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About Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1989)
Letters Condemned I wish to respond to Daryn Peters (ODE. May 9). who wanted his own "pride day" to celebrate his "sexual acts " I think you should have your day l)ar' may 1 call you that7 I'm not one of those "hostile" ho mosexuals after all: I'm one of the passive ones If you want your day. you'll have to earn it Put on my shoes l)ar\ Don't tell your folks you're dating a girl: at mini mum. there'll tie a big fight Don't put your girlfriend's pic ture up .. people will find out you're a heterosexual. She may feel hurt, but you could get kicked out of your apartment. Don't kiss her at the door or in public: a bigoted homosexual might cause trouble. You could chance holding hands, but don't blame me if some breeder bashers are out there When you get beat up. don't report it; it remains on your permanent record that you're heterosexual. You’ll lose future jobs. You're going to get hurt Dar' . it doesn’t matter that hetero sexuality came naturally to you; they not only don't like you. they want to outlaw you Now add in the old friends you'll lose; the police who won't protect you; the jobs that you'll lose. You concern me Daryn — you’re young — you should be tolerant and open minded. Your words sound like a tired tape of those who thought before you Use your mind Daryn! Develop original thoughts. At minimum, know what you condemn, lest you look foolish again. C. (iraham Eugene Quality In response to Professor Lindsey’s research on the quali ty of education at the Universi ty: (ODE. May If.) Only the administration and the bureaucrats judge the quali ty of an institution by the "number of published works" it produces. Students are pri marilv concerned with the quality of classroom instrui tion. Professor Lindsey's re search criterion is invalid He. however, is a wonderful in structor. Daphne fames Human services Stop bigotry I was shocked and saddened by a New York Times article I r l INTERNATIONAL MARITIME TRADE PERSPECTIVES - 89 • **»•<• P*olaa»ona‘ S«i"' !niamal*onal T*ad« & Oca#” Transport • Su0«'*O» T-d.^ing >■«< e ' • T«ugh| t»y i*ad>ny p» • (inviM EOucKW UAMmciMtMg • Col ry«i radii *:>o *««i"iM« • Bay*'* ,)u«» ' 4 • t • Sp< ''W(* Port t>f Saattla Waan«'*y» ‘ .»un* •••'<■ Jrad* Saattla Champa* Of ComtiWH « for forth#* dataila contact Of John It f nmtr 128 3310 Port of Saattla P 0 Boa t 209 Saattla WA 981 1 i read that >..11(1 Nazis .ire gelling awav with more harassment of minorities, and that most of the violent in< idents involving skinheads have been "random attacks on blacks. Asians, ho mosexuals or Hispanic people" (Feb. 6, 19B9) 1 am a Christian and have become quite upset about the amount of hatred to ward minorities growing in our country Imagine, therefore, how up set 1 was to receive a copy of the Oregon Commentator The time lias come for decent Amer icans to confront rai ism and bigotry, and for our universities to voice opposition to bigoted publications such as the Com mentator, whose editor in a Feb 1‘lH'l publication said that bigotry is ail right as long as the minority chose to la- the way he or she is! Many groups try to justify bigotry and racism on a basis of creed or religion, but Christ taught all hatred is clearly wrong! Kditor Paul Coughlin of the Commentator says discrimi nation against gays is fine lie cause it's a moral issue I find it morally repugnant that such views exist at universities in our country. Discrimination on religious grounds is wrong Anti-semi tism. homophobia and hatred of other minorities is common in Soviet Russia but does not belong in American society, where the ku klux klan claims it has the "religious freedom" to burn crosses in violation of fire ordinances. Uy and large. I believe God-fearing Americans can stop bigotry in our country if we try. Dan I.ucas Republican Precinct Committeeman Boulder. Colorado Big chip Hov. is it my imagination, or does Scott Shoup (ODK. May 1H) have a tremendous chip on his shoulder7 Why doesn't he take the sup port the Kmerald does give gays and lesbians and use that as a stepping stone tor bigger and better support Suggest ways to cover the issues in a more fair and positive lighl Give them ideas of things to do to show their support instead of acc us ing them of lying Didn't your parents teach you that to get what you want, you have to ask politely instead ol irsmg and stomping your feet III protest? Hut then again, what do I know? I'm only an egotistu al heterosexual Rob Rosbomugh Biology maivfi We ship your stuff home! I 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes Packaging Store 440 Charnelton 344-3106 Buttons A recent letter bv a fellow who's .in atheist (and apparent ly damned proud of it) warned "Let us beware" of "Christian zealots" who "consciously fashion invalid words into emotional buttons" in object inn to abortion on demand (Bert Trvba. ODK. Mav lr>) He had a problem with words like "pre-bom.” "mothers" and "killing" when used to de si rilx- abortion But in contrast to this atheist desire to deny realm 1 seek to utilize the reality of those words, hoping that they are. in fact, still "emotional buttons" to many people. As far as hem# "invalid words" 11 she is not a moth er." then what is she'' If the distinct human life she carries within her is not "pre-horn, then in just what condition is it? If it is not "killing." then just what is it? Clearly, if you choose to snuff out iin innoi ent follow human being, the charitable word for that is killing However, a more prei ise won! would lie "murder " Undoubt edly. our atheist friend doesn’t like the reality of those words either Finally. I find it interesting hut curious that it is the athe ists. who in their zealous de fense of unrestricted abortion on demand, constantly call forth the subject of religion Al though a Christian, and content to bo, I have found it unneces sary to mention that fai t (par ticularly to an atheist) in logi cally defending the fundamen tal human rights of the pre born |on Hollander Kugene aMiiiauuattiiaiiiiBiiiiBiiiianiiwiiii «SPRINGFIELD I SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon-Fri 10-8 Sat 10-6 726-9176 1124 Main St. * Springfield ■ ■ iiiawaiiiMuiaiiMiBHtiaHuauiiautia The end l Don'1 fa" P”’ MtUiUihe \ time »ru jc 8 student \ advantage ofAPP 4i8COU’'lv8„u graduate, I prices wU\ »°a _ h r deal. 1 ^un*e foe »r*>w„ bane. A And to rca*> loV,ered P^ce W moving. over to the jA\ even more. J Supp0rt ^ ■ wg Buyorme. Microcomputer Support Lab Room 202 Computing Center M - F 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Phone 686 - 4402 __ Oregon Daily- - Emerald P.O Hut >1" fugrnr. Ofr*un 'f’W The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday except during exam week and v.»< ations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the Uni versify of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of the Universi ty with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law General Staff Advertising Director Assistant to the Publisher Production Manager Advertising Coordinator Classified Sales Susan Thelen Jean Ownbey Michele Ross Sandra Daller Colynn Me Math Advertising Seles Maureen Bernadelli. Ten Boring Matt Collins Kelly Maloney. Scott McAvoy. 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