Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 24, 1989, Page 7, Image 7

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    Campus Information Exchange meets at PLC
Campus Information Ex
change Directorate meets to
-Et als_
niRht at 7 in PLC Room .111
Alpha Kappa Psi pledge
meeting is tonight at 5 in Gil
bert Room 338. Project ideas
will be discussed.
Oregon Student Public Inter
est Research Group's Toxic
Use Reduction Group meets to
night at 5:30 in EMU Suite 1
This is the final meeting of the
Men Against Rape has its
weekly meeting tonight at 7 in
EMU Suite 1.
Pre-l.aw Society meets to
Second Hand Clothing
i quality, clothing
(new to 2 yrs old)
, Remember us when
' cleaning out your
closets. Or just
i come browse
through our unique
1 Call Mornings for Appl
10-6 Mon.-Sat.
360 E. 11th
between Mill & High
Wc ship your stuff home!
1 to 1000 pounds
Packing • Shipping
V paging
■ Stare.
440 Charnelton
We ve goi
your tan
when you
want it1
on campus
wim-vu i»
Upilll »» urn
night at 5 at the Faculty Club,
corner of University Stn-et and
13th Avenue, for the faculty
mixer Professors listed on the
Pre-Law Society advisory com
mittee will meet with student
members in an informal atmos
phere Inauguration of new of
ficers also will take place.
Study program in Microne
sia is the subject of a meeting
today at 12:30 p m. in the EMU
Maple Room Attend the meet
ing and learn about the pro
gram. slated to la-gin in sum
mer 1990. and the prerequisite
classes offered fall term 1989.
A grant from the U.S. Depart
ment of Education will pay for
most living and transportation
Interfraternity President’s
Coenr.il meets tonight at t> at
the Delta Tau Delta fraternity
This is the last meeting of the
OSPIRG's Recycling Aware
ness Day is today. There will
be demonstrations on how to
recycle. a skit and rally begin
ning at 12:30 p.m. in the EMU
Wednesday Night Live! Stu
dent Mass is tonight at 9 in the
St Thomas More Room of the
Newman Center. 18M) Emerald
Pre-Dental students:
AADSAS forms are available in
Oregon Hall Room lt>4.
"One Day in the l.ife of Ivan
Denisovich" (England. 1970).
Casper Wrede's version of
Aleksadnr Sol/.heitsyn's novel
la about life in a Soviet forced
labor camp In Knglish.
Deadline for submitting Ft
ids to the Emerald front desk,
FMl' Suite 3(H), is noon the day
before publication. Ft als are
run the day of the event unless
the event occurs befi>re noon
Events with a donation or ad
mission charge will not be con
sidered Campus events and
those scheduled nearest the
publication date will he given
priority. The Emerald resenes
the right to edit notices for
grammar and style.
An Appeal to the
University Community
The recent ASUO election was marred by many personal at
tacks and threats of violence to lesbians and gays. As faculty
members, we are deeply concerned about these attacks. They
are the signs of a very disturbing atmosphere on this campus.
Just as we condemn all racist and sexual harassment, so we
condemn all harassment of gays and lesbians. Subtle and not
so subtle attacks and threats to gays and lesbians cannot be tol
erated, nor can silent complicity. We appeal to all members of
the University community to establish a climate where such be
havior is unacceptable. We particularly appeal to students to
join us in making it very clear that the University of Oregon is
not a place where bigotry of any kind is tolerated.
Laura Alpert
George Andrews
John Baldwin
Judith Barker
Jacob Beck
Ann Bettman
Doug Blandy
Chet Bowers
Val Burris
Mike Bybee
Elizabeth Cahn
Ken Calhoun
Virginia Cartwright
Nancy Collins
Charles Crothers
David Curland
Irene Diamond
Sarah Douglas
Bryan Downs
John Dryzek
Kelly Eakin
Mary Edwards
Mark Evans
Marilyn Farwell
Sonja Foss
John Foster
Gerald Fry
Maradel Gale
Morton Gernsbacher
Cynthia Girling
Tim Gleason
Marion Goldman
Dan Goldrich
Patly Gwartney Gibbs
Arthur Hanhardt
Sandy Harvey
Tom Heger
Mike Hibbard
Judy Hibbard
Richard Hill
Faye Hirsch
William Holly
Michael Huelshoff
Jeffrey Hurwit
Robert Jackson
David Jacobs
Esther Jacobson
Jens Jantzen
Ken Kempner
Stephen Kevan
Linda Kintz
Ellen Kittel
Cheris Kramarae
James lemerl
Don Levi
Helen Liggett
Henry Loeb
Steven Lowenstam
Jeff Luke
Marsha Mabry
Coral Mack
Jane Maitland-Gholson
Richard Mann
Lluana McCann
Geraldine MorenoBlac
Hans Morgenthaler
Monza Naff
Max Nixon
Aaron Novick
Robert O'Brien
Kenneth O'Connell
Jim O'Fallon
John Orbell
Theodore Palmer
Kenneth Paul
Warner Peticolas
Don Peting
Stanley Pierson
Barbara Pope
Annie Popkin
Michael Posner
Gave Povey
Dan Powell
Perry Powers
Rob Proudfoot
Tres Pyle
Julie Raiskin
Marti Ravits
John Reynolds
Geraldine Richmond
Marsha Ritzdoff
Leland Roth
Kathleen Rowe
George Rowe
Cheyney Ryan
Hans Joachim Schock
< Karla Schultz
Steve Shankman
Michael Shellenbarger
Brad Shelton
Sherwin Simmons
Robert Smith
Wolt Sohlich
Pricllla Southwell
Richard Stein
John Stuhr
Richard Sundt
Anne Tedard
Nat Teich
Robert Trotter
Al Urquhart
Donald Van Houten
Dominick Vetri
Kingsley Weatherhead
Terry Warpinski
Ed Weeks
Louise Westling
Jack Whalen
George Wickes
Catherine Wilson
Harry Wolcott
Alan Wolfe
Mary Wood
Sergy Yuzvinsky
Virpi Zuck
Arnult Zweig
These signers have contributed to the cost of this ad.