Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 25, 1989, Page 5, Image 5

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    ASUO Executive names staff
By Frale de Guzman
Emerald Associate Editor
Today marks the end of one
ASUO administration and the
start of a another.
According to incoming Vice
President .Scott Wyckoff. the 16
people selected for positions on
the 1989-90 executive staff will
reflect the many talents and
opinions seen throughout the
He said the diversity and en
thusiasm they exhibited, and
their backgrounds, were the
key factors in their appoint
ment .
The 16 people selected by the
ASUO Search Committee last
Friday from a field of 40 candi
dates are junior Chris Matz.
publications; sophomore politi
cal science major Ken Dodge.
elections director: and sopho
morc English major Christy An
thony, assistant finance coordi
Sophomore Traci Manning
will lx- the program coordina
tor; junior political science ma
jor Kirk Hailey. University af
fairs coordinator; and junior
political science major Teresa
Reeves. Women's Task Force
Other students selected are
Angela Muniz, senior double
major in journalism ami politi
cal science, state affairs coordi
nator. Joyce Tee, comptroller:
sophomore Ryan Kennedy at
firmative action coordinator;
and Richard Henley, senior ad
vertising major. Course Cuide
John Millet, national affairs
coordinator; Tracy Naber.
freshman undeclared major, fi
In the May 24 Oregon Daily
Emerald. Don Peters' name
was omitted from the list of
Emerald staff for 1989-90.
Peters was named editori
al editor, and will coordi
nate the paper's editorial
page, as well as write edito
rials in conjunction with the
editorial board.
Another story in the same
issue stated that the Chinese
Student Association "issued
a statement to the Chinese
government in support of
the student" demands for
The group that issued the
statement is the Chinese Stu
dents Organization and not
the Chinese Student Associ
Representatives of the Chi
nese Student Association
say they support the actions
but clarify that they did not
submit the letter.
The Emerald regrets any
inconvenience or confusion
that may have occurred as a
result of these errors
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nance coordinator; sophomore
Sheila Stickel. advertis
ing publicity director; (ennifer
Hadlock. junior geology major,
comptroller; and graduate biol
ogy major Kris Petersen, events
Only N'alwr. this year's assis
tant finance coordinator, has
worked within the executive of
fice. VVvckoff said
The other students were se
lected on their commitment to
a "pro-active" stance
As a result of the energy and
dedication displayed by mem
tiers of next year's staff. Wyt k
off said he was confident that,
as he and Clark promised
throughout their campaign last
April, "people will know who
next year's exet utive staff is
"They will he communicat
ing directly to the student
groups, not |iist serving .is licit
sons between them and us
Wyckoff said
According to the Clark
Wyckoff policy, statement
"student government shouldn't
he intimidating nor should it he
invisible ''
"I'm excited." said Course
Cuidc editor Kichard Henley,
who is determined to make the
publication "more attractive to
students at the University "
"We have phenomenal
potential and a lot of energy in
the group." Wyckoff said
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