EMU Board to firm up plans for Food Court By Brian Bloch Emerald Reporter The EMU Hoard of Directors on Thursday Mill firm up its plans to introduce a food con sortium into the Skylight Refec tory by early next year. This month's meeting of cur rent and recently elected lx>ard members in the EMU has been scheduled for the purpose of re affirming the board's request for proposal (KEP) prior to ask ing potential contractors to bid on the Food Court project hubba’s* Place ^ Try Our Tender CHAR BROILED CHICKEN BREAST SANDWICHES IU BBA'S PLACE 1249 ALDER 344-1960 The RKP. drawn up by the l>uard in early April, and which has been forwarded to the State Department of General Services for review, calls for a ”... prime contractor who will recruit a minimum of five vendors to oc cupy the Skylight (iafe. ven dors who will provide a diverse array of food choices at a rea sonable price," Specifically, the RFP requires that "the contractor shall pro vide a food court, with a diver sity of vendors, and will ensure a wide variety of menu sell* - lion, including vegetarian alter natives, ethnic alternatives, and natural food alternatives." The original RFP drawn up by last year's KMU board drew fire from some current mem bers who said the request limit ed bidding on the project to only fast food corporations and made it virtually impossible for small, more diverse businesses to participate. The board received a bill from flari's |r earlier this year to build a fast food restaurant in the Skylight, although morn tiers rejected it in favor of a food consortium According to EMU Director Adel I McMillan, the State Pur chasing Division is now in liti gation with (Ctrl's |r over the factors surrounding the rejec tion of the bid. After the rejection, a special Skylight Food Alternatives Committee drew up a new list of requirements to better attract the consortium style court and incorporated those require merits into the existing RFP. McMillan said the RFP had been sent to the State Depart ment of General Services near the end of April for review and "probably won't get back to us before the end of the quarter." At that point, the board will review the request once again and make any changes it feels are necessary before the bids open in late September. McMil lan said. Each bid proposal will then be evaluated and an award recommendation will Iw made by the board to the Department of General Services for the final selection of the contractor. According to the RFP, “The successful contractor will be se lected on the basis of the most competitive offer considering the services to lx- rendered, the quality of the proposal, and the revenue sharing program." The contract will require the selected bidder to manage the facilities until June 14. 1992. In addition to general man agement and construction of the food court, the prime con tractor is required by the RFP to provide all required insurance and to cover garbage, utility and other incidental costs of operation. The contractor must also ad here to more stringent Univer sity affirmative action policies that are designed to restrict bias based on sexual orientation. Contracted vendors also will not be allowed to use any poly styrene products. Students recognized for service By Polly Campbell Emerald Reporter Jnhnna Harms, Mary Bacon, and Kimberly Albers are the winners of the first annual Gen eral Motors Spirit Award given to university students who have displayed outstanding volunteer service in their com CUSTOM WORLD NEWPORT SEA BASH AND * CAR SHOW ★ Brought to You By " THE TOOL BOX " Foreign & Domestic Auto Repair of Grants Pass. OR South Beach Marina, Newport, OR Fri. May 2b. J pm to t2 pm FEATURING Quarter Pounder & itZl bin rviayz/. luamio pm Infinity ■ . . OUM IYl*iy CO lUflin luu^lll Pizza Wagon Worlds Fastest Delivery In Competition Exotic Vehicles • Customs ‘Classics • Trucks Rods • Special Interest APPEARING FRIDA V 7 I I «i Rockin' Roitcft C NCKM:;: N.; AND AWIT HKFH: JHFKKIV; Rock N Roll Is Here To Stay APPfc AHINLt b>A 1 UHUA Y 7 1 1 Johnny Limbo A lh# Log Nuts Kids! See You! Favorite Costume Characters Appearing Daily Until 6pm Cookie Monster Bird CO SPONSORS ★ Updenkelders Automotive Inc. 1 ★ KYQT-FM Radio i it Galley Ho Restaurants 1 Newport & Waldport 1 r L. Hoover Productions r Hayden Motors r Alan Brown Tire Service r KNPT-AM Radio rminity. "This award is designed for hardworking people who do not always get-recognition, or the big shot academic awards,” said recipient Mary Bacon, a math major who has volun teered as a peer adviser for the University math department. Bacon was also a member of the Student University Resource Council. For award winner Johnna Harms, community seems to play a large role in her life. She has worked with the Muscular Dystrophy Founda tion in activities, from answer ing telephones to organizing telethons. Harms was also a volunteer for the March of Dimes telethon, raised money for the fame Community Col lege Foundation and volun teered for Special Olympics. "1 volunteer for things be cause I enjoy it." said Harms, a junior pre-journal ism major. The CM Spirit Award, a pro gram implemented in various colleges and universities r throughout the nation, is an ac knowledgement of outstanding volunteer service and is given out at the end of each term, said Gobi Nair. physical educa tion peer adviser and member of the Spirit Awards selection committee. Because the award was just developed this year, the selec tion process started slowly and the awards were not given until this term. Nair said. lie said that candidates for the award filled out extensive applications that asked them to list volunteer services they had done and how many hours were put into each activity. Nair said the participants were judged according to the amount they contributed and the areas in which they had volunteered. The award winners will each receive three shares of General Motors stock and a certificate of recognition at an awards cere mony and reception to be held Thursday. 4:00 p.m., in the Gerlinger Alumni Lounge. 1 WHAT'S YOUR INTEREST? The Cultural forum Contemporary Issues program is solicit ing suggestions lor next year s guest speakers Your input is extremely important lor facilitating a program designed to meet the needs of next year's students. Please list your three most desired speakers and/or contempo rary issues: Topics or Issues Speakers I-- | 1 Optional Request: g I Would you like to be involved in next year's contemporary is- g sues program! If yes, please fill out below. a Your name:_ I Your 1989-90 student status:_S Phone •:_ j Address:_I I - j J Please return this questionnaire to the Cultural Forum EMU | I Suite 2, or the EMU Main Desk. There are additional Survey | | forms at he EMU Main Desk. Your participation is greatly ap- I | preciated. ¥