Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1989, Page 6, Image 6

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    Money given to repair McMorran
The University recently au
thorized nearly $100.000 in im
provements for the McMorran
or President's House, which
will be home to next University
President Myles lirand
Dan Williams. University
vice president for administra
tion. said repairs on the house*
will Iregin before lirand and his
family take resident e in June.
Williams said one of the first
items on the repair list will In* .1
new roof
"The roof, like that on other
campus buildings. is in real
hat! shape " Williams said
The roof alone is estimated to
cost about S to.000
Other repairs slated for the
house inc hide installation of a
set urilv system, a kitchen re
modeling and interior painting
New drapes, furniture and
kitchen appliances also will Im*
Although lirand and family
will have to contend with re
pairs still in progress when
they move in. Williams said the
next president shouldn't have
too mm h to worry about
"(The repairs) can In* done
without too much inconve
nience." he said
Future renovations also may
inc lude handicap at 1 esses
The house at 2:tla Mi Morran
St was built in l‘l2t> and
si,mils on a former apple or
chard tinorge McMorran. t.cr
ow Iter of the Washbourne
McMorran Department Store,
fust owned the house, which
> »lr
The University ham authorized SI00.0(H) to repair the
McMorran House. The repairs will begin before lune. when
next University President Myles ttrand and his family mo%e
into the home.
was once part nl a four-home
estate Mi Vtorriiu and family
lived in I he house for about 20
y ears
I In- house Imm ante I 'Diversity
property in l!M I .mil Donald
Kill became the lirst University
president In move in A total <>(
si\ presidents have lived in the
house, hut it lies lieen I t years
sim e the last president lived
The Iasi president to live in
the house was William lloyd
lie left m I'*80. and President
Paul Oluni derided to live in
Ins own house when he t ame
to the IJnivorsity in Pint
The house also serves a tpia
si ambassador role and is used
lor roininmiiu and University
sot ial Kvents
Navy Engineering representatives
will be on campus: Tuesday, May
23rd at the Placement Center,
10am-3pm. Call 1-800-543-7287.
Benefits as a Student
• earn $ I 3,800 a year lor up to two years to use
any way you choose
• additional $-1,000 bonus paid when you entet
• NO dulls, unilot im or summer obligations
• 100'? medic al and dental covet age
• out standing, low < ost travel opjwu tunit irs to
Europe, |apan and other exc iting places
• eat l\ job sec m it v
I raining after College
• |t» weeks at ( )ffi( ri ( tndid.tle Sc bool and
commissioning as a Nasy offic er
• b months of giaduatr level engineering
edu< at ion in ()i lando, I lot sda
• b months of hands on engineering naming at a
piotntvjw ttamri in Idaho, Ne w Yot k ol
( oimec tic lit
• I < weeks of educ ation in per son nr I. mater i.ils
management, etigineenng systems and more
I he Nas y Engineer
• slatting pas of up t«* $27,000 with me least s to
more than $r»ri,000 after live years
• wot k with spac «• age* tec h nologs and high Is
tianted te< him tins
• opjvoi tunit v t < > i woildtt.isel
• continued ptolessionai giowth and an
oppoitimits lot N.os paid gi.idti.ue st hool
• letiic tiieni with lull twin his aftet oiils 20 seals
at live Nas s sei sic e
• mustancluig mai kctabilits
Engineer mg, math, phs sics and e lie mistiy majoi s
svith at least a ^ 0 (* I * \, \ and alwne pielc-i led
and having completed one seat o| c ,ilc ulus and
one year of calc ulus based pltssic s ate* eligible Non
need only submit a copy ol your transc i ipts to
deter mine yout initial eligihilits Qualifying
students will then Ik* offered a c ost h ee. no
obligation tout of a Navs base at liaugor.
Washington, or San Diego. ( aliloi ma me hiding a
tom ol .i nucleat [Hiweied suhmaime and/or
sin lace ship We ,ne < onviiic rd this is Mil HIS I
Om)R I l»NI I Y AY Ml AID \ I () A C < >11 Md
You a re'tomorrow.
You are the Navy.
Recruiters to visit
campus next week
Kurcdc'i (itr and Lesbian
Youth Group meets tonight
_Et als_
.it 5 in thi' Gay and l-eslnan
Alliance office. EMU Room
319. All non-heterosexual
people lifted 21 and under
are welcome to attend. The
group seeks to provide peer
support, good conversation
and fun
Sign-up space still is
available for the following
recruiters: May 22 Madras
High School. Madras. Ore.
(high school language arts
grades nine through 12.
with journalism endorse
ment preferred: speech clini
cian: psychologist): Buck
man laboratories. Inc. (area
representative chemical
sales representative): May 22
ACC Mattel Toys (fall 1989
merchandising internship);
Arthur Andersen and Co.
(winter 1990 accounting in
ternship): II S. Navy (officer
program) EMU from 10:30
a m to 2:30 p m. May 24
Iiiovec. Im (software engi
neer): Reynolds and Reyn
olds Co. (business forms
sales representative trainee);
May 22 Georgia Pacific Cor
poration (entry-level sales
trainee); Northwestern Mu
tual Life (college internship
program) group meeting
May 24 at 7 p in in EMU
Cedar Room C. May 2H Ben
efic lal Mortgage Co. (man
agement training program)
I 0 minimum CPA required;
David Douglas School Dis
trict. Portland (education re
source center. k-t>. 1II.N re
Prolessor Elizabeth
Hressan. a teat her at the
University System ol South
Afrit a. v\ ill (list uss the
South Afrit an educational
system and the apartheid
problems today at 1 1 30
a in at the Eugene Elks
Club, across from Autzen
Stadium on Centennial
Boulevard Entrance to the
Klks Club is open to anyone
lust sign as the guest of Har
ry Nance For more informa
tion. call Tonie Nathan.
tiftti-!t*)2 t.
“Munchhausen.” the
original version of the cur
runt film "Lugenbaron” will
play tonight in Friendly
Room 2\7. This is the last
Cerman Club sponsored film
of the year.
"Multi-Variant: A Read
ing of I’octry and Fiction" is
tonight at 7:AO in the EMU
Cumwood Room. Howard
Stuart l.ibes. Nela Ladd
Itruni and Mark Dundas
Wood are the featured art
ists Sponsored by the Uni
versity Literary Society.
Promises: When Should
People Keep Their Prom
ises? is the title of a Lunch
time Psychology Series dis
cussion Tuesday at 11:30 in
the EMU Forum Room. Pro
fessor John Orbell will re
port some findings about
when people do keep prom
ises. and he will discuss
some ethical issues raised by
the findings. There will be
an opportunity for questions
and answers.
Pick up copy of Oregon
Achievers before finals hit
and everyone leaves school
There is information about
graduation published
Copies are available at the
EMI' Grievance Booth and
the EMI1 Main I )esk
Duadlinc for submitting hit
a/s to tlu' Hnwrald front
Jrsk. KMU Suit!• lilt), is
noon t/m (lav bi'fort' publiia
tion lit ills am run tin• day ol
tlw I'Vi'ut unlrss tlw intuit
oi i urs bi'torr noon Events
u itb a donation or admis
sion i hurgr will not hr i on
sidnred Campus events .mil
tlwsr sclu'dulrd nrarrst tlw
publii ation datr will hr giv
en priori!\ '/Vie Hnwrald re
serves the right to ml it no
te es fur grammar .mil st\ It'
h»rw i/th
Looking for a scholar
ship? Air Force ROTC has
two- through four->ear scholarships
that can ccMer tuition and other expenses,
plus $100 per academic month, tax free
Find out if you qualify
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