at its first meet ing Thursday night _Student Senate Tiffany Weed, a junior psy chology major, was chosen as chairwoman. Her primary con terns tis a senator, she said, are lobbying for longer library hours and for increased campus safety. In her written statement to the senate. Weed also said her goals for next year include standardizing course evalua tions and establishing a perma nent student position on the In stitutional Animal Care and Use Committee. The only contested election of the evening was for vice chairman, won by Mike l.ee A junior finance major, l.ee also voiced his concern for longer library hours. Tiffany Davidson, a junior rhetoric and communication major, was elected executive secretary; Dalene Lovie, a ju nior English major, was elected grievance information director The public relations position will be filled by Kim Cooper, a freshman journalism rhetoric and communication major, and Chris Simons, a junior biology major, is the new Committee on Committees assistant. US WEST COMMUNICATIONS @ DO YOU NEED YOUR TELEPHONE SERVICE DISCONNECTED? 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