Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1989, Page 10, Image 10

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    _World View_
U.S. plane crashes
LIMA. Peru (AP) A small
U.S. plane used in Peru's
antidrug effort trashed in the
Andes mountains, killing the
six Americans and three Peru
vians aboard, officials said
P S Kmbassy spokesman
Charles Ixjverldge s<*id the
plane went down Saturday af
lernoon. after it had left the
jungle town of Tingo Maria. He
said the wrw kage was spotted
Sunday morning
Uiveridge refused to provide
th*> names of the passengers
But he wild the dead Americans
included a IJHA agent, two hel
ii opter pilots, the plane's pilot,
a mechanic anti a securitv offi
cer from the embassy
In Washington. Maurice Hill,
a DMA public information offi
ter. identified the dead l)EA
agent as Kit k Finley, Me of Ft.
Knox. Kv.
Interior Ministry spokesman
Fernando Yovera said all nine
on the single-engine plane
diet! He s.ntl the three I’eruvi
ans were a polite captain, the
H vear old son of a police com
mander and the t lliet of tile
I' S -funded cch a eradication
Yovera said the U S. plane
was flown by an American con
tract pilot, and Mill said it was
owned by the U S State Du
partment's International Nar
cotics Matters Bureau.
Yovera said there was no in
dication of what had caused the
c rash, biji he discounted sabo
tage because of strict security
American personnel in two
Peruvian military helicopters
from Lima were re-covering the
bodies Sunday. Yovera said
The effort had boon suspended
Sunday night until the morn
ing. LoVeridge said
Kaduku doing fine
SAN 1)1 KUO (A I’) A Cali
fornia condor chick was coaxed
from its egg Sunday as keepers
clucked over the year's third
successful hatc hing in an on
going effort to save the giant
vulture from extinction
The chick, named Kaduku,
was the first conceived by a
pair of ti-year-old birds at the
i os Angeles Zoo. c hanging no
tions about when condors reach
sexual maturity, said San Diego
Wild Animal Park spokesman
Tom llansc om.
"It previously was not
known if California condors
achieved full sexual maturity at
age six or seven." Manscom
said "It was thought to be sev
en but these birds proved us
The sparsely feathered bird,
hatched from a pale aqua-col
ored egg laid oil Easter Sunday,
weighed 5 M mine es after it was
helped from the shell by handl
ers at the- San Diego park
around 1120 am. Manscom
"It was our Easter egg." said
Los Angeles Zoo spokeswoman
Cindy Hi> hardson. "It looks
really healthy and is doing
The baby, whose konkow In
dian name means "very strong
tieing. both physically and spir
itually." joined two other
chicks at the park's so-called
“eondorminium” and was
scheduled to take its first meal
of mimed mouse meat Sunday
The haby bird, conceived by
a pair of birds named Cayuma
and Cachuma. was the fourth
captive-bred condor thick suc
cessfully hatched, bringing the
world's California condor pop
ulation to 31.
All remaining wild condors,
which are North America’s
largest land birds, have been
captured in hopes of building
Iheir numbers in captivity
Seventeen condors are
housed at the animal park in
northern San Diego County,
about to miles northeast of
downtown San Diego, and the
other I-t live at the Los Angeles
Officer's son killed
group of vengeful men waving
baseball bats i>eat a police
officer's 17-year-old son and
left him dying with a bullet in
his buck, police said Sunday
A 19-year-old man. Rafael
Droz of Philadelphia, was
charged with murder Sunday,
and police were searching for
up to a dozen more suspects,
said homicide l.t. James
I lenwood
The attackers piled out of
three cars Saturday night in
North Philadelphia and went
after Sean Dailey and a group
of nine to 15 of his friends. Sgt
Dennis Murray said
The others escaped, hut Dai
ley was caught on a street cor
ner beaten to the ground and
shot in the Ii.k k. Murray said
Dailey died several hours later
at Kpiscopal Hospital.
The attai k was apparently in
retaliation for a tight between
one of the attackers and a man
in the neighborhood a week
ago. Henwood said lie said
Dailey was not involved in the
"He was just in the wrong
place at the wrong time."
I lenwood said
Kids march for rights
100 students from three high
schools met at the Benton
(.minty Courthouse anti
marched through downtown
Corvallis early Saturday to pro
test state and city curfew laws
The two laws are identical:
people under 18 must be off
city streets from midnight to 6
a m. on Friday and Saturday
and off the streets from 11 p m
to fi am Sunday through
Thursday unless accompanied
by a guardian or an adult who
has permission from the
minor's guardian, said police
l.l Bruce Benner.
The demonstrators were not
cited for violating curfew In
stead. police chose to monitor
the demonstration from a dis
tance in patrol cars
"As long as there were no
problems." Benner and Sgt
Gary Boldizsar decided to let
the protest "fizzle out." Sgt
Merle Woods said
The protest was organized by
students at Crescent Valley
High School and Corvallis High
School, who said the curfew
unfairly restricts the rights of
Timber rally held
SALEM (AP) — More than
1.000 people turned out for a
rally Sunday to show their sup
port for thi? timber industry and
to criticize efforts by environ
mentalists to protect the north
ern spotted owl.
The rally, on the front steps
of the State Capitol, drew peo
ple from communities through
out Oregon that depend on the
timber industry for their liveli
They heard speakers warn
th.it moves to protect the spot
ted owl could result in drastic
reductions in the state's timber
harvest and cost thousands of
people their jobs.
Among those on hand for the
gathering were Oregon Sen.
Boh Puck wood and Reps. Bob
Smith and Peter DeFazio.
They were presented with
petitions bearing 158,000 sig
natures of people asking Con
gress to pass stronger laws to
promote timber harvesting on
federal lands “at historic and
sustainable yields."
University of Oregon
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Must he able to report for work
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the full shift to 4 PM
Work permits are retjutred it appli
cant is under the age of IM
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