6-Pack of Roses 25% Off Regularly $5.99 Special $4.99 (with this coupon) Good May 23 thru May 3 I One coupon pec customer, please. flomr !Komt THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST 610 E. 13th at Patterson • Ph: 485-3655 25%off DESIGNER HAND-KNIT ONE-OF-A-KIND SWEATERS Utopian Shopping Experience — Rare and Exotic Sources — ' Apparel (Si/mg appropriate to all ligures) * Active Wear * Fibers/Yarns * Jewelry-Ivory * Crystal/China/Sterling BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, PHONE 746-1407 Monday & Tuesday 9am 2pm; Thursday 2pm 7pm FIBER ART CLASSES AVAILABLE ifOS) 74H407 Interfraternity executive meets tonight MEETINGS Interfraternitv Executive members will meet tonight at 6 in the EMU Hoard Room. Druids will hold initiation tonight at 6 for new members in the EMU Cum wood Room All old members are encour aged to attend and support new initiates Students Against Apartheid meets tonight at 6:30 in EMU Cedar Room C. Saturday's con ference in Portland will be dis cussed. New members am wel come. UO/University of El Salvador Sister University Project meets tonight at 7 in EMU Century Room B All are welcome College Republicans meet to night at 6:30 in the group's of fice to discuss summer fund raising activities I.ECTI IRES John Hasgett a CPA who worked for the IRS for 11 years, will speak today at 12:30 in the EMU Maplt* Room on the issue of Social Security and its ef fects on the national debt “Strategies for Rape Avoid ance” is the subject of a pre sentation to be given by Dr Pauline Hart today at noon in the EMU Fir Room. "Feminist Jurisprudence and Violence Against Women" will be the subject of a talk given bv _Et als Dr. Pauline Hart today at 4 in the EMU Forum Room The presentation will include a dis cussion about date rape MISCELLANEOUS English majors: English Peer Advising is sponsoring a career panel introducing alternative careers for English majors Three University graduates will speak about their individual ex periences and answer any ques tions. Tips on resume writing and refreshments also will be available. The panel will take place today at 3 p m. in EMU Room 101 Mittagstisch. u German Club conversational group, meets to day at 12:30 in EMU Century B. Everyone is invited "How to Have Fun With Your Kids this Summer" is the topic of a brown bag forum, to be held today in EMU Cedar Room B from noon to 1 An ex change of ideas with Carol Lynn Morse, Ph.D., of the Counseling Psychology Depart ment, will be featured All are invited to attend Phi Alpha Theta is sponsor ing a historical walking tour of the University campus led by Prof. Michael Schellonburger. The tour begins this afternoon al 3:30 on the steps of Johnson Hall. A free self defense class will be offered by Nadia Telsey, for mer director of the Rape Crisis Network and a black belt in ka rate. The class will meet to night in the EMU Walnut Room from 7:30 to 9:30. l*. ion IHANK YOU S ! (11)1 N I S « Will SIllDI MS * 1 H \ > K > 0(1 S III i >i M b A $ 10.00 OFF all SHOES & RACKETS today only at Courtside Tennis & Apparel (across Irom the Post Office) M-F 9-6 537 Willamette Sat 10-6 342-7208 si*. Kims nm m^vii i S IS. HID I S IKH Ms. V III sis i(11’is not Msviii Whether you study alone or in a group, we’ve got the ANSWER for you at 25% OFF! Call PIZZA ANSWER at 687-8600 FEAST for 4 Buy a 16"—3 Item Pizza and 3 Quarts of Pepsi for only $9.95 Reg. $13.00 SAVE 25 % Name Address One Coupon Per Pizza expires 5/29/89 $goo NAME Phone 687 8600 Late Night Special (10pm Thru 1am ONLY) 12" one item plus 1 Quart of Pop only SAVE 25 % expires 5/29/89 3251 Convertible In a city where even the ultimate TAN* NINQ machine needs an umbrella, our HOLFF SYSTEM tanning beds are a perfect way to Keep your Spring Break tan golden, right into summer! $5.00 off (@t with this ad. S’ _5/22/89 SunShower Tanning HT i I. nth • »11S 2 W \ Recycle This Paper