— 4(K off one Gyros or Falafel " SI MIT IS 1219 A Mat 343 3062 »e» 6*w89 BUSY? GET TAN QUICK!!' Your Performance Counts Here! SAFECO ha» built a reputation kit unrurparred quality and pro (etrionalltm In the competitive tnrutam e industry We air reek i in I individuals with thru* vamr premier altrtbuler Programmers (Entry Level) These entry level position* t»Her excellent opportunltle* lor id vam rment The successful candidalr* Meili be motivated self starter* with superior communication *kllt* MIS degree or equivalent experience required Test Analysts W»- currently have opettingr k>r Tert Analvslv T here entry level poriltonr offer nu cllenl opportunitier fc«r advanr rnien! Su« i i-vviul < andtdaler will haw rtronq t unttnunK alton vkillv enjoy analytic al work and rerearc h. and havr an MIS degree or equivalent er pertence You’ll find lhal SAFECO oflerr an nu elleni ralary and benefit* pat kaqe < )ur environment promoter prolerrional and permnal growth l( you’te tntrrerled in dtrcowrtng the SAFF-CO difference, pleare t all or kirward your revume Am to Kalhle Ledger. SAFECO Pla/a. Sralllf. WA 98185 (206) 545 6142 1 _ lipinl Opportunity 5 « Kmployat 0 SAFECO __University___ Book exchange receives funding The Incidental Fee Committee .md the ASUO Executive argued for nearly two hours Wednes day night before funding a program that both sides say they fully approve of and support ASUO Vice President Steve Hoyt said that "the Executive is in full support of the concept" of the Student Hook Exchange, a proposed non _IFC Review_ profit, student-run iexll>ook buying and selling program to whic h the IFC had given a $H.22f> loan for start up costs However. Hoyt said, the Executive vetoed the loan because the loan was simply too large to give- to a new. untried program that could offer no guarantee of repayment Wednesday's meeting, the last for this year's I EC. was also the1 last c banco for the SHF. to ap peal thr Executive’s veto. The motion to override was defeated 3-2. (Chairwoman ) Ijiuren Norris argued that to overturn the veto and give the SUE $14,220 would leave only about $700 for the incoming IFC tu work with until the end of the current fis cal year on |uly 1. which she said would be un fair and irresponsible. I Ft; member Chad Bennion challenged Nor ris' assertion that the program's budget was a "black hole." arguing that the loan would be a one-time only allocation that would be paid back within a year The three groups eventually reached a hard fought agreement to grant the SHF a $10,000 loan. $3,000 of which is to be repaid on Dec 1 of this year and the balance to be repaid by March 1. 1990 Open 24 Hours kinko's Crfit copin Cful pfopif 860 f utn saa 7890 GREAT MOVIES • Su-Mo $3 / Tu-W-Th $3.50 • LATE NIGHT * Fr-Sa $3 / Su-Th $2.50 . lilill492E 13th* feV ■ m *9 W 686-24581 AIDS. MAYBE YOU DON’T GET IT. Up to 60 University ot Oregon students may already have the AIDS virus. Thousands more are putting themselves at risk by ignoring the truth: AIDS is something that affects us all. Practice safe sex, and take the chance out of AIDS. For more information, call the Health Education line at 686-4456. Sponsored by the Student Health Center. AIDS. TAKE IT PERSONALLY. Senate will meet tonight MEETINGS Student Senate meets to night at 6 in EMU Century Room E. All new and old senators should attend. Political Science Student _Et als Union meets today at 4 p m in EMU Century Room E. Circle K International meets tonight at H:30 in EMU Century Room D. Informational meeting for the Truman Scholarship is today at 4 p.m. in EMU Con* tury Room A Must be a !' S citizen or national, sopho more by Nov. 1, B av erage CPA and in the top one-fourth of your class. LECTURES Melinda Mann from INFACT will lecture tonight at 7 in the EMU Gumwood Room about the General Election boycott and GE's role in nuclear weapon pro duction Professor |ane Tompkins of Duke University will dis cuss "A Woman Reads the Western in the 20th Cen tury" tonight at 7:30 in Fen ton Room 110. MISCELLANEOUS International Studies As sociation is screening "Company Limited." a Ben gali film with English subti tles. today at 3:30 p m. in Science Room 123. The film is directed by Satajit Ray. Tai/.c non-denominational prayer service is tonight at 9 in the St. Thomas More Room of the Newman Cen ter. 1850 Emerald St. Druids is holding a pot luckT>arbecue for new and old members tonight at 5:30 in the courtyard behind Straub flail and next (o the ()ffii e of Public Safety. mu rev Critfev? ? x=* ■ THE OBSULfMAN HIND" ^ UAlfVI' DR. THCM46 KIWDCtX. mm: May 26,1909 frOOfmiTsQOfm 'MMUC: IKO - Ert> Memorial Onicr -FTr Qxnn -5po«Md S CUI ALPHA