SchOOl Continued from Page 1 The program's brochure states: "We believe that chil dren are individuals in their own right and that their emo tional and intellectual needs vary from child to child ... We believe in allowing growth, rather than forcing children to learn ..” EFAP also works closely with the parents of the children, who in turn play a very impor tant role in the advancement and education of their children. Parrish said She said she meets with par ents of new students and gives them a tour of the facilities be fore their child's first day of class, she said This helps the child adapt easier on< e school starts because they would l>e fa miliar with the surroundings. Parrish added Other meetings an; held later in the term with parents, she said. Parrish added that she also welcomes parents to sit in on classes whenever they have the time to. In addition, parents have been very helpful and have aid ed in fundraising and donating materials for the children to work with, she said Because the school runs en tirely on tuition. Parrish ex plained that fundraising played a major role in the development of the Spanish program. The initial start-up and ini tial miscellaneous costs will have to be covered with funds raised through grants and fund raisers because the Krench pro gram i annul pay for such costs, she said. University Knglish instructor r VOLVO Owners Spring Maintenance Special Alpine Import / /Servicev^Vp^s^ 0 Offers a FREE Safety Inspection Springfield • l?fh & Mam • 726-1808 Call for appointment • ALL WORK GUARANTEED c_ )fu VOL FULL COLOR Laser Copies • Large copies up to 11x17 • 50-400% enlargement or reduction. • Color copies from 35mm slides, negatives, or 3-D objects. Open 7 Days kinko's Great copies. Great people. Martha Kavits' daughter Sarah is a second-year student at KFAP "The secret of the school is that Catherine is such a won derful educator." Kavits said "The key to any child's devel opment is the quality of the teacher and Catherine is just outstanding." Kavit's daughter started at tending EFAP when she was ale from Parrish's program Fernandes said (he children from Parrish's program do not experience the initial stress that other students do because they already are comfortable with the language "They come in with an ad vantage. they know all the songs and can converse in French. " she said. "Those children are experiencing first ‘After teaching in many bilingual schools, I had a clear idea of what should be done and what should not be done.' -Catherine Parrish three-years-old. A year later. Kavit said her daughter does not hesitate to use the language and has even come home sing ing French songs and fully un derstands them "(Parrish) really does make it seem part of a natural and en joyable process," said Kavit. who has sat in on several of Parrish's classes with her daughter. "She has very high expectations from the children but she gives them a lot of en couragement and support.” Kavit said the real essence of the program is that Parrish uses the language to open up worlds for the children. ludith Fernandes teaches first grade at Fox Hollow French School. 5055 Mahalo St., and sees a lot students who gradu grade as a normal first grader in America." while others come in and do not understand a word the teacher says. The impressive part. Fernan des said, is that the children from EFAP often act as inter preters for the other children who do not understand what the teacher says. "I think it's (EFAP) a won derful place for kids," Fernan des said “It's a gift for the city of Eugene." Fernandes, who said she is the product of a similar pro gram, has also enrolled her three-year-old daughter. Ana Cara. in EFAP. Ana Clara began attending EFAP in November when she was just 2Vi years-old. Fernan des said. “Foaming beverages” Wednesday nights 9 pm-12 pm mil Cbik Maitdi 6*u>« 215 Q Street Springfield—747-0577 (Inside the Mlllcamp Reslauranl) ILLUSIONS— 1511 Lincoln Willamette Towers Bldg Over 40% OFF PERMS customised for you' hatr type $Q/l nr now etc $47 OO longer nair may ee extra ( HAIRCUTS unciudesstwoooo&corxwionefi e/% PECS15 00 NOW D.UU mmmmmmmmm offer Only QOOd With Betty mmmmmmmmmm NOW OPEN SUNDAYS Illusions • 345-1810 Don Qnggars. ion Ootti sneiia Baker Gloria Baler Barbara Bowman Mary Cameron Betty M< Ne»u Good through June 24. 1989 with coupon only Parrish's assistant teacher Paula Fleisher said she has nev er seen such a program for young children before Fleisher began working with Parrish in September 1988 and has decided to carry on in the field of early child education in the future "It's certainly turned mv head in that direction." she said A graduate student at the University. Fleisher taught pre school on the Fast Coast for one and one half years Indore mov ing to Eugene. "The kids catch on very quickly." she said about the program "They are not even aware of how much they know They use it completely in con text and French becomes a part of their lives Parrish said the change to in clude a Spanish program ties into her goal for EFAP to be come a true international pre school and to hopefully include programs in German and Japa nese in the future. "in terms of inter-cultural ex change. it would lie a very in teresting thing," she said. Parrish said the location of the Spanish program is still not confirmed, although she does have an idea of where she would like it to be. In addition, she said the teacher has not been hired but added that the teacher will be one with high credentials. She said the decision to start the Spanish program was made by the EFAP board of directors two weeks ago. The program was considered because there already is a Span ish bilingual elementary school in Eugene, Parrish said. In this way, the children who go through the program will there fore be able to continue learn ing the language after they are done with preschool, she add ed. More information about the Eugene international School can be obtained at the Eugene French-American Preschool or by calling 345-3818. _Correction_ In the May 22 Oregon Daily Emerald, Oregon softball pitcher Katie Wiese was misquoted in an article about the Ducks' berth to the Col lege Softball World Se ries. Wiese did not say she was in “great" shape physically. She said she was feeling all right phys ically but was going to have to be tough mental ly. The Emerald apol ogizes for any inconve nience this error may have caused. SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY Hours: Mon-Fri 10-8 Sat 10-6 726-9176 1124 Main St. Springfield