Your Horoscope Taurus (April 21-May 21) Romance blooms for the bull this month Exciting relation ships may be found. Be open and receptive to others needs, showing the sensitive qualities which make you so appealing to others. Gemini (May 22-June 21) This month may bring feelings of restlessness for the twins. But with these feelings comes exciting professional opportuni ties. Take charge, and use that pent up energy to your advan tage! Cancer (June 22-July 23) Though the past month may have seemed dull, the middle of this month (16th, 18th) brings interesting social opportunities. Have fun, and take things lightly. This is not a good month for major economic endeavors. I.eo (July 2-1-August 23) This is a busy month for the roaring lion. Social and business opportunities are most inviting around the 9th and 20th. Don't he afraid to succeed! This is a perfect time to undertake new projects and achieve personal goals. Go for it! Virgo (August 24-September 23) Your buying power peaks toward the end of this month. Wise investments made now may be to your advantage. Use your intuition to the fullest in making decisions. I.ihra (September 24-October 23) Money may be tight this month, but social opportunities abound. So check out the less expensive entertainment alter natives; enjoy a picnic with friends, prepare a fancy dinner for someone special, visit local art galleries, the possibilities are endless! Scorpio (October 24-November 22) Work may bo overwhelming toward the beginning of the month. The load lessens toward the middle, leaving time for personal and social expan sion. Schedule time for yourself to wind down during each day, and leave time to take part in at least one activity you do by choice rather than as part of your work load. Sagittarius (November 23 December 21) May is a good time to begin collaborating with friends and associates when it comes to making plans and de cisions. Don’t feel that you must take on all the responsi bilities yourself, allow others to work with and assist you. Relax and enjoy the personal and community opportunities around you. Capricorn (December 22-Janu ary 20) Begin planning for the summer ahead now. Procrasti nation will get you no where, and taking initiative now may make all the difference! Aquarius (January 21 - Febru ary 19) Communication lines are open wide with those close to you. Take advantage by opening up as well as listening close. Pisces (February 20-March 20) Your social life blooms with the flowers this month as old friends combine with new to show you just how much fun in the sun (and the rain) you can have! Aries (March 21-April 20) Your superiors may seem overbearing this month. Grin and bear it - showing self-confidence will fill others with confidence in you. ! PACIFICA RADIO NEWS Bringing you stories and perspectives commercial news doesn't cover. WEEKDAYS AT 5:30 PM ON 91.9 FM - KRVM.