CLASSIFIEDS Visa and MasterCard gladly accepted. 686-4343 ?,Dl>P<»6«tflNm!?'" earn MONEY R«*1>'VQ $30 0CKVyt income pot*ni,* 11»05 687-6000 E«t v <*64? NANNIES!!! New Yort areas Our s i» mat you parjor our parents and cftiUJi Hastes offered Great benefits vacation h»*fth insurance and 0»#» 2*50 nannies placed warty v employment only NANNIES PLUS 1 800 752 0078_ S3S0/0*y Processing phone s People call you, no e*penence necessary Cat! (refundabiei 3iS 733 6063 e*t P2802 2)5 HELP WANtEO AR1Y S 2766 W 11th Now hiring counter staff with early advancement increase pay fo» demonstrated ability Flenbte hours A days lor students and home makers With evtra summer hours available Apply in person t 3pm LIFE OUARO/SWIM INSTRUCTOR • gon City swimming pool is seeking lifeguard and instructor for then sum mat swimming program Interested ap phcants should call (5031657 8273 be fore June 3rd MICROCOMPUTER PURCHASE PLAN now accepting applications for Sum mat or Fall term start Must have mi crocomputer savvy and good commu mcafion skills Apply room 250 Computing Center _ NANNY POSITlONS~Saiary"R' Board travel A other benefits The Nanny Connection 344 4156 NANNY POSITIONS Salary R Board travel A other benefits The Nanny Connection 344 4156 POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT GTF, Summer '89 Continuation Center non teaching administrative background m human movement studies and philosophy Send resume by June 9 to Paul Katz Continuation Center 1553 Moss St Eugene OR 97403 POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT GTF, Summer ’89 Continuation Center Research Assistant background in management visual information and/or computing applications experience with library data bases and computer research strategies Send resume by June 9 to Paul Kat/ Continuation Center 1553 Moss SI Eugene OR 97401 Rangier council crafts On.* to' >! id vanced life saving waterfront person for summer call 342 6338 STUDENT EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY UNIVERSITY HOUSING UNIVERSITY OF OREGON RESIDENT ASSISTANT SUMMER SESSION ‘89 I These positions begin Friday. June j 16 1989 and end either Saturday ; Aug 12 or Saturday Sept 2. 1989 SALARY: Full room and board m a single room in University residence hall plus $20 per month ! HOURS: Duty hours are approx 3 times per week on call hours daily DUTIES: Fulfillment ol all items in Resident Assistant job description during the summer session period QUALIFICATIONS Registered U o» O student not on academic probation Preference will be given to qualified students who are enrolled for summer session APPLICATIONS Available at University Housing Office. Walton i Complex Completed applications •re to be turned in no later than ' Tuesday. May 23 1989 at the 1 University Housing Office | FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 686 4277 ; Affirmative Action Equal i Opportunity Employer 2IS HELP WANTED ATTENTION MIRING' , ,r. - DANCERS WANTED * DANCE OREGON1 1 ■'*> 4149 Minorities and alter abt+d m dividual* are encouraged to apply HELP WANTED Salav’delrvery person available Mon'ft, 6am 12 noon hourly 3 30pm M on F m asl for Dotty 4®4 1M& f. CHRIS. 13. md' hit>!h.- AJ ' ?T Computer moor home Cali ?46 MO? SUPPORT STAFF NEEDED 45 W BrOAdway Suite ?C TENNIS INSTRUCTOR The ESCAPE Field Studies Program has Openings lor Public Schools and Human Service Division Heads ’ •' the the ability to motivate oil each term problem solving docur tation of division business curnct several committees This is a urv mailing, public relations and g» per week Compensation credt stipends available Application d line is May 26 For more informal rail 686 4351 Applications avadabi ESCAPE office Mill EMU A A fOE The Gay and Lesbian Alliance . hmng two summer directors and two 15*89-90 directors We encourage lesbians gay men women people of color differently abled and non traditional students to apply GALA is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Applications in Rm 319 EMU Deadline May 24 220 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Work Study certified psoWons avail able immediately and tor summer 89 as Weight Room Supervise $4 00 $5 00/hr Apply at RIM 103 Gerhnger or call X4113 _ WORK STUDY POSITIONS U month positions available with the ERIC Clearinghouse on Educational Management t) General Office t$4 hr starting dale as soon as possiblei typ mg |50wpm» on IBM PC (u»mg Word Perfoct 4 2) and typewriter tiling an swering phones running errands 2) Shipping Room Clerk ($4 hr starting date August 1{ preparing product or ders for shipment packaging a»fumg proper postage, heavy lifting (30 lbs manmum) and «_se of handtruck re quoed Both positions are half time (approx 20 hrs per week hours are flexible within ‘ 00am 5pm work day) Pick up position descriptions and ap plications at Condon School 1/87 Ag ate Street Room 1Q2 between t 00 5 00 p m Monday through f nday MUST BE WORK STUDY CERTIFIED FOR 9 MONTHS OF THE YEAR WORK STUDY NEEDED SUMMER TERM Office Assistant $5 00 $6 00 Possible position for coming school year Dean s Office of Architecture A Allied Arts 109 Lawrence 686 3631 Accepting Applications lor Summer & Fall low Summer Rate* lu»n»*h«d t I 2 bedroom* targe dean ft t block bom Student Honor Apt* 144? | Ifttti Mgr t* 344 4760 ALDERWOOD 1860 Alder St. All UO SORORITY WOMEN CAMPUS FURNISHED . !• \ I#,' bedroom, no i>e?a 4«6 ENJOY THE POOL! Own jure! t bdrm apt » WOC* from •mbos pwfcrng tMVmo AvadalXe 34? 106$ 1685 FURNISHED t BDRM BASEMENT APT no *mo*.ng. pot S3?.?*, include* %*Y IV WITH n O 1)1 rfRICVMl GREYSTONE 211 BRIARCLIFF Mince* carpet mce lawn* io appreciate Cab 461 ?t»6 Only $335 Musi v for i GREENWOOD 1965 Patterson St. Very nice 1 8 2 bdrm units in well ; art - ; $335 $425 ** * * Jennings &C° M3 22M LAKECREST r 1390 Milt St j Very large t bdrm uml wm#w cr ; pat vinyl and drapes E»cett south ] ern evpoaure »n pnm« campus lor; \ \ I lion A must see I35!> Jennings &C°* M3 2271 LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET t bedroom on# block U ul O B'Q wart in closet separate vanity amt bath kitchen a .enter island fully furnished laundry coveted parking Reserving Summer and Fan Can 4&4 4103 1 30 2pm largo dean ’ •. Pool laundry parting 3 blocks east of am pus $300 summer rates coming Can Hillside Apt 4dS?7Sl CALL FOR SUMMER RAH S 1 BEDROOM UNFURNISHED 1235 1 BEDROOM FURNISHED *235 BOTH ARE SUMMER RATES AVAILABLE NOW! _ Call 343 41Q> LOW SUMMER RATES Blackstone Manor A University Manor South taking reservations tor Sumrrc' rentals On studios t bdrms A 2 bdrms Large quiet 4 dean bbf 0664 MILL RACE APT 1805 Garden Ave Nice si/e two bdrm flats 4 town houses 2 blocks to U of O m e«eeii*nt location Newer appliance ana carpet mint bimds on site laundry off street parking (behind Track town P1//4) Can .142 7009 for details and ask about Unfurnished one bedroom clean quite coming Can Maple Arms 345 1336 mm&mam LAAOC Cl C AN QUIET ONI HO«M APT QUAINT I ROAM APARTMENT Quit# SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 3t A W I0«h Wife 1130 I'l BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS 12*0 lum S2»5 JuN A Aug on *4und>> off (MlffctnQ, )umm«i C«tt» 4ftS 43W SOM Ml M SUBUT $ liTS, rn- WTh *'fh Pn«dt# tUtn Clean and ..|u»el I I4lfi I F«f«y J4?B/SI ?35 HOUSES Wantod To Rant ' • -.w'v r*.~t ' 'I'yf' >a»ge Pa«fcy.vd l 2 .tntpo* Grad student o* y fe»«nonal pfeterred1500 J4S 260 MVMlUWinK F emale toommale ! ».< %»■ . - ; 2 bdrm Apt 2 MocK from campus Men! JtK) • u -.umrf*,. ♦ *• -»3 (44 8fc? LG HOME V* , .*•» to m; 10 Sept IT Very inexpensive A for POOLSIDE APT . •.;»■ . A !. . S20Oroontn plus util Call 6d3 t89C ROOMMATE NEEOED ' «• 18th A Washington *> nun to campus SiSO'en! mUimebto depot it 34 )0303 Room to rant i " < 0»t«o •. . it:J8 can Josephine 343ft4!7 SHARE 2B0RM OUPlEX a ' . a And fireplace AvedaMe now S200 486 3749 Koilt Of 484 9719 message mmmzzzzz ENERGETIC SUMMER NANNY two girt* 7 and 10 Need oan transp trttion Can J46 8007 after 8 SITTER NEE0E0 i . V’. Rat required Car preferred 484 t88 270 MEEtlNGS ENGLISH MAJORS CAREER PANEL REPRESENT ATIVtS FROM LAW ENTREPRENEUR CAREER COUNSELING TUES. MAY 23. 3pm EMU ROOM 101 275 EVENTS WHITEWATER CANOEING W»«toil love •»' SUCH A DEAL! ONLY $5 FOR TAD $10 FOR 2" AD Ad tofms cen f>e p>\ Ned uij ;»i ODC 300 I MU UO B- -.feature >' CMU M*-> HURRY! DEADLINE: 1PM WED, MAY 31 APPEARING: FRIDAY. JUNE 2 U of 0 SENIOR CLASS PICNIC June 2 4*7pm Outside of Senior Beer Garden Buy tickets in EMU Lobby May 22. 23 & 24 ?»0 ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT fOMfKiH mat n1 r. CONQi: t Hi>N. r t**> »oow AIDAN QUINN »< CRUSOE ; fM HAVH\AT Cm • 4-KZEL 96 L ATE NIGHT 4, t onth*b BILL a TED S L ADVENl lat» Hi&M fc Sa i3 So 1**2 50 tl Mfatmmmr * >vMn «w»A#ri BEACHES L.,... j.:. »;•„ i, RECYCLE THIS PAPER UNIVERSITY THEATRE presents CABARET May 12 14, 18 20, 25 27 Robinson Theatre 8:00 pm TICKETS 686 4191 UNIVERSITY THEATRE S SECONO SEASON PRESENTS JAPANESE NOH PLAYS “SOTOBA KAMACHI” and “THE DAMASK DRUM” MAY 24 27 & JUNE 13 ARENA THEATRE 8 00PM TICKETS: S2 50 CALL 686 4191 9:00 MONDAYS AT JIMIILKK LINGERIE DANCE CONTEST $200 IN CASH AWARDS' • Entrant* »ign up prior to event * Judge* selected from audience ’ Walking Pittance to U ol 0 at franklm Bl»d 4 fth St 345 E 7th • 484 7181 305 SERVICES JIMS ELECTRONICS ValM Mon A Tuoa _( Movies lor ^ ONLY S1 w No Us / Moo A Tu*i ara / Dollar 7 Day* L. Bring in this coupon and get 2 MOVIES and VCR For Only$5.95 Except Top 24 * Valid thru 5/23/89 & DELIVERY 19th A Agate 1 PIZZA U C s100 off a Large Pizza or s150 Off a Giant Pizza exp 5/29/89 Call 485 3470 19th & Agate BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed -hiAr A a SOW 'JH : A/0» i tvan i caui’t* * MUfKNf* -OMecWf ( 1 MH mtrp i sncx OLMft norm m *4«* j\k ceu mm 'me &a¥mt€R * xu ' j*v) tvrm n hdj rrs Omn PfCVUAX iVTMi Kxynr rr'