CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 210 opportunities EARN MONEY Reading book*' 130 OOQ»» income potential Details (naow«?«oooE»t y«m? FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM? Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Office ot Admissions IT’S NOT TOO LATE To file your INTENT TO REGISTER CARO lor summer session Slop by 333 OreQon Hall j or the Office of Admissions m HELP WANTED - Administrative Assistant for non prof ! organization serving people with dis abilities Skill m interviewing staff training A general office work Prefer person experience working with handicapped individuals Vi time position S6 per hr to Start M F flexible hours Apply at 4S W Broadway OPPIN TRACK TOWN PIZZA Immediate opening lor delivery driv ers and in house pu/a makers Hem ble part time or full time shifts Must be able to work late nights Apply at T T P . 1809 Franklin Blvd NO CALLS! Why settle lor less than the best!'>! AilENTlON HIRING! Government jobs your area $17 840 S69.485 Call 180? 818 888?) F X T R1?164 DANCERS WANTED for Jiggles Tavern Oregon's nicest firs! class club High earnings potential Full or part time 18 years plus Call Jim or Les for personal interview 2165 W 11th. 344 6897_ LIFE GUARD/SWIM INSTRUCTOR gon City swimming pool is seeking lifeguard and instructor for their sum mer swimming program Interested ap plicants should call (503)657 8273 be fore June 3rd__ I CHRIS 13 ieed a tutor this summe' n our Apple Computer in our home Can 746 1407 EARN WHILE YOU LEARN. Manpower is looking for students in teresteil In earning greet pay plus commissions We offer flexible hours And valuable training and business experience Plus free use of a personal computer It you're a full lime student Sophomore or above, with a least a B average and are computer familiar. Manpower needs you as a COLLEGIATE REP to promote the sales of the IBM Per sonal System/2 on campus For ex parlance that pays, call today MANPOWER Call Sandy 484 1566 21.HELP wiMTEb - Residential Facidly 'or in gram development luptryilion A me qu'Sibon A behavior mgml staff tram mg A supervision Qualification* 2 ym •dueat>on andror formal training m special •dueat'on with emphau on skills acqui*»t»on and b«nav >or mgmt MR DO experience required Salary 112 000 to $15 000 par year Sand m» sum# A cover letter to 0PP1N PO Bo* 1791 Eugene OR 97440 or apply in parson at 45 W Broadway Suit* 205 ARBY S 2766 W 1tth No* hiring count#' start with early advancement increase pay tor demons!rated ability FtenbM* hour* A day* tor students and hom# mafc*i» With #*tra summer hour* available Apply in parson 1 3pm MATURE RELIABLE HOUSESlTTER Witt pay soma rant 726 2926 ash tor Tarry Rat avail MICROCOMPUTER PURCHASE PLAN no* accepting apph< alien* for Sum mar or Fail term start Must hava mi crocomputer savvy and good commu nication shills Apply room 250 Computing Canter NANNY POSITIONS « . • n A Board, travel A other benefit* The Nanny Connection \44 4 166 NANNY POSITIONS Salary, Room A Board travel & other benefit* The ■, . • 14 4 4 • *> Rangier council ' > vanced life saving waterfront parson for summer call 342 6338 Sun loving active happy Conn family need nanny lor t yr $200/wk car, travel 344 1893 _ NY family needs nanny for t yr lo care (or boys 2 A 4 »2Q0/wk tuition aid car travel 344 1893 SUPPORT STAFF NEEDED for residential training homes tor adoias cants and adults *ith severe develop mental disabilities Part time lull time and live in position available Apply ai 45 W Broadway. Suite 201, M F, fli-5 Ti'»* ESCAPE Field Studies Program has openings lor Public Schools and Human Service Division Heads for the year Of 198990 These t*o positions require interpersonal communication group process, self motivation and the ability to motivate others Responsibilities include training and supervision ot 6 10 coordinators placing 100 200 University volunteers each term problem solving, documen tation of division business curriculum development, and participation in several committees This is a unique opportunity to gam skills in policy making public relations and group facilitation Commitment is 20 26 hr* per week Compensation credit and stipends available Application dead line is May 26 For more information call 686 4351 Applications available in FSCAF’F. oMk e M 111 F MU A A FOI ' Oregon Daily Emerald i applications (or two STAFF PMOTOG RAPHER positions for the 1989 90 school year Job descriptions and application forms are available af the Emerald Office Suite 300 EMU Application deadline is 5pm. June 1 The Emerald is an equal opportunity employe' Women minorities and disabled students aie encouraged to apply ___ WHY FLIP BURGERS WHEN YOU CAN FIGHT TOXIC POLLUTION7 OSPIRG state's leading environmental lobby is hiring summer campaign start for Eugene office Learn valuable skills make friends and earn up to $27Vweek B« a tone avenge' Can Lou a! 343 4726 (from 9 1) WSI. I . i- : • hrs AAI preferred call 344 2247 2?o WORK STUDY POSITIONS SUMMER TERM WORK STUDY STUDENT NEEDED in INTERNATIONAL SERVICE S Please contact Nor#*»» at X3206 WORK STU0Y CERTIFIED POSITIONS Available for immediately and for summer 89 as Weight Room Supervisor S4 00A5 0Qrtv Apply at RIM 103 Gerlmger or call X4113 mmi: rnffTTB Accepting Applications for Summer & Fall Low Summtr Rale* furnished 1 A 2 bedroom* largo clean A 1 block from eampui Student Manor Apt* 1442 E lAlh Mgr 19 _ $44 47AO_ ALDERWOOD 1860 Alder St. Very mce large 1 A 2 bedroom unit* 1 Vy block* from U of O Available furnished or unfurnished covered oft afreet parking $240 $630 Oefu«e 2 bedroom *. fireplace $S50 Cat' 344 5695 Ask about iumm»r reservehons Apartment to sublet s'artmg June 18 Only $127 50 a month Call Holly 484 SM2 CAMPUS FURNISHED argr one 4 in bedroom no pet* 486 2823 Campul Twin* Apt 735 E 14th 1 bdrm twin/aptf shared kitchen Sum mer rates $’89 Fall rate* $269 Fvery m >uded ea epl phone 4 able T V application* t**»ng accepted now Call 343 ’ 009 and a*k for Jay FOR RENT NOW Stud-o 4 1 bdrm fur mshed *pi Lease thru Aug Summer poo! of* street park-ng no pet* M f l 9922 ________ GREYSTONE 211 BRIARCLIFF Recently remodeled 2 bedroom town house in very convenrent location newer appliances carpet h*< •* MWfhi Mull »ee to appreciate Call 461 2”6 • S- 15 HURRAY* Ra*arved she i bedroom block west of - ampu* summer $220 fall $296 143 2114 LARGE CLEAN QUIET 2 bed' ».m 1 bik U of 0. furnished di*hwa.*hei ;]i*p lots of parking suhd*»« k laundry 66-3 8919 LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET 1 bedroom one block U of O Big walk in closet separate vanity and bath kitchen w <: enter island, fully furnished laundry covered parking Reserving Summe* and Fail Cali 484 4103 1 us [pn _ Large clean 1 bedroom units I’->i laundry parking 3 blocks east of cam pu» $300 summer rates coming Can Hillside Apt 485 7751 Unfurnished one bedroom m quite laundry & parking $309 Summer rates coming Call Maple Arms 345 i 330 LARGE 2 BDRM APT FOR SUMMER Dishwasher parking laundry $298 month Can 342 .3375 LOW SUMMER RATES Blackslone Manor A University Manor South faking reserve! i’f'1 !summer rentals On studios 1 bd»mn 4 2 bdrms Large quiet 4 clear' 68 / 06H4 MILL RACE APT 1805 Garden Ave Nice »>.'* two tKfrrr. '(•*•' house* 2 block* to U of O m e*ceiient CALL FOR SUMMf R RATES 1 BEOROOM UNFURNISHED $235 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED $235 BOTH ARE SUMMER RATES AVAILABLE NOW* Call 34 3 4109 Renting for summer one Iw bdrm apts and 4 house near muv buiidmg Call after 3 00 Ridgewood Apts 688 5/63 LAKECREST 1390 Mill St very large i bdrm unit w no* ar pet vinyl and drapes EiCCll south ! «rn exposure in prime am pus loca t on A mull $354 Jennings &C° M3 7271 z»aW.-6uK£ies GREENWOOD 1965 Patterson St. Very me« l A 2 bdrm u««t» »n well * Aept complet Just south Of U of O I Appliance, on *tl# laundry off Sfreel j ;u»rAmg %W> $4 26 Jennings &C° «M»n SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES Can out offu © for current inform* lion on available apartments duple* ©s ami houses No P*!*! 315 W 10th AM 1130 tv* SLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Furnished Mu-. bos available Jon* $240 June $216 Join A Aug on sde .» . fry f at ■ ■ . U4 M85 2 bedroom apt in duple* 1 blA from cimpui 1914 Kincauf tfl 1465 avail A. 1A 54.) 1 *85 Mr message 2jd'6uAOT ALDER STREET QUADS Summer rale* begin IS June $t2Vmo See manager 1 WO Alder t 17 between 1 3pm ALDER STREET QUADS Taking Fail Reservations $l99lmonth lease Sept 15 to June 14 line manager 1.360 Aider No 17 1 1pm CEOARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th Students guarantee youf housing fc)f f all by renting your quad year round Sunny contemporary units on sde laundry, off street parking summer rates $165 Cat! 466 4 119 235 HOUSES Former UO Family ©turning for visit ft,28 7/12 wants to sublet or house sit • all collect 516 673 7249 4 BDRM Mks from OO washer dryer tarpon June 16th Sept 15th. SftficVriM) 343 0490 Ghost*Jw a.« 210 ROOMS 2 ROOMS LARGE HOME Very private close to campus To mature couple or females 1226 A $175 firs! last plus $60 deposd for summer or long term 144 0824 larger room available now 280 ROOMMATES WANTED" FEMALE NON SMOKING ROOS4MATF to snare furnished large quiet 2 bdrm apl practically on campus SteM 616 $212/mo ♦ utn Can 6rth660H ROOMMATE $160 ' uM 'own furnished many extras Cali ROOMMATE FOR SUMMER TERM wanted for apl in Club Mill Furnished Went $180imlf 1 : ' 1 ' STUDENT ROOMMATE WANTED ' •>nart. txjrm apt 19fb 6 Pafter,on /ean quiet A bright $212 4846069 265 CHILD CARE - LIFEGUARD BABYSITTER • ' June 12 h's sai n#g l all after 8 30pm 687 2413 References required 2/0 MEETINGS HONG KONG STUDENT ASSOCIATION GENERAL ELECTION ******* Thurs, May 25, 6:30pm Maple Room EMU - BOYCOTT G.E. MELINDA MANN “G.E.'s role with Hanford and nuclear weapons production" TONIGHT 7pm EMU GUMWOOD RM Sludont Campa*gn for D***/Yr»*m«f*t THIS IS IT! SAY GOODBYE A SPECIAL WAY WITH A "PARTING SHOTS AD1 THAT YOU DESIGN1 (Ei ample*) - L n»^ i uf i>-> L<»p v»v*^ *-»*»rt w|i rv^J, iS1 •* r OfW • ■ . LuL O u T i A M L K't . Li ■'*_ 7 ln«. ft’Vjc. He . ;r*attv«' Writ* or Stamp your message Design *1 on your computt'’ t.t J10 Hour e miieayn pieasn i i»ii Will t>8/ 9-W/ HOPPERS formerly Gian! Grinder Friday Come See SHAKUBUKU ••• LIVE **• (X) covet TOW HOUR Large Pilcher ar Medium Pizza only $7.50 _o_ PIZZA U CO. Get a FREE 1 movie when you I have a Large or * Giant Pizza j delivered. I (use this coupon) • e»p 6 I'89 | _ I 19th & Agate 342 4972 by Berke Breathed » ■ i r l BLOOM COUNTY ■ m* i/vn mm V momr (xo 6c whk I /* «nwy«* Or 1 mxajrnv mavr nex EL , , MtAMCl r ha?