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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1989)
THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve got your tan when you want it' SunShower on campus NtJUI'IMi ' >•»' U»*«—» >T ■■*»• « * tMJNOCRIAND * SMtl TOM PAH Tit S AMO BIPTMOATS ALL. GAMf S WOP* WITH MICKELS 5#VI010 L_ GAMES ADMISSION M 40 SIN STMiT PVBUC MMKT JV IMiN • MJ-S4A4 TT MONDAYS THROUGH FRIDAYS Luncheon Specials Dim Sum Special J CQ Steamed Rice w/Curry Chicken cado cado 2.50 3.50 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT 879 E. 13th 343-2832 |>M, \K< II \lOl (X.N Nils M MM I K Karn 12 hours of academic credit and get a deep, rich tan in Anthropology 4080, Fieldwork, at the University of Oregon Archaeological Field school in the Fort Rock Valley, south-central Oregon. (lain experience in archaeological survey, excavation, field laboratory. Dates: June 18-August 10. luition: $613 undergraduate, $553 graduate. Non-refundable en rollment deposit $50. Bunkhouse, groceries, trans portation free. Three $200 scholarships available based on academic excellence/need. Pick up flyer and application at Anthropology Department Office, 308 Condon Hall. No fixed prerequisites. Class limit 15. Apply now! Studio 340 noeooooooooocoooooooocooooooooocooooooooooco* If ATTENTION GRADUATING STUDENTS Viking Insurance Company. A member of the Xerox Fi nancial Services Companies, extends congratulations to you for achieving this significant milestone. If you are now looking for a career where you can use your Business, Finance, Economics, or Liberal Arts Degree, we encourage you to consider a position with Viking Insurance. We are recruiting for Claim Representative Trainees for our Salem office We offer a 6-9 month training pro gram which includes industry courses, classes, and on-the-|Ob claim experience This position is designed to train you for a Claim Representative position. We are a Regional office serving the Northwest. We write Personal Auto and Motorcycle insurance We have experienced significant growth over the last sev eral years and are adding to our staff If you are seeking a challenging career; where you use investigative skills, are good with detail, and follow through, we encourage you to apply We provide a competitive salary and Flexible Benefit program Send Resume To: Viking Insurance Company, P.O. Box 7375 Salem, Oregon 97303. ATTN: Human Resources. >COCOOOOOOOCC«»OCOC«06«>5COO Snorts NCAA track hopefuls have last chance in Kelly Open By lack Millikin Emerald Sports Reporter For thi* record, call it the Dan Kelly Open Even if it is the last chance for Oregon athletes to qualify for the NCAA meet Nlav 31 June 3. to call it the l-ast Chance Open, as it was named last year, might make it sound more like an ultimatum than a tra< k meet According to women's track coach Tom Heinonen. the meet's competitors will likely fall into four basil categories The categories include the "tune-up.” which will show case distance specialists Lis’ Wilson and Danny I .ope/, as they help pace the hopeful qualifiers. The ' 'one-last - fling-at- May ward Field effort." to he given by a number of Oregon seniors The "post-collegiate spring board." from which former Ducks Annette Hand, last year's NCAA 5.000-meter champion, and Kanza Clark, also a consistent NCAA scorer in her collegiate days, will cat apult themselves into bigger and better meets by giving the hopefuls a boost in the 1,500. Then there are the hopefuls. Rosie Williams, the Pacific 10 Conference 200-meter cham pion. will head the list of po tential Duck qualifiers, having fallen short of the NCAA quali fying mark at the Pa< 10 meet last week at Stanford Her mark of 23.61 was good enough to give her a new school record and the Pnc-10 crown, but wa> just short of the NCAA mark of 21 50 ''()ur best chant e for an NCAA qualifier is Rosie in the 200," Heinonen said "it might be tough to run fast « ithout the psyt he of running in the Pai 10 meet, but as long as she runs north to south, she could break the standard Duck sprints hurdles jumps coach Mark Stream said feels that if she meets the standard Oregon sprinter Rosie Williams heads the list of potential NCAA qualifiers Thursday night. as she will try to make the cut in the 200 meters. Williams fell just short of the 22.50 qual ifying mark last week in the Pac-10 Championships at Stan ford. setting a school record with a 22.01 timing. in (his meet, she should score al the NCAA meet " Other Ducks iire hoping to fare as well: 1.500-meter run ners )im Peterson, who quali fied for last year's NCAA 1.500 bv matching strides with ex Duck and 1984 Olympic 800 meter gold medalist loaquirn Cruz, and Colin Dalton, who came within ir> hundredths of <i second from the NCAA stan dard of 3:42.70 at the Oregon Invitational on May 13 Turn to Open, Page 9 r WHAT'S YOUR INTEREST? I hi- ( ultural forum C ontemporary Issues program is solicit ing suggestions tor next \ear s guest speakers. Your input is extremely important tor tanlitating a program designed to meet the needs of next year s students. Please list your three most desired speakers and or contempo rary issues: Topic s or Issues Speakers Optional Request: Would vou likt- to be involved in next year's contemporary is sues program' It ves, please till out below. Your name: __—— -—— - Your 198ll-q0 student status: ____ Phone #:_____—— Address:___— Please return tins questionnaire to the Cultural Forum EMU Suite 2, or the I MU Main Desk. There are additional Survey torms at he I MU Main Desk. Your partii ipation is ureatlv ap pre< iated. J Second Hand Clothing J 1 MAKE MONEY WE BUY. TRADE i & CONSIGN 4 quality, clothing (new to 2 yrs old) Remember us when ' cleaning out your closets. Or just i come browse through our unique shop. ■ (\ii! Morning* for Appl 344 7039 SAVE MONEY 10-6 Mon.-Sat. 360 E. 11th Ivlwtvtt Mill & I hgh