THE STUDENT HEALTH CENTER NEWSLETTER Ahhhh . . . Yessss . . . Easier said than done! by Beth Gaiser “Ugh —I need an overhaul!” Sound familiar'7 During the nine months rat race of college: sitting, studying, stressing and living on the edge, it's a much shared sentiment to want to spend summer undoing the damages of going through the “academic wringer.” Bad habits are easily acquired and endured during busy, busy, busy times but alas—old habits die hard. In setting goals to turn over a new leaf this summer, it may be helpful to understand the forces which cause old habits to stick and how to undo those. Have you ever wondered why you do things you know aren't good for you but are simply irresistible? The old belief in behav ior change is that given enough information, attitudes and be haviors will change in accordance. There are numerous other forces at work, however, and knowledge plays only a part in change. You may know everything about nutrition You may be lieve a healthy diet is the key to fitness and optimal functioning and regardless of this, you will load up on candy bars. Big Macs, pepperoni pizzas and Fruity Pebbles. This is a typical frustra tion— “I know better!" Knowledge can influence attitudes, but the stepping stone be tween a changed attitude and actual behavior is the behavioral intention—what you intend to do regardless of what you know Behavioral intentions are influenced by your attitudes about specific things as well as by your environment. While you be lieve quitting smoking would be great, you have friends who smoke and this makes it difficult to abstain So the behavioral intention is that you will smoke regardless of how you really feel about it. In choosing goals to strive for during the summer overhaul, it's important to identify all the intervening factors that may weight you down In becoming aware of “cues" that contribute to a behavior, you can begin to plan strategies to resist them as they come up. If you want to change your diet, you may note you eat too many sugary, refined, fatty foods. Why? Probably be cause you became very hungry and headed for the nearest con vemence outlet. There's your cue: hunger and no food. Change your behavioral intention then by planning to eat a healthy snack and keep fruit, cereal, bagels and other complex carbohy drates on hand or in your backpack to tie you over. If you plan to quit smoking, but know that on Friday night you will be out on the town with old time "smoking buddies,” plan ahead, antici pate the situation, rehearse your refusal to yourself and others and even ask your friends not to smoke around you. By doing your 'cue'' homework, you enter the situation ready to respond accordingly Turn to chunge, I’ajji" 2 PfiOM THE HIP YO-YO Dieting Aspartame Mind Traps ARE YOU STRESSED OUT??????? Gel some help from a Peer Health Advisor who is a Stress Management specialist To set up an individual appointment just call 686 4466 Of come by the Health Edu cation Center in the Stu dent Health Center, Monday through Thurs day between 9 30am and 4 00pm NEED SOME HEALTH INFORMATION FOR THAT PAPER YOU ARE WRITING????? Come by Ihe Health Education Center Mon day through Friday be tween 9 30am and 4 00pm You II hnd a va nety ol books and audio cassettes to check out plus educational pam phlets and handouts on many different health topics HAS FOOD BECOME YOUR ENEMY OR YOUR BEST FRIEND??? DO YOU FIND YOU ALWAYS EAT TOO LITTLE OR TOO MUCH??? You are not alone Peer Health Advisor and GTFs are available to talk with you about your eating habits Call 686 4456 or come by the Stu dent Health Center. Health Education Centei M F 9 30 4 00 LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT SUMMER ROMANCE?? MAKE SURE THAT YOU DON’T CATCH ANY MORE THAN THE LOVEBUG BY: • Dot !»ng in advanca what kind ot toiationamp you can handle • Communicating with your partner betore your body become* a walking hormone • Remembering that love can i protect you from unwanted pregnancy or se«uaily transmitted diseases BUT GOOD CHOICES CAN I r mine ntormabon c all the Health Education Center at the student Health Center 6B6 44S6 or come by M f 9 JO 4 00