Activism continued Picking up your trash serves as an example to those who are less informed. Fighting for what you be lieve in involves some risk. This level of involvement has a price to ho paid Erika Jostad, remem hers being dragged away from the Eugene federal building after she and some friends locked themselves together to protest U.S. involvement in El Salvador. “Luckily I didn’t get arrested. I don’t think my parents would have too pleased.” But Erika, like so many others, is willing to take risks to further a cause she be lieves in. If this approach is not for you, other methods of opposi tion (not involving the police) include 24-hour fasts and peace ful demonstrations. The best way to make a difference is to attend group meetings where, without making a commitment, you can find out what needs to be done. Whether it’s making muffins for an OS PIRG bake sale or lobbying in Salem to end animal experimen tation, the feeling of well being that you get from helping will make it all worthwhile. Impressions of ASUO Spring Street Faire