CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 'lii'Lii'IMi 2ioj EARN MONEY R#*d»nc booh* S30000-V iocom# po1#nl»#f D#(*I» ii*0*4W*7«000£tt r«W2 FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR INTENT TO REGISTER CARD FOR SUMMER TERM? Stop by 333 0»#o©n Witt Of in* Ottic* of AYv» IT’S NOT TOO LATE To f.»« you* INTENT TO REGISTER CARO for s#a*ion Slop by 333 Or#gon HN< or th# Otfic# of A• hiring »ummar campaign ataff lot Iug»n« oltica l««m .aiuHCH* »MUa. m*aa liland* and aa»n m> 10 UTVw«* Ba a Ionic awngai CWI too at MJ4?»(teonterme 59-17 29 hr Application deadima is May 27th Submit applications to Sheldon Community Center 2445 WiHakenrta Rd 97401 or phone 687 5312 The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has openings for Public Schools and Human Service Division Heeda for the year of 196990 These two positions require interpersonal communication group process, self motivation, and the ability to motivate others Responsibilities include training and supervision of 6 10 coordinators, placing 100-200 University volunteers each term, problem solving, documen tation of division business, curriculum development and participation in several committees This is a unique opportunity to gam skills in policy making, public relations and group facilitation Commitment it 20-25 hrs per week Compensation credit and stipends available Application dead line is May 26 For more Information call 666 435t Applications available in ESCAPE office MM 1 EMU AA/EOE The Gay and Lesbian Alliance is hiring two summer directors and two 196990 directors We encourage lesbians gay men. women, people of color differently abled and non traditional students to appiy GAIA is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Applications in Rm 319 emu Dea • a May 24_ »nmm* — ARBY'S JWWHlh Now hiring counter Staff tarty advancement increase Pay *0* demonstrated ability Fie**t4# hov** * days for Student* and home maker* W R#f MlCROCOMPUTI R PURCHASE PLAN now accepting appliciltofti for Sum m«r o» Fall term start Must nave ml crocompu!«K savvy and good commu mcabon skill* Apply room 280 Computing Center._ .. NANNY POSITIONS Salary. Room"! Boat si travel A Other benefits The Nanny GonneciKJrt >14 4156 NANNY.POWTIONS Salary 'Room A Board travel A other benehl* The Nanny Connection 344 4156 Rangier council c r*M• director and ad vanced Ilf# saving watertront person for Summer cad 34?6338 SUBLET FOR SUMMER t twirm turn.sited apt Available June tfl iv> block from campus laundry A parking on site, U20 344 4*&r WORK STUDY POSITIONS Two »2 month positions available with IM ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Managemeni !i Qener ai Office ($4mr starting date as soon as possible! typ ing i80wpm* on lUM PC (using Word Parfecf * 21 and typewriter filing art •waring phooet ninniM errand* 2) Snipping Room CRA ii4/h» starting date August IE preparing product or ders tot shipment, packaging affixing proper postage heavy lifting (30 »t>* mjuimomt, and use Of hendtruck re guired Both positions are naif lime i appro* 20 hrs per week hours are flexible within * 00am 5pm work day i Pick up position descriptions and ap plications at Condon School, 1?07 Ag ate Street Room 102 between t 005 00 p m Monday through Friday MUST BE WORK STUDY CERTtFtfD FOR 9 MONTHS OF THE YEAR WORK STUDY CERTIFIED POSITIONS Available tor immediately and for summer 89 as Weight Room Supervisor MOOISOCVhr Apply at HIM l03Gertinger. or call X4II3 WORK STUDY NEEDED SUMMER TERM Office Assistant SS 00 *6 00 Possible position for coming school year Dean's Offica of Architecture A Allied Ads 109 Lawrence 866 363t 225 OPTS.-DUPLEXES Accepting Applications for Summer & Fall Low Summer Rates. furnished 1 A 2 bedroomt large, clean A 1 block from campus Student Manor Apts 1442 E 18th Mgr -19 344 47*60_ ALDERWOOD 1860 Alder St. Very n»ce large 1 2.A 3 bedroom units 1 '■? blocks from U of O Available furnished or unfurnished, on Site laundry covered off afreet parking 1240 1630 Deluxe 2 bedroom wffireplace 35V) Call 344 5695 A ah about summer reaerval ions ALL UO SORORITY WOMEN Lounge by our pool al Lambda Chi Alpha this summer Rooms are from only $99rmo Cell John D»lru/aro at 6630656 for more Info or reservation while room test* CAMPUS FURNISHED * bedroom no pets 465 2823 GREENWOOD 1965 Patterson St. *ep| comptee Juat south of U of O ‘ Appliance on site laundry, off-street ! partftnQ t.H5 S4?5 Jennings &C°* •AS-2271 [IiiS'IElfli 221 GREYSTONE 211 BRIARCUFF Recently <*modtt*d 2 bedroom town house »n very convenient location, newer appliance* carpet me* lawns Must see to appreciate Call 461 2116 for details Qnty 1335_ lAAECREST t MG Mill St Very large 1 bdrm un Cat* 342 ?009 for details and ask about Summer reservations _ CALL FO* SUMMER RAT 15 1 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED 1231 t BEDROOM FURNISHED 133S BOTH ARE SUMMER RATES AVAILABLE NOW’ Call 343 4109 (US-21 FI t&Oft Carden A*e Renting for summer one (wo bdrm apt* and * hooee Mtw music buitdmg Call aft## 3 00 Ridgewood Apt® eiesTSB SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES Call our office for cuiient inform* IK>n on dvAiidtiio apartments duple* os *nd houses No Pets' 315 W KHh 666 1130 1V» BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS furnished studios available June 5240 Juno 1215 July 1 Aug. on site laundry facility 344 5186 2 bedroom *pt in duple* ’ btt from campus 1914 Kincaid »B 1465 avail 6/16 343 1785 tv message ?30 QUADS ALDER STREET QUAOS Summer rotes begin 1$ Juno |t 25/mo See manager * ALDER STREET QUADS Taking Fall Reservations f tWfrmonfh Lease Sep! t*> lo June 14 See manager 1360 Alder No i T t 3pm CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th Student* guarantee your housing for fail by renting your quad year round Sunny contemporary unit* on sde laundry, off street parking summer rales 116$ Can 4654319 ROOM IN 4 RM HOUSE ear campus for clean considerable male Summer UVi5-9«l*>i It 75/mo ♦ uf»l David D ,342 4970 mormnQ nMummm - ; POOlSlOf APT t*Q* CftM*. w.f d«cW Uuni (acuiit, **«Qhl room f^OO^Tkjnth plot ulH C«H 64U <890 ROOMMATE NEE 0t 0 18th A $ m»n >0 CAfnpo*. ttso '»"> rffufflAWf dtpoiu WM03 Room to ro#il <0 mm M*» to c*mpu» $ 1 SB c #U 343 #U1 7 SHARE 2 HDRM OUPLEX * •rvd Rr«ptaeA Av*i*tn# now $200 4RS3749. K*«Ror 4IU 07 <9 mo«WKJ« MIM ENERGETIC. SUMMER NANNY to* '«i ? M'<1 10 nh«<1 own !*ar'»(xw utton Cam MS 8007 ENGLISH MAJORS CAREER PANEL REPRESENTATIVES FROM LAW ENTREPRENEUR CAREER COUNSELING TUES. MAY 23. 3pm EMU ROOM 101 mMwK THIS IS IT! SAY GOODBYE A SPECIAL WAY WITH A • PARTING SHOTS" AO! THAT YOU DESIGN! (E*«mpt«) SWEETIE ! YOUMP of m» •y*l f POOKIE lie creative' Writ* draw or K«np pour messaga Design it on your computer' You» friend* «'H tow# tl' SUCH A DEAL! ONLY $5 FOR 1” AD $10 FOR 2” AD Atl forms con bo ihcIxkI up at OOC 300 t MU IK) BooKMor# or l Mil M.i.n HURRY! DEADLINE: 1PM WED, MAY 31 APPEARING: FRIDAY, JUNE 2 WHITEWATER CANOEING ; An action packed VHltfo of opart j | can©* descent of lb# Colorado Rivai j [ through the Grand Canyon j Wednesday May M at 1? 30pm m the Outdoor Program room in the EMU AND IT’S 1_FREE! SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES Brown Bag Talk Glenn May. Professor of History, will present a talk on th« writing of Philippine History In lha U S May 23, 11 30 12 30, Room 3S3 PLC. dummimiinQ ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh • 686 2458 OtftCOUMT »MOW* flu U> U Ty jJ VJ ^ W'-'T^'a V> MAI VON*TOO#U_ OtCAft WW**ft • rommannu* THE CQNQUEHQHj PELLE »u*r ivo *oon at. t* 7 oo * oa AIOAN QUINN t« CRUSOE Cmmm » **f MAVOATO*. m*c$mwofft mroiaremaimHng '» buftw on th* t»g Jct^m $*** Af “vs«r •U? Night adm ft Sa $3 So Th $2 40 n*o mini B Li y"~a. I i 00 *><» IWMr • N^Nri ^ BEACHES , 1 W€ HRWII* M lr.MUVt4 UNIVERSITY THEATRE presents CABARET May 12 14,-18 20. 25 27 Robinson Theatre 8:00 pm TICKETS 686 4191 UNIVERSITY THEATRE S SECOND SEASON PRESENTS JAPANESE N0H PLAYS: “SOTOBA KAMACHI” and “THE DAMASK DRUM” MAY 24-27 & JUNE 1-3 ARENA THEATRE 8:00PM TICKETS: $2.50 CALL 686-4191 f666 & DR'iNK" 15 lHIDEAWAYO TACO TUESDAY 35« (with paid miner rflcianri i »•»•« • ( xmllrt U • C MMl Eugon# $ own tco Cioam and Iro/on Yogurt HOT FUDGE SUNDAES $1.25 Every Tuesday 19lh*Ag*le upon daily 12 11 pm «t>t WHlomotto 143 2621 HOPPERS formerly Gianf Grinder Tuesday THE STRANGERS i'l.OO (.over HAPPY HOUR Large Pitcher » Medium Piu* only $7.50 _i_ S. DELIVERY Rent a Movie tor only $1.00 & Get a hr FREE i Poster M * 11 BLOOM COUNTY by Berkc Breathed fiMta? At* " t/xm ' 4 h^.UN& t wsh t you i# uwir tv r ^ HW 7 MB* I KHFM IF ru me HAmc’fu eMFUTveeur erne 6