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Reebok Fabric Art OVER 200 MODELS OF SHOES Hour* M F 10 7 • Sal 108 • Sun 10 5 I ICX 339 E. 11th Ave. • 344-5288 I LL LD • o to n noA >fNVHi • o i° n nox nnvhi *0(00 tioa mnvhi • o i° n tioa nnvhi THANK YOU U of O • THANK YOU U of 0 • THANK YOU _Community Delegation to visit Soviet Union By Greg Hough Emerald Reporter Eugene City Council Presi dent Kuth Ha scorn will lead a five-member delegation of city leaders to the Soviet Union this week to participate in the first US US SR International Sis ter Cities Conference The conference, to he held May in the southern So viet city of Tashkent, will en courage individual and busi ness exchanges between 40 U.S. cities and their Soviet sis ter city counterparts. Bascom said. Bascom. who will act as a representative for Eugene May or Jeff Miller, said the delega tion would also travel to Eu gene's sister city of Irkutsk. U S S R from June 1-6. This will be the first sister city delegation to visit Irkutsk since formal documents joining Eugene and Irkutsk were signed by former Eugene Mayor Brian Obic and and Irkutsk Mayor Yuri Shukuropat last October Other members of the delega tion are Kate Rogers Gessert. founding president of the Eu gene-lrkutsk Sister City Com mittee. Gail Arcady Groza, a Russian language and culture teacher at South Eugene High School and Roosevelt Middle School, Dean Owens. President of the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce, and Lane County Commissioner Jerry Rust. ■'We'll be taking a large ban ner (to Irkutsk) saying ‘Greet f.raptiH by larrrll |*»l« ings From Eugene' in Rus sian," Bascom said. "We’ve also had two clocks mounted on a large piece of Doug Fir — one has Eugene time, one has the time of Irkutsk. We'll give that to city officials there, and hopefully it'll result in us al ways calling each other at rea sonable hours." Gessert said the delegation will be taking 44 exchange pro posals to Irkutsk. The group has been meeting for two months, and each member has been assigned different ele ments of the community from which to seek exchange ideas. Bascom said she will carry eight letters from Eugene phy sicians offering exchanges with physicians in Irkutsk. Each of the physicians is offering to pay for a Soviet physician to come to Eugene in 1990. “1 don't have any set person there I'm supposed to give these letters to," Bascom said. "It’s my job to find someone there and put it in their hands." Bascom added she'd also he delivering an offer by the Ore gon Bach Festival to sponsor a Soviet conductor's visit to Eu gene in 1990. dessert said she's been or ganizing exchanges in the visu al and literary arts. Turn to Irkutsk, Page 5 __ Oregon Daily- - Emerald r o Ikit 3 (ft, OrcfMt ?74tJ Th# Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday except during e»am week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co . at the University of Oregon. 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