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Taiapbona hotima for U of O fttudanta 6pm to Sam ©vary ntghi and alt day «aafcand» StctcPy conttdantial CRISIS CENTER SOO-44M WANT TO CLARIFY YOUR CAREER DIRECTIONS A It and an onanfafton io CAREER ASSESSMENT PROGRAM Today at 2 00pm Room 237 Handncha Hall Sponsor ad by CP PS WANT TO DEVELOP THE BEST RESUME TO GET THE BEST JOB FOR YOU? Plan to attand tha RESUME WRITING WORKSHOP Today 2 30-4 00pm Call Caraar Planning 4 Pfacamant at SOS 3236 or coma by Rm 12 Handrtcfca LIEIIL: i AOII CONGRATULATIONS: SUSIE BOOMAN LORI HUNKER ORDER OF OMEGA DOLORES FERRERO SHARI SILVERMAN CERTIFICATE OF MERIT MARNI HALTER ARTEMIS AWARD LOVE, YOUR SISTERS Hay Hoi Disco AT Woman KHmi NM* Ann* luU> JwwtOaM MuyGntm Amy Mm« I 11 ^ AmAa aaa BkHiaJI Good (Ob on AirtNMHl BABY HONGER Watch out Eugena. tha t no long#* a taan Happy 20 L»§a, youra a great baan ._.. Butty, tha trash scan# it a drag But why wasta monay on a naw can? Kip said ha and Bunny racycta Rad idee. __ Congratulations ALPHA TAU OMEGA For Winning Greek Week! Koop up Itw Good Work! CREATE VOUROWtT SPECIAL GOODBYE! WITH A “MUTING SHOTS" AO! (a a ample) JS You re the bast friend That I ever had. I y« been with you such a long time You re my sunshine Amt I want you to know My (eatings era true I really love you. You're my bast tnand Oueen Love. Rica Krtspy Haad ..reate anything you like' Write draw >f design it on your computer' Voui fiends wlH love it* ONLY |5FO« t AD f tO FOR 2 AD kd forma can ho picked up at 3DC 300 EMU UO Books!ora. or EMU Main Desk DEADLINE: 1PM WED, MAY 31 APPEARING: FRIDAY. JUNE 2 KL' Thanka for making the term a last parly such a fun one* Love _AV PLANNED PABENTHOOO has a preg nancy last that is 99% accurate ona day after a missed period* includes on biased oouassdng.caii 344 94 n _ PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION’ Don't loraol lo Hto row INTENT TO REGISTER CARO Slop by JM Oftgon Moll o* the Ollico ol Admit*ion. PRIVATE HELP PROM FRIENDS Fmo Pregnancy Tooting SIRTHRIOHT MIAMI liiiil'llli: Mi WELCOME MICHELLE HARO ON PLEDGING Aon Love, Your New Sisters ATH Congratulations on ?nd piece In cenoe fete We appreciate ai> the time 4 ettort that you put into the New Year s Canoe Love. Al* DID YOU KNOW? £**n though r°u •nn>D«J »pfu*g i*tm you nM le M* an INTENT TO MOISTEN CANO II you'!* planning to eliand ilw SUMMEN SESSION Tha>a •mi Iimi 10 do it ao atop b> JM O'agon Hall Of I ha OHtca ol Admiaaiona A* JOE and JEFF Whot driving? How many shades of green? You don't know1 Miking for bear, SQuadodo "*e»" on the paddle, tent hog We cwrtemiy had a ragtn* timet THANKS' M and ■ EUGENE PREGNANCY HOTLINE pro y«Jes free, confidential lasting, sup port and information Call 345-0400 336 C itth, Eugene FREE PREGNANCY COUNSELING HOLT INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S SERVICES CALL SANDY 447 2202 {COLLECT) GREEKS Today is the last day to turn your order envelopes from last week ends party WALLY HEY HEY Sharon May Woppin Mon? Wilt you help me study those prododin^ ethoeoepNeres? KAO Thanks lor a great averting with your parents Also thanks lor a great softball soaaonl ATU .... K«.tri AT Thanks tor a biasi on the Umpqua swuvel water cheese, rowing, getting lost and HW Lisa lii FOUNO: Oemm jacket by (kill Hall Call to describe 726 009/ FOUNO: Small gray kitten 4 mo old. 13th & High 6669120 Heather A Michele HELP Lost kitty-8 mon. old cat, multi-colored female. She is a long-haired cat with a bizarre half tail, mostly gray with some yellow, white chest and belly, call 345-4060 Gerry or Leslie, or 484-2992 Mollie, Darvy or Leslie._ LOST: Black plastic (ram# glatses Dave 46S7367___ Loaf Denim jacket w/giovas side pock at Lost between Library 4 Music sc bool1 Call 342 3834 _ Lost on Campos: Starling silver chain link bracatat Inscription Baatnca Biagnac Sentimental value If found please return to Romance Languages Dept Friendly Hall__ MISSING FROM PIONEER CEMETERY Small headstone with the name of Lois Fern Date of death Dec 1917 The family will appreciate getting ft beck 4BS-33SS _ i is mwn miff w mwr WOMEN INTERESTED IN PLAYING SOCCER lor UO Club loam In Fall ‘89 coma to Cadar Rm C 9pm Wad. May 25 JUCaiLDHi JO, THE TYPfNO PRO Quality ISM word pfocatimfl Call M140M FAtTYPC ifoio PROCOMUWO and prtm w»«*t wuw proessstonai tvmm service Wort ProcMSIng iwoww.wan lltmg Won) P*r1*C1 5 0 wort ProcMalng Mans, M2 7056. 0*m tOprn Oradipprood_ TYPWMJ ON Of HAND Quality. Low Mew 667-06S5 nrmoiwanma fm\. PraMaalowai. RmiwiaMa cm» wanyw ia sssi_ LASER WORD PROCESSING 16 y*ara *«p*riaoc* Editing IBM Grid iChool approved Neer campue RoMn 1440266 TYPINQ unlimited >BU CompWitMCran School Approved Border a Land 4«S 0890 BIJOU THEATRE SUILOINQ 492 E 13ll> No 101 Worts tylet 6 TypeScrlpu Computer wort procettmg Thei**/ DtMeftMIOM, Piper*. Returner Etc Advlse/Ed't Input Convert *nd/ot Print Out START TO EINISM or any where In bwtwarn Any cornbrnaiion to III YOUR need#' IBM CompetiBt* Gradual* School 344-7231 CaitifyU's eSpeaa#*W QUALITY WORD PROCESSINGS VPlNG • Tftttti t»nn pap•(* muiwi tic • LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS 300 EMU 686 5511 mid'iiii'i FREE MAC ORIENTATION Wednesday. May 24. 2 3010 4 30pm Room 185 Computing Carrie* Basic Macintosh operations tor begmnets cofliiGS M0QQmS See section 275 Rear lap Mrtup compw* with r*frtg •rtfOr'taO 74*00*3 __ BUY * SELL * TRADE Slarao I PA Eqo.p VCB ». TV * STIMO WOBKBMOP l«l E W »1J_ Fraa io.#bia cut# klttan biackhahlia • •oil aid to a goad homa Dan wmi Pro laatan B-BaM Bat J M an JOoi. 140 otto Saan MMtt] l#i|»4ng kayak. t» H tibargt*aa~ 2 nateha#. bum in cockpit pump tkin. paddta MOO Man# not tuit quarlai men Marvay'# FJ. si/a ML. |T5 SlMjWSB THE PERFECT ORAOUATION OlFlT Havotutionary naw T5mm Camara, taka# TO ptctuta#1 4Bb teg# I artM pay El aacit or M lor 4 ramy day tick at# Call Mlchaita J44 J440 the airy a sell cemter Buy * Sail * Trada Muatcai Instrumants. Starao#. Toot# Photographic and Backpacking Equipmant taao Yamaha 01. mopad Biua/Whlta GOOD CONDITION I Qreet tor wiwiw *200 obc __COW Tommy at *44-1906_ GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles from *100 Font*. Mercedes. Corvettes. Chevys Surplus Buyers Guide (1) 80*667-6000 Est S-964*_ Why buy a scootar? 1974 Opel Mania new liras, clutch brakes german style * engineering *650 call 686-2703_ 1975 VESPA RALLY 200 New seat ft tires, overhauled engine 86 Call James 344-4399 1961 HONDA Passport Scooter Eicellent condition low mileage. *500 343-6706 Recycle this paper. naMWMTIHg 361 W.5th I49I 19*6 HYUNDAI Ql 5