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Thanks lor a great time at the Marathon Tournament With a very Happy Ending Love. 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May 2S i?o TYPING SERVICES JO TM€ TYPING PRO Quality fftM *wd procasamg Csti M3 6068 FASTVPf WORD PROCESSING mxi editing *> 10 pan}** »« m hour 0-**»*r tal»on$ E5L welcome Can M3 37S6 WEST WIND WORDSMITHING E apart editing Reasonable IBM i «•.<*' print Shelby 344 $389 PROFESSIONAL TYPINO SERVICE Wwd Processing 1S53 0A8ST 344 3044 QUALITY TYPINO Th«*.r. f»*m paper* **v«n day* p«r wee* WS 1319 TYPING ON OEMANO Quality Low PnCW SB f 0656 TYPING / EOiTlNG Fill Professional Reasonable C.lose to campus 34& I283 WORD PROCESSING RETIRED UNIVERSITY SECRETARY All typ«s of pap#'* Edit Prck up and debver Jean 996 8189 LASER WORD PROCESSING 18 »ea»* etpenonce Editing IBM Grad school approved Nee* campus Robin H48m TYPING UNUMITEO GompabbMPG'ad School *i>p«weo Ba'ba'fi Land 485 0890 BIJOU theatre buuoing 492 E 13th No 101 WordStyles A Typ*Scripts Computer word processing The-se-% 0*‘-s«* Mat ions Papers Resumes Etc Advice Fd«t Input Convert andfor lJ* • Or : START TO FINISH or any where in between Any combination to ♦ .» YOUR mod*' IBM Compatible Graduate Schott* Approval Cindy 484 $4S4 Brandy 484 6044 wonO PROCESS1NO 343-0969 Syto/Software Conversions P w IBM MACINTOSH LASS* PH I NT INC, 132 E Broadway Suite 102 125 INSTRUCTION JOBS IN HUMAN SERVICES WORKSHOP C.4fWn# 3fl03 no FOR SALE Fr*« lovable cut* kitten black whdtr 8 weeks, old to a good home dan 48*. 79«1 padded* rads $ t 76 OBO 27 1Q »{*WKJ S; fiyyinn Va'Sdy make otf*< M3 1^93 Pro tenon B Ball Bat . *> H .'.-a Hw 30 o: $40 oho $*i»n 6M 3453 Seagoing kayak 17 ft titH.-npas*. naif built *n ux kpit pump sk«»1 mth s FJ *414#’ Ml $76 THfc PERFECT GRADUATION GIFT' Revolutionary n«* 36mm cam era lakes J 0 pictures' 4B6 t698 nomikd — Be#» lap setup n W* w*-**1 «'a*o»‘ 1250 746Q023 BUY * SELL •TRADE Stereo & PA £ lou'p VCR S TV S STEREO WORKSHOP 135 BUT ow mot » will pay *1 each or 15 Ipr 4 ramy day tickets Celt MieheH# MS J44C MEN WANTED CASH paid for towi unwanted clothing No appointment n**d*d SECOND THOUGHTS 77 W 1 tth M3 6SOI U5C*BSCTCLES-SC00W~ 1M0 Yamaha Of moped Blue/White GOOD CONDITION! 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INTENT TO REGISTER CARD • ummer *.#*•.*, Stop by 333 Oregon Hall o? f he Office of Admissions HEADING FOR EUROPE THIS SUMMER tOR ANYTIME7) Jet theft* from Seattle Of SFO for i.: m ,.(y. than $*'69 from Minneapolis for no more than $229 or from the East Coast for no more than $t(K) with AlRMlTCHpi as reported in Consumer Reports NY Times Let s Go Ne*sday Good Housekeeping, and national network morning shears For details call 212 864 2000 or *nle AIRHITCH 2901 BROADWAY SUITE 100A NY. NY 10025 IT’S READY THE SUMMER TIME SCHEDULE OF CLASSES So pick one up today' Slop by 333 Oregon Hall or ihe Registrar s Olf«ce Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU THAT WP6 SiP. BQ'HB SAYS MR R&A6ANS P£ALDtPN760 THROUGH' - GOOO' MAYBE NOUI He'Ll GET BACK INTO POLITICS WHIRS HE'S aleepev ever since he rs - t/rsp, things ha vc seen GO/N6 TO HEU- IN A HANP BASKST' IF BUSH P0FSN7GET ON THE BALI FAST 6OF0YS GONNA MAKS A JO TAL MONKEY OUT OF HIM1 THIS "STATUS QUO PLUS’ BUSI NESS has gotten am PtSTEEY OUT OF HAW SIR, ABOUT BAKTRS DISASTROUS VISIT -JO MOSCOW... IN A MO MENT'THIS ISPTT9T1 AW THAT ONESTUFFY' IIP1 Pressure? Homework Overload7 •Lower Stress •Increase Energy \tiiunilhi safitii Stress Calm Formula (.r. ,l 1 ,r I h \ it .mm , ■M ll\\' a Id.. , I vs ,v (>11 ill. I »■ AM .VM, M .1! .1 . i. I t