.Letters Thoughtful ('. M Toomi v s article (l)DK. May 21 suggests that the t'Di versity administration and its Housing Department arc doing nothing in the fate of the cur rent housing crunch in Eugene This simply is not true Wo rec ognize the community has a housing problem, hut it is a rel atively new one We are active participants in a (htv-CounU I'niversitv hous ing coalition action group to as sist in bringing to bear the re sources of these agencies to meet these new needs. Our ex pectation is that through these efforts, new housing options will lie available for students. What many fail to under stand is that the l<)HH Universi ty student enrollment bulge is not the only factor involved Market place economics, pri vate sector housing interests, the burgeoning numbers of the newly homeless, and the limit ed purses of single parent and low-income families are all in volved in this complex prob lem. Through joint efforts we am sorting through the problem elements to arrive at a reason able and effective solution The planning, approval and construction of additional stu dent housing will t.ike at least two years and the debt assumed to build these buildings must be paid by the rentals from stu dents who occupy them We can’t casually go into debt for 20 years to solve a problem which may be of relatively short duration. We have to be both thoughtful and deliberate in tin’ decision* we make Daniel A. Williams \ ii e-President lor Ad ministration Right to party Iti the United States we live with unquestionable freedom Women are free to lie raped and harassed Two percent of the population is free to own 54 percent ol the nation's wealth Tlie remaining 08 percent of us who unequalh share the re mauling 45 percent have the freedom and obligation to pro led this freedom and wealth Women who don't get to go to war pay their dues to society as targets for rape, harassment and murder every das A person with courage who thought about it might get an grv and question the authority of the men who guide our lives So what does it take to get stu dents angrv Not rape, rai ism. sexual harassment or govern ment-sponsored murder and torture. Apparently the needed cala lyst is a party Several kegs of I>eer and we are so politicized that we will throw bottles and risk arrest in order to defend our right to party. One activist made comparisons to Chicago in 1 *468. Quite a connection! He may have been kidding, but he is an accurate barometer of ai tivism and political morality today So you have my praise bight for your right to parts It's a noble cause, and the raped. the poor and the dead will wait lames Margraf Kugcne Arbitrary point The argument for endow mg a fetus with human rights at ion (.option is (vised on the reli gious (relief that a spirit enters the (.ell at this point, making it a person U ithoul tins religious belief, vvhii li (annot he the lie sis for law it is absurd to sa\ dial fn|vW The Oregon Daily Emerald »s published Monday through Friday except during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the Uni versity of Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald operaled independently of the University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Associated Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is prosecutable by law General Staff Advertising Director Susan Theten Advertising Sales Maureen Bernadelli Ten Boring Matt Collins Kelly Maloney Scott McAvoy Tracy MtCui lough Amy Mittlestaedt Melissa Nelson Vicki Reed El»se Sharon Kathy Smith Scott Thorkildson Accounts Receivable. 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