Parking Continued from Page 1 similar rights.1' he said Moreover, bicyclists can use other routes to campus besides Alder Street. Ellis said. "There are other places on campus for them to go." he said. "Another solution we ha ven't talked about is creating another bike lane." Ellis said. "That could be a refinement on this plan that could be imple mented." However. Perkins said a parking garage would com pletely disrupt the campus neighborhood "1 just hate to see a building like a parking garage there to disrupt the environment when you are so limited on what you can do to the structure to make it workable." he said, adding that an academic building would be more pleasing to the area. Junior landscape architecture major Peter Quady said the parking garage would down grade the Alder Street area "The parking structure as it's planned now would seriously degrade the quality of that end of campus and the living area near there." Quady said "It could go other places such as near Bean Complex." F.llis said the proposed struc ture will be presented before the Campus Planning Commit tee in June "If it is approved, it will go to Paul Olum for approval and after that to the state hoard." he said. If the parking garage is ap proved, construction will begin next fall and will last nine months. Kllis said Thi' planning department also displayed plans for addi tions to the Knight Library at the open house. Planning Associate Chris Ka mey said the library will ex pand southwards, westwards and upwards for a total of 132.000 new square feet "The expansion will provide growth that hasn’t been provid ed for the last 20 years, and it will give room to grow over the next 20 years." Ramey said Drilling Continued from Page 1 dent Reagan last year might change that. The constitution ality of Reagan's order has yet to be tested. “That's something for the courts to decide." Dix said. The U.S. Interior Department — against Goldschmidt's wish es — has announced their in tentions to grant oil leases off the Oregon coast as soon as 1992, with production to begin as early as 2005. Since the announcement, the governor and several members of the Oregon congressional delegation have fought unsuc cessfully to overturn or delay the decision. •COUPON FOR 32 Oz. Fountain Drinks (expires 6/3/89) (limit One Drink Per Person Per Coupon) 1225 ALDER ★ 345-2434 (Check in Friday's Paper for Additional Savings) COUPONmaaBunaJ COUPON— Si/. ■•emw Aww f>rff.v«SV4 U**®00 Ot OKr [Af RESTAURANT TUESDAY NIGHT IS PIZZA NIGHT Pcpperom, Sausage. Olives. Mushrooms -^v '8.95 14” Large Pizza no So Its! it ill inns / 6:00 pm / ’III closing / 13th & Aide! j : 343-0681'/ I RAPE AVOIDANCE'" and violence against women Dr. Pauline Bart, Prof, of Sociology. Dept. I of Psychiatry, Univ. of II. Medical School I Author of * Stopping Rape; Successful Sur | vival Strategies, will present: 1 “STRATEGIES FOR RAPE AVOIDANCE” | TUES MAY 23rd, noon - 1 pm FIR Room, EMU “FEMINIST JURISPRUDENCE, DATE RAPE, AND ; VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN” TUES, May 23rd, 4-5pm, Forum Rm, EMU “PORNOGRAPHY, i A PRACTICE OF INEQUALITY,” a slideshow & discussion WEDS, MAY 24th, noon-1:30 pm, Forum Rm, EMU | NADIA TELSEY, former Dir. of Rape Crisis Net I work, black belt in karate, national presenter on | self defense will present a FREE 3-part work I shop in self defense: [ TUES, MAY 23rd, & MAY 30lh, Walnut Room. EMU, 7:30 9:30pm THURS, MAY 25th, Carson Hall Gold Room, 7:30 9:30pm | Sponsored by the Oltice ot Student Advocacy, an ASUO program heed a break? Check out the EhTERTAIflMEhT section in the ODE classifieds. CASA T0L-T6C Mexican Restaurant 20% DISCOUNT OFF ALL FOOD "Home of the friendliest Mexican in the Northwest TACO SAM'' We do not use lard, preservatives, sul fites, M. S. G.. frozen foods, canned foods or microwave. all natural foods! ★ Not including beverages ★ With current student I.D. card only ★ Sun., Mon., & Tues. only i>ood through Ma\ J1 IVSV 342-3921 • 389 W. 6th