Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 23, 1989, Page 20, Image 19

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Defending champion
Bruins team to beat
in Series tournament
By Ashley Conklin
Emerald Sports Reporter
They’re the defending na
tional champions. They won
the Pacific* 10 Conference again
this season They were the top
ranked team in the nation in
the final coaches poll.
It's no surprise then that
UCLA heads into the College
Softladl World Series as the
team to beat The Bruins, 4.1 4.
open the double-elimination
tournament Wednesday at fi
p rn at the Twin Creek Sports
Complex in Sunnyvale, Calif,
against South Carolina.
Listed below is a look at each
team, in alphabetical order
with the exception of Oregon
(See Page 15).
Arizona (46*17):The Wild
cats finished third in the Par.-10
and then won the Central Re
gional, defeating conference
foe Arizona State in Tempe.
Arizona, ranked sixth in the
final poll, is led by sophomore
shortstop Julie Slandering and
junior third baseman Nicki
Dennis hit .353 to pace the
Wildcats in the regular season
while leading the conference in
home runs and runs batted in
(RBI). Slandering is considered
one of the best defensive short
stops in the nation.
Cal Poly-Pomona (42-21):
Despite being ranked eighth in
the final poll, the Broncos were
not expected to be in
Sunnyvale However, Cal Poly
Pomona upset Hig West rival
Cal State-Fullerton to win the
West Regional.
The Hig West's third place
team, the Broncos have two tal
anted pitchers in Lauri Thomp
son (20-7, t>7 consecutive score
less innings) and Nicky Luce
At the plate, all-conference
catcher Denise Correa leads tin?
way with a .270 batting aver
age. followed by outfielder Nik
ki Busch with a 2t>8 average
and 25 RBI.
Fresno State (55-12):The
third-ranked Bulldogs won the
Big West Conference and have
the most wins of any team in
the tournament Fresno State
advanced to the Softball World
Series by winning the At-Large
Region over the Pac-lO’s fourth
place team, California.
Should either UCLA or Okla
homa slip at all. the Bulldogs
should be right there for the ti
tle, but face a tough opening
game with Arizona.
Oklahoma State (44-4):The
Big Eight champs bring the best
record to Sunnyvale after los
ing out on a trip last year after
tiny Adelphi College knocked
Turn to Series, Page 21
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Munu.i1 l>mctn>n h\ llrun William Baker
IK-Njjjncil b\ Jim Ruben*
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