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Try LOST AMD POUMD in the classified section £iu'&, Field Continued from Page 1 to operate tann macninerv Campbell said he dreams of having his kids take over the farm one day But Campbell's operation isn't what most would consider a traditional family farm Like most Willamette Valley grass seed growers, Campbell Owns less than half of the land he farms because he can't af ford to buy it He said it is more profitable to cultivate leased land Campbell said he grows al most 1,400 acres in grass seed, up from the -too to 500 acres he started with 10 years ago Small farmers are able to grow large acreages in grass seed because many varieties don't require intensive or anno al cultivation. Hill Johnson, founder of an anti-field burning group said Crass seed operations throughout Oregon are la-com ing bigger and becoming in i re.(singly concentrated in few er hands Johnson said the number of growers in the last four years has decreased by 40 percent, while cultivated acres Get transfer credit at LCC this summer! Summer term, Lane will offer hundreds of college transfer classes. Enjoy small classes, high quality instruction and affordable costs, just $24 per credit hour. Choose from fully transferable lower division classes in English, literature, health and physical education, math, science, and social science, to name a few. Attend classes weekdays, weekday evenings or on Saturday mornings. Use your spare time to take advantage of LCC’s Career Information Center or enroll in Career and Life Planning classes. Try the eight-week Musical Theatre Project. Sing, dance, or act in scenes from great musicals. Learn about make-up, auditioning, history of musical theatre. Call the Admissions Office at 726-2207 to learn about our easy admissions process, and watch the mail for the summer term schedule arriving about May 30. Registration begins June 6; classes begin June 19. Go for Success lone Community. College Eugene, Oregon Photo by |in Marki Familv-operaled grass seed farms such as Mike Campbell's could be put out of business if alternatives to the field burning ban aren't found. have increased 20 percent. lohnson argues that because of absentee ownership, ami the relative ease of grass seed pro duction, farmers tend to treat the land like a grass factory, looking for quick profits with out regard to the land or their neighbor's rights. "They're not husbanding the soil." he said. "They don't want to take the time and mon ey to take the long view.” From the other side. Camp bell insists he cares about the environment. He said he should have the right to grow grass seed, and make a profit like any other businessman. And even with field burning, he said he always has to strug gle for profit Although his seed brought in about $100,000 last year, he said his business is burdened with debt. Uncertain grass seed prices and a field-burning ban could destroy his operation. Camp bell said. Inis is the tirst year in many that grass seed prices were high enough for Campbell to make a decent profit. "These are as good a time as anyone has seen in grass seed." he said. He lost $100,000 in the early 1980's because of depressed prices, and he said it will take three more years to pay off the debt. He was forced to go to work in a mill for a year, and his wife has to work part-time at a department store to help the family make ends meet. In spite of the uncertainties in the grass seed industry. Campbell said he wouldn't want to do anything else. "You just fall in love with farming.” he said. He contends that field burn ing is the only way he can make a profit. As proof, he said he lost half his yield last year from acres he wasn't able to Turn to Field, Page 7 VOLVO Owners Spring Maintenance Special Alpine Import nN\G^V' / / ServiceX^Vp ^ Offers a FREE Safety Inspection I Springfield • 12th & Main * 726'1808 Call tor appointment • ALL WORK GUARANTEED c_ VOL VOc^pecuU&t~ BI-MART MEMBERSHIP DISCOUNT STORE GRADUATING ACCOUNTING MAfORS! Bi-Marl is seeking individuals interested in an Inven lory Accounting Specialist position at the Executive Offices in Eugene. Oregon. Interested individuals must possess a four year degree in Accounting. No experience required. Bi-Marl offers: • Career Opportunities • Progressive Salary Plan • Medical. Denial. Vision Ins. • Life/Accidental Death Ins. • Short/Long Term Disability Ins. • Retirement Plan • 401(h) • Paid Vacations • Paid Holidays • Credit Union If you are interested send you resume to: BI-MART Corporation Human Resources Dept. 220 S Seneca Rd. Eugene. OR 97402 IAS