.Sports. Nagamoto, Grail named to women's Pac-10 team kumi Nagamoto and Cindy ('.rail were the big winners on the Oregon women's tennis team, as Nagamoto picked up the team's Most Valuable Player award while (>rall was named the squad's Most Outstanding Performer Nagamoto and Grail were also the only Oregon players named to the Pacif ic-10 Northern Division All-Conference team, announced last Friday. Cindy Olejar of Washington was named as the Player of the Year, while Husky coach I.isa Moldrem took Coach of the Year honors. Grail is a senior right-hander from Bend who finished the season 11-5 at No. 5 singles, while Nagamoto. a ju nior from Yamoto, Japan, wrapped up her season with n 12-t> record at No 1 singles. (Irall and Nagamoto also teamed up as double partners at times, compiling an 8-1 record. kathv McCall (!.i-T»), a junior from {Gladstone, was named the Most Im proved Player on the Oregon squad; Amlmr Goheen (14-4), a junior right hander. took Most Inspirational honors; and the Coach's Award went to lenniter Tachihana (5-5), a freshman from latkc Washington High School in Redmond. Wash The Ducks finished the season with a 15-1 dual record Bartlett gets MVP award from men's tennis team Peter Bartlett was named M *si Valuable Player of the Oregon men s tennis team, an announcement made last week Bartlett, a senior right-hander from Menlo Park High School in Califor nia. finished the l'ttt'l season 1H-H at No 0 singles, the most w ins on the Oregon team Klsewhere. Washington's Ian Schroeder was named I ridav the Pa i if it It) Northern Division Men's Player of the Year, and liuskv coach Dong Ruffin was named the Northern Division ( oai h ol I ho Yuar (or tho fourth tamsucutivr soason anil fiflfi timo in si\ yoars. Si hrofiii*r joins Pat Jennings and I,mu's ll.i/,ml ot Oregon as the only repeat si-lfi lions to the All ('outer enie team Si h metier repeats as pla\ or of I tin voar lunior right-handor Kevin Oorv from Los Altos. (!alif was namoil Oregon's Slost Inspirational Plavor, aftor finishing tho soason till, anil junior Jon Wofnborg was namoil Most Improved 25-50% off all sale merchandise. C yvminm ( ^Fanmi Lingerie Boutique Feminine . . . romantic . . . and provocative underdressings and sleepwear ... at.. . 44 West Broadway Center Ct. Suite 102 A. Downtown Mall 484-4040 10-6 Mon.-Fri. 10-5 Sat. SOMETHING 1$ SPECIAL ^UNIQUE GIFTS FOR GRADUATION AND OTHER CELEBRATIONS 207© OFF ANY CUT FLOWER PURCHASE Off* Good w/Coupon thru Juno 11 limit 1 p*» Customer Com© In and shop at our new stores and visit Allan Brothers Coffee as well, -all In the Historic Farmers Union Marketplace. DOWN TOHOMCSTORE444 6;i6; T7 A nnTT T FARM * GARDEN 342 6820 C/Vlv 1 n 5TH ft OUVE, EUGENE BIKE RACKS & ALWAYS FREE PARKING h< >\ii i \ft\i a (. \itni \ ...and to think we met through an ODE PERSONAL the „ v BAVARIAI1 CformAn Jfatdurant and 3ter Xjrftkr Motifs: M l I I nmfnitr Sat. 4mMinili* Sun ^SS5SS%^» P£*!S&& *° WE SHOWCASE SIX MICRO-BREWERY BEERS AND OVER 65 IMPORTS! Bridgeport Widmer ♦ (.rants + De« heutes Salvator ^ Berks ^ Watnew 444 East Third Ave. ♦ 345-9315 M lh«‘ Southend of the I errs Street Bridge BICYCLE SAFETY SALE 40% OFF NORCO GENERATOR SETS also REFLECTORS 1/2 PRICE RHODE GEAR HELMETS 20% OFF TRAVELING SPECIALS BIG YAKIMA SALE 15% OFF ACROSS THE BOARD CAN NON DALE PACKS 15% OFF expires 6-15-89 PAUL'S BICYCLE SHOP 2480 ALDER • 342-6155