Hangovers payment for previous night's fun By Kym Gilhooly Emerald Contributor You wake up feeling as though Cus ter's [.ast Stand took place in your head Predictably you vow never to drink again If it makes you ft*el any better, your condition probably has been experi enced by most people at one time or an other In France, the malady is called "gueule de Imms" or "mouth of wood." The Germans call it "katzenjammer" or "wailing of cats '' In plain K.nglish. you've got a hang over. Why does the same substance that made you the life of the party last night leave you a miserable wretch the morn ing after? I)r )im Jackson, director of the Stu dent Health Center, said alcohol has a powerful effect on the body because it affects multiple organ systems Alcohol is a small molecule that pass es easily through the body's filter sys tem known as the "blood brain barrier," a "screen" that allows only the simplest molecules through Once in the brain. alcohol acts as a sedative "Paradoxically, the drinker feels so ciable and witty, although the so-called higher functions of the brain are being depressed." Jackson said The higher functions of the brain un susceptible to alcohol because it tends to attack the brain's most sophisticated areas The liver extracts alcohol from the blood and converts it to a toxic chemical called acetaldehyde The liver then con verts the acetaldehyde into acetate, and finally into carbon dioxide and water Acetaldehyde is 50 to too times as toxic as alcohol itself A number of things can contribute to the nausea associated with a hangover "Alcohol is an irritant, and can cause gastritis of tin- stomach." Jackson said. "It can wear down the mucous lining of the stomach and actually cause bleed ing.” Dehydration is another contributing factor to hangover misery. Jackson add ed. Alcohol inhibits the anti-diuretic hor mone that keeps the body from eliminat ing too much water through urination Iii essence. )m kson said. alcohol "I**!I> the cells to give up fluids," which re suits in the i'm cssivi' thirst .1 drinker feels Another due to the i ause of the morn ing-atter nausea may lie the toxins that remain in the liody after overindulging (•raphx b» larnHI iHrt (larboti dioxide buildup mm be another cause the mils simply aren't getting enough oxygen The best cure for a nagging hangover is time, let kson said, also recommend ing "rest fluids, an ice put k and Tvlnn ol." ■1 MMOO m u. CHINESE RESTAORAN f itftf Oriental Buffet Lunch Downstairs C Try Our Dinner Upstairs Hours: Downstairs M Th I I 00 7 00 F Sa I' 00 4 30 Closed Sundays Hours: Upstairs Su Th 4 30 10 00 FSaSOO 10 30 1275 Alder Street • 683 8686 Open 24 Hours kinko's Great copies Great people 860 E 15tM 504 7890 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We ve got your lan when you warn it1 SunShowtr on campus awueiMi i un UpaltO by *■«**«> * 4(K off one Gyros or Falafel omftuit 1219 Aider 343 3062 empires b'5/89 r Make Money Hand Over Fist “TTW rm 7-1 L/ BL_£ 1_J If you know your way around a keyboard-typewriter, word processor or computer we know a way to make your knowledge pay off this summer Just register with us at Kelly Temporary Services. Wte've got the kind of summer jobs you'll love to get your hands on. Choose your own assignments. Work as much as you want. Or as little as you need. And if you're not a keyboard wizard, there’s still plenty of work to go around. Receptionist. File Clerk. Accounting Clerk. Product Demonstrator. Stock Handler. Check the white pages for your nearest Kelly office. It doesn’t cost you a thing to register And chances are we can help you make the coming summer months everything you want them to be. Richly rewarding. The Kelly Girt- People-The First And The Best KE|jy Temporary Services < l*** K-rOy Int