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Tr-> wilion 150 AOH SUSIE BODMAN CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING JAZZLINE! LOVE, YOUR SISTERS CONGRATULATIONS I'+H VARIETY SHOW On (lancing your way lo Hi place Chnssy Uarci 0et4>te Kara Jenny Knafl L>»« and Madisa CREATE YOUR OWN SPECIAL GOODBYE! WITH A "PARTING SHOTS" AO! if v ample) J S You fa the best friend Thai l ever had l ve bean artlh you *uch a long lima You r« my sunshine And I want you lo know My feeling* are Irua I really lev# you You ra my best I fiend Love Rica Krlapy Head * ' S AdtW regular rates) Ad forma can be picked up al OOf TOO t MU UO Bookstore or l MU Mam Da«ii DEADLINE: 1PM WED, MAY 31 APPEARING: FRIDAY, JUNE 2 ■iAA Thank* for a great party A X a P S C ' gral* on t*ie«k DID YOU KNOW? Ivan Ihuwflh you are enrolled spring •r'-n you need lo III* an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD if you re planning j 10 attend Ihe SUMMER SESSION There is still lime lo do it so slop by 333 Oregon Ha«» or I ha Office of Admission* 105 PERSON*!? RECYCLE THIS PAPER EUQEMt PREGNANCY HOTLINE pm Vld#t »MM» Confidential >•***«$ *up port #rwj information Call 34SO400 136 i 11tr> Eugene FREE PREGNANCY COUNSELING HOLT INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN S SERVICES CALL SANDY M7 2202 (COLLECT) Matt Cudney Congratulations on the Outstanding Senior Award We're ail proud of you! LovA. Mark Michelle Kira Janell# Julie Dee Bill PLANNED PARENTHOOD has * : nancy t«»l the! •« 99*. on# day after a mi»M<) p#*‘C»df Include* un biased counseling • 344 44 11 PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION ' Don ) forget lo III# your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD Slop C»y 333Oregon Hell or the OH*. A O* Admissions PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIE NOS Fr#« Pregnancy Tatting BIRTHRIGHT Ml 66M PROBLEMS? telephone hotlme lof U of O students *>pm to Bam every night and all day *e#kervd» Strictly confidential CRISIS CENTER 6*6 44*6 CAROL QUEEN it coming back lo give a talk on "Dating Communication" War 2S f MU Cd« Rmi * * B 3 *pm Sponsored by Student Health Cantar SORORITIES GREEK WEEK • are at your house* now' Order toon *o prints can be delivered before school is out Wally _ TKK Thanks to# making the end of the term a bath AZ ex Shasta wit hot' Love Sandn Christy Kathleen Sarah Jill, M-chellr and Jennifer no LOST S FOUND FOUND Hurt * hi • LOST ON CAMPUS GOLD NECKl ACT (w small pearl) Reward if found Call M4 1TO_ __ MISSING FROM PIONEER CEMETFRY Small heedslone wtlh the name of Lois Fern Data of death Dec 1917 The family will app'ei iate getting it bac k 485 33B8 120 TYPING SERVICES JO THE TYPING PRO Ouatdy IBM word processing Call 6A3 6066 FASTYPE WORD PROCESSING and editing 5 t() pages in an hour Qisser iaiiont ESI welcome Call 6B3 3758 WEST WIND WORDSMITHING Eipert adding Reasonable IBM Later print Shelby 344 5189 PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE Word Procetting 1553 OAK ST 344 3064 PROFESSIONAL WORD PROCESSING EddtngfOisk Storage Colleen 344 7040 t 9pm Using Word Fs»Iik l 5 0 word Pi . e-> smg Mma 342 70*4> Bam tOpm Grarl approved TYPING ON DEMAND Quality Low Prices 66 7 0655 TYPING / EDITING Fast Professional Reasonable Close lo campus 345 6263 inMiubitmta LASER WORD PROCESSING 10 years e»pa*ieoca Editing IBM Grad k.hooi approved Near campus Rob*n >44 0709 WordSfyies A TypeScrtpts Computer word processing These* Dissertation* Paper* R*»um*» Etc Advi 2500 All ribbons St oft Panasonic Printers 1180 1219 1191 1209 1124 1369 For all your computing needs Sale Ends June 10 Learning Downtown 61 W 4th Ave M F 10 6. Sat 10 5 M3 3027 BUY‘ SELL * TRADE Stereo & PA Equip VCR s TV s STEREO WORKSHOP 1621 E 19th 344 3212 Futons & Frames Furnishings * Lighting * Posters ‘ Clothing * Jewelry * Sleeper Couches City Living (formerly Paper Traders Annas) 164 W. Broadway 343 3622 MOVING SALE Cmifh es from $100 Fords Ma'tedes Corvettes Chow* Surplus Buyers Gu«1« <1) 805 687 6000 E xl S 9642 HONDA Elite ISO Sr ?•-. 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FRfcOUENT FLYER AWARDS »nd mon1 683 6166 _ BEEN BUMPED'’ MERIT ONE Turn thus® airline compensation voucher* *nfo cash Call Debbie AOVENTURE IN TRAVEL 464 0600 PDX TO CHICAGO ONE WAY FLY ANYTIME THRU V2V90 1200 OBO ANDREA K BBS-11TS__ On® way llekat to Little Rock Arkansas via Denver For June 12 HOOotoo 667 0234 __ United Air Ticket '■ wav I " Denver June 1 ) 195 485 2663 One way Plane Ticket f .j* • Louis, July 5 1140 obo486 4061 200 RIDES 4 RIDERS TRUCK TO SHARE TO S.F MID JUNE 344-6467 mi ir si in k'y o o.r rmoNAL 2io OPPORTUNltlES - IT’S READY THE SUMMERTIME SCHEDULE OF CLASSES So pick one up loday1 Slop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Registrar s Office Nanny Neaded nonsmoking female live in w/own car Must relocate near Portland 464 5110 The UNIVERSITY STUDENTfFACULTY COMMITTEES are now accepting applications for 75 positions that will begin Fall term 89 These include such committees as Academic Requirements. Campus Planning Graduate Council, etc Please pick up applications in the ASUO Enecutive office. Suite 4 EMU The deadline for applications is Thursday. June 1. 1989 5:00pm Women minorities and differently abied students are encouraged to apply The ASUO is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer 1989 1990 University of Oregon SONG & DANCE TROUPE AUDITIONS May 31. 1989 7 00pm June t 1989 7 00pm Room 198 School of Music Prepare an unaccompanied song with movement For more info call Tama at ■ - ■ i • !3S0/Day .. orders People call you no e*perience necessary Call (refundable) 315 7336063©*! P2802 ’-Y ON Lid PROGRAMS fot on# of more quarters Earn UO ' credit Use your financial aid j For more information con t at i Ofti e of International Services 130 Oregon Nail « i206 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU RICK, fis/oe FROM me Honduras TH/NO, HOW PC you j THINK I'M PCHNG ? * v'V t' (U tj 5d&.i I IMA. SiR. I THINK iove rue me white House avt ANP HAS BUOMe REAL TAKEtWH we. THATIT'S ioueors Bern lw By in me events "— /PR£&>‘ j. y^' P^fT T ■L. EVERYONE'S UONP&JN6 W UJHEM YOU'RE <. GOING TO STOP BEING BXOTEP ANP START BEJNG EXCITING PEOPLE ARE. UMVNG POP. YOU TO BECOME WPE OJEU l&WEPUKE! RlCK.We'RB stupy/no me a-APexsHiP TH/N6. We'RB TAKJN6 A NO HOLOS dARKBV LOOK AT IT', y SIR, COULD YOU HBAT miSSUYMR UP TOR Me, PlBASe* «V :vv' < Se^estity /ie*i- S /ilexdzpzAt Spring Special $10 off one night $ JO off two nights t hxhJ thru S IS V-i n;t-. n i<»uiUti fvtutvn \*mntr*\Lk. f<»e« & luicptnil c\f4’’Hitutn \f (