-Entertainment Toni Childs' rapport with crowd transcends auditorium formality By Rick Heyman Emerald Contributor The Silva Concert Hall at tin1 Unit ("enter presents a tough challenge for an energetic sing er like Toni Childs The hall is so beautiful that it makes rock 'n' roll concertgoers behave as if they're at a classical perfor mance. The polite, sit-in-vour scat-and-clap-at-the-end-of-a song norms run counter to the kind of bonfire a singer like Childs is trying to ignite If you're Toni Childs, you play a few songs, turn up the house lights, and play Simon Says with the audience. This makes them look so silly that dancing becomes a very unself conscious act by comparison. In one simple stroke on Mon day night. Childs changed a stuffy concert hall into a small club, encouraging people to come up front and dance. It didn't hurt that on the next song, the incendiary "Stop Your Fussin'," she and her band knocked the intensity lev el up a few notches and never looked back. (.hiIlls songs 1 music ground ed in rrur Singers. tht' i t’u t \ of i \ilifomiii Riu.un.i 0 s LIGHT UP SUMMER EVENINGS FREE 8'RAINBOW TA DCDCWi,h Everv $10 Cl\0 Homo Store Purchase Offer Good Through June 11 w/Coupon Limit 1 Coupon per Customer Come in and shop at our new stores and visit Allan Bros.Coffee for brunch, lunch or munch. DOWN TO EARTH HOME SIORl 144 6357 FARM • GARDEN 142 M20 HOURS: ID 6 Mon Sot. 11 SS.n 5IH * OUVE, EUGENE BKE RACKS • AIVWS RSI PARKING J Be a howling success. Microcomputer Support Lab / Room 202 Computing Center / M-F 9 am - 5 pm / 686 4402 Feel as if you've been thrown 10 the wolves ' Let an Apple Macintosh soothe your academic nightmares A Mac can transform the liatnest ol assignments into a smooth presentation And since a Mac is so simple to use you'll soon he leader of the pad. Now the cost of a new Macintosh won t make you howl l.nonnous discounts are being offered to l if) students, faculty and stall And with Apple s l oan To Own Program, you can pounce on some easy financing So stalk on over to die Microcomputer Support Lab and sink your teeth into an Apple But don't wait lor the next lull moon S Think Big. Apple Macintosh