CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 jjggggg Aon GOOD LUCK ANN MUCKEY WITH INITIATION! LOVE, YOUR SISTERS AAA Dene Seibert Congratulation* on your pinning to Chip Terhune Loir#, your Sister* Dennis O’Dwyer (Sweet Cheeks) Be patient.... It’ll be worth the wait! I love you, Cherry DG Gr##t job on receiving certificate# of m#rtt Nicole Ki«u Lit# Kamopp Megan Rasmussen love Your Sitter* DID YOU KNOW? j i von though you at# enrolled spring you n##d to tit# an INTENT TO REGISTER CARD if you're planning ! I.. .Il.nd lh« SUMMER SESSION Th#f# is still lime lo > 03 Oregon Hail or m# Office <>f Admission# AT KRIS SIMPSON Thant. U 4 a WIW and wt*i get away on the Umpqua1 Th« fires war# toasty our tent was coty H#y. D U brothers way to party' Thani! toy# Mary _XQ _ EUGENE PREGNANCY MOTLINI vide# free, confidential testing sup port and information Call 34*. 0400 336 E 11th Eugene ♦Kf Wei) tt floated P S Just thought «»# d let you ino# _re_ CONGRATULATIONS r*B on winning 2nd place in Greek Week A special thank you to all Ihoaa who dedicated so much of theu time end energy GAMMA PHI IS VERY PROUD!!! I REE pregnancy counseling HOLT INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN S SERVICES CALL SANDY SAT !20J (COLLECT) GAMMA PHI BETA Michelle Monk Congratulations! We Will Miss You) Love. Your Sisters! OAMMA PHI BETA Rain, Happy graduation and warmest wishes tor your future We II miss you sully1 Love, your titlfs_ GAMMA PHI BETA Dawn H ana van'!' Congratulations on Graduation Enjoy your week Love your sisters r*» Aaron Waali Bear Enjoy Senior Celebration* Love Your Secret Sis!#' rii ANGIE CONIBEAR Your love of people makes you the special person you a»e Have an awe some week' tuv your secret sts — GREEKS Today rt Ihe la*< day lo turn yOuf order tniaHopM Irom last week endi party WAilV r*B Joan Part#* You laughter A personality have been on inspiration lo ut all Congratula lions' luv you* secret art I'4>H Bonnie Shaw The and la naar Congratulations' love YSS _ r#B Dare* Rose Good Lock »n all that you do while you r# away wa ll ba thinking of you Lore you* secret ala r#B Joy May all your hopes and dr*«ni com# tru# Boat of luck lov# you* r#B Lisa Davis Congratulation* on you* upcoming Graduation We will miss you1" res Sc two* We H miss yogi laugh Wa il mias you* smile So coma on pack after a while* luv you* secret ala r#B E iian You re it a been fun and bey , •> -•> a)moat don#' lova. your a#cral ala r*B Tamara Tamara We lov# you Tamara Happy Swmor Celebration' l ova Your $#C»#t Srtler INTERNSHIP A KEY TO VOURCAREFR Find oul your internship opliona at on orientation T oday al 2 00 pm 237 Hendricks Hall Sponsored by CPPS ' KRISTINE DUDLEY CONGRATULATIONS On Your Phi Beta Kappa honor Love, Julie LOLITA Who would have thought that one little date would have developed a pasrion and love so great? Happy 21st Munchkia. May you spend all of your birth days with me! Love, your pinhead. Andita_ M.J. Field Your »t«y at U of O has been grand Wt wifi mm you_ him* CONGRATULATIONS on tat PLACE in SERENAOE'M YOU OiD A GREAT JOB* PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Fraa Pregnancy Tailing BIRTHRIGHT M7 MSI 11 ii+ Serenaders We did it!! You guys were the BEST, and I'm so proud ot you!! Love. Stelf. PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION7 Don't forgot lo III# your INTENT TO REGISTER CARO Slop by 333 Oregon Mall or the Office of Admission# PLANNED PARCNTHOOO for Pap »m#*f% infection cNn.ti birth control A coun*#lmg Days A wtNngt .via 94 n PROBLEMS? Telephone hotline for U of O ttudents Spm to 8am every night and aft dey weekend! Strictly confidential CRISIS CENTER MA44M RANG, WOOKIE, T.J. Shasta loves... A. Don't mean to brag, but the best boat ever. B. Our dates ... virtual rockets! C. Dazed & contused from the Den. D. But how do you work the toilet? E. Guess it's back to Eugene. OR Z. Thanks a bunch A bunch time we had gettin' Crazy Crazy Love, Your Dates SAFETY FAIR!! On 13th between University A Kincaid TODAY 10 2pm Sponsored by Student Health Center CAROL QUEEN tt coming beck to give a talk on “Dating Communication" May n t MU C»c#«»ooi approvad Hmi campu* RoO*n 344 0759 Recycle this paper. TYPING UNLIMITED iBM Co*npat*b»*<»ra(l School Approved Barbara l smj 486-0000 BIJOU THEATRE BUILDING 40? E I3lh No 101 WordStyie* A Typ#5cripts Computet word processing Theses-' Dissertations Papers. Resume*. Etc Art*.tie.-Edit Inpul, Convert Mdtor Print Out START TO FINISH ot any where In between Any combination to tit YOUR need*1 IBM Compatible Graduate School Approved Cindy 404 MM _Brandy 484 0044 _ WORD PROCESSING 343-0969 Syatee/Software Convereiona r. ( /’ M 1 HM MACINTOSH UUP PAINTING 132 E. Broadway Suite 102 !25 INSTRUCTION - FREE MAC SESSION Wednesday May 24 ? 30 4 30pm 105 Computing Center Baste Macintosh Operations for begmnars NOW IS THE TIME tO June Summer guitar Keyboard, bass lessons All styles alt ages John Sharkey 344 5530 BUY * SELL * TRADE Stereo & PA Equip VCR s TV* STEREO WORKSHOP 1621 f 19th 344 3212_ must sell Kg rn waterbed padded head board mattress, heater deiu*e pads ail hardware incl . one yr old. $ 1 SO 683 2964 leave message OAKLAND CONCERT 'Grateful Dead* * Tracy Chapman'Loa Lobo* Saturday. May 27. two tickets 125 each 345 6210 ask tor Lisa 130 FOW SAtl APPLE FAST SALE ‘89 Bee* from Boston with STORE WIDE SPECIALS SoMware 40 60*« Off retail Educational & games d«tfc 5W d* dd 40 each co*or* 50 3W ds dd It 30 <>«*>•' $23bo« 2500 An ribbon* |t off Panasonic Printer* 1100 1219 1191 $269 1124 S3B9 f of All your computing neads Sale Ends June 10 f'T Learning | A Service# H Downtown 1 61 W 8th Aw M f 10 6 SAt 10 5 663 3627 145 Can you buy Jaaps Cats, 4 . 4 8 Seized m drug raid* for under 1100 00"> Call for facts today 002 637 340V Ext 579_ GOVERNMENT SEIZED . 1100 Fords. Marcadas Corvette* Chevy* Surplus Boyars Quids (1) 906-667-9000 £»1 S9642_ IS IT TRUE Jaap* tor 144 through tha Government? Call for facts I 1 312 742 1142 Ext 6534_ W Camp* low miias 1974 Runs great one owner bean stored inside 13.250 Call 663-4196_ Why buy A scooter? 1974 Opal Manta new tires clutch brakes german style 5 engineering $660 call 666-2703_ 1975 VESPA RALLY 200 New tires, overhauled engine 86 Call James 344 4399 1979 TOYOTA Celice C» HOOP Call Nancy 344 3628 after 7pm i960 HONDA CXSOO Custom t cond . low mileage sell for $2000 Call 345 7936 after 4 30_ 1966 HYUNDAI GL 5-door, 5 speed, air conditioning, AM FM cassette Great condition' $5000 1978 HONDA Civic 2door hatchback 5 speed great tires Runs good Must sell' $600 OBO 464 4655 305 Kawasaki 1981 low miles, excel lent condition $695 666 1504 66 VESPA SUPERSPORT 150 Runs great vintage ride. $399 or best 344 6866_ 77* 2802 white new engine and brakes very nice $2400 obo 344 8760 _ 63 HONDA Paasporl 90 mpg 70cc silver, ex cond helmet mcl $399 Scott 6634062 _ 85 HONDA Aero 50 Very good cond $295 Rich 344 992 7 _ 65 Honda Elite 80 Execll Cond low miles w/heimet $600 obo days 666-6716 eves 343-2334 86 Elite 80 Excellent condition, low miles $595 obo Mike 345 4490 isobiMIK CUSTOM RACING BIKE Aluminum frame 6 wheels many extras Schrnano 105 components Mark 345 4668 $295 OBO MOUNTAIN BIKE BIANCHI ALANTE in good cond . only 1 yr old extras $300 OBO 3435636 Older Cruiser, good condition $60 call 346 5811 ask for Mika 170 RESALE CLOTHING NEW FASHION ETHNIC and resale de signer clothing, need designer clothes lea Oee Dah 863 2329 The difference between dressed and well dressed doesn't have to be ex pen stve Bing Cherry Palace 62 W 13th i»o 6iitbg5R RftBEAfTSa— WINDSURFING EQUIPMENT SWAP Used boards sails, rigs cheap Or i chard point. Fern Ridge Reservoir. i Wednesday. May 24 5 00 7 30pm sponsored by Outdoor Program 8884385 1*0 OUTDOOR RECREATION WILDERNESS TRIPS MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND BACK PACKING IN KAIMIOPSIS RAFTING BRUNCAU RIVER CLIMBINO/SKIINQ IN 3 SISTERS WILDERNESS FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT OUTINGS CALL OUTDOOR PROGRAM 60SA3SS SAT If WITH AN O D r PERSONAl f r mm ‘349 STUDENT/YOUTH TOURS SOVIET UNION 571 W;VT AIRFARES! 11 K ill PViShS * M ORk iBRO ill 'One Week l eningrad A Moscow Council Travel 715 SW Morr.son. Ste 600 Portland, OR 07205 _«00 228 2854 * 228 1900 STATE OF THE ART TRAVEL Where YOUR BEST DEAL is our best business We can handle ALL travel needs PAY TOP US CASH! for Denied Boardlnfl Compensation. BUMPS vouchers, coupons, FREQUENT FLYER AWARDS and more! 683-8186 BEEN BUMPED? MERIT ONE Turn those airline compensation vouchers into cash Call Debbie ADVENTURE IN TRAVEL 484 0600 POX TO CHICAGO • ONE WAY FLY ANYTIME THRU 3/25/90 S200 OBO ANDREA K 663-1175__ One way ticket to Little Rock Arkansas via Denver. For June 12 $100 otoo 687-0234. United Air Ticket one way Eugene Denver June 13 $95 485 2663 _ One way ticket Eugene to Minneapolis Free call 544-0166 Evenings. ONE WAY TICKET Eugene Anchorage. 6/10, >200 Susan 4BS-963S One-way Plane Ticket Eugene to St Louis. July 5 $ 140 obo4854081 200 RIDES A RIDERS TRUCK TO SHARE TO S.F MID • JUNE 344-6467 2io MMituilifIE& - IT’S NOT TOO LATE To file your INTENT TO REGISTER CARD for summer session Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Office of Admissions FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM? Stop by 333 Oregon Hall or the Office of Admissions Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU 1 SIR, Off TH£ RECORD, HUAI'S THE PEAL MTH HOUPURAS 7 IT REALLY IS STARTING TV LOOK 1 LIKE YOU CUT A PEAL _r with PREstpmr suavo r gr ‘ TV SUPPORT rut « {nrr. 2 kAi ? - ^ PICK. THAI'S JUST A BUNCH OF NttPL&S, RtCKl&SS SPUUAVON, SO LBT M£ HUP you OUT, FBUA / 1I THE UJORD Oh THE pf&ypwr oe me UNITED STATES. MB, oea&t 3ush, /s . THEXEUASNO '1 PRO QUO1 REPEAT, NO QUIP. PRO... QUO' *\XsJ+ 8$^ FR&O, Ato FACTO OR JURE NOLO WINOFRC' rx S||\| | S|\| \|| |( FEATURING: 99< Rentals Mon. & Tues. S 1.00 off all slock during Happy Hour TANNING S25.00/10 Session Package get I Free Session (wlpurchase ol package) 1888 Franklin Blvd. (next lo 7-11 on Vlllard) 344-2691