r Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Binge Eating Crash Mating Vomiting Laxative Abuse Compulsive Exercise Compulsive Meting When you're ready to quit we're ready to help. Just call M4-7372. The Eating Disorders Program at Sacred Heart Bubbas Place - Try Our Delicious SALAD NICIOSE Macaroni, Ham,Olives, Cheese BUBBA'S PLACE 1249 ALDER 344-1960 Fete's history goes back to WWI By Sheri Metrier Emerald Contributor The Canoe Fete, aiuannual parade of deco rated canoes on the Millrace that will be launched once again this weekend, has had a long history at the University. In 1910. the annual Women's Kdition of the Oregon Daily Emerald published a sugges tion for a canoe festival on the Millrace. The next spring, the idea was presented to the city. However, the first Fete was not held until 1915 because of rain. Don Orput. a junior in 1915. mastermind ed a “Venetian Water Fete*’ as part of Junior Weekend. Under Orput’s plan, each student organization would enter a decorated canoe in the contest and be judged on its pageantry. No less than 2,000 spectators watched the first Canoe Fete from the banks of the Millrace The winning float, built by the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity, represented ihe German sub marine U-29. which corresponded with World War I raging in Europe. It fired blank car tridges under the water while it sailed down the Millrace. according to the “History of the Millrace." a book in University Archives. According to Ihe book, the Millrace was decorated with colored lights placed beneath Ihe water for the 1921 Fete, and Ihe floats were followed by spotlights The next spring, bleachers were constructed for the spectators. The number of floats grew so large that living organizations were paired to cut down Ihe length of Ihe Fete. The Pi Beta Phi sorority and Phi Sigma Pi fraternity collaborated on the first winning final built by a pair. According to "Floating Fantasies. A His tory of the Canoe Fete 1910-1970" bv Waller | Wentz, themes for the Canoe Fete began in 1928 Because of the uniqueness of the event. NBC began broadcasting it coast-lo coast in the late 1930s In addition. Hollywood celebrities were solicited to fudge the entries. The Fete was temporarily canceled in 1941 when a flood wiped out the buffer dam that brought water into the Millrace from the Willamette River. Without the Millrace. the Canoe Feta took to the street* until the mid-1950s, when pumps were put into the Millrace lo feed wafer back into it. The event continued to be held every spring on |unior Weekend until 1970. when anti-war sentiment swept the campus, it re turned to the University in 1975 as a daytime event, which it has been since. This year's Canoe Fete celebration, titled "Holiday Soiree," Will the finale of the Mavfest celebration on Saturday afternoon at 2.30. As in previous years, floats will be deco rated lo represent different holidays from around the world. Mayfest committee head Chris Mitchell said this year's theme will bring diversity to the Fete. "It's something that will allow for all the floats to be different," he said. Trophies will be presented to the top three floats, and monetary prizes from local mer chants also will be awarded. Animal rights group meets today MEETINGS Students for the Klhical Treatment of Animals meets to day at 4 p.m. in tlie KMtJ Hoard Room. Room 337 Rhi Beta Kappa elects new officers today at 3:30 p.m. in , F.t als_ the Graduate School Confer ence Room. Chapman Room H MISCK1.LANKOUS Foreign Students Organization will hold the elections for its 1989'90 director at the EMU In temational Lounge at 5 p m. to day All foreign students are encouraged to attend. Oregon Special Olympics needs volunteers from 8 a.in. to 5 p m. Saturday and 8a.m. to 4 p m Sunday at Hayward Field for the 20th Annual Special Olympic Games. Students can show up at the volunteer tent at the southwest corner of Hay ward Field Time schedule is flexible, hut morning volun teers are especially needed. The Great Chip Off is today from 9 a m. to 4 p.m. in front of I he history department office, first floor of PIC. Come and vote* for your favorite chocolate chip goodie at the History Graduate Students' Annual Hook and Bake Sale. Doubles volleyball tourna ment is Saturday at Skinner Butte Park Any combination of men and women is eligible. Sponsored by the men’s vol leyball team. Call 484-2234 or 343-3009 for more information. \v u-t4! r&i. <>;> vc hiTday otaem\c PROPUCf oCibAMtc wme T/WIM6 2 if* £nrtft*ir\m£Rf l’5f»n ^ay Ff*Ei T-^HlRT WiTM AA#y PUHCf1A»E OVER $11.00 . FINF POOPS MARlcETPuCE mmmmr .ibhhmmm 2huV WILLAMEnE • 345-1014 OPEN 8 AM-10 PM EVERYDAY ri RAPE AVOIDANCE and violence against women Dr. Pauline Bart, Prof, of Sociolo gy, Dept, of Psycheatry, Univ. of II. Medical School Author of * Stopping Rape; Suc cessful Survival Strategies, will present: “STRATEGIES FOR RAPE AVOIDANCE” TUES MAY 23rd, noon -1 pm FIR Room, EMU “FEMINIST JURISPRUDENCE, DATE RAPE, AND VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN” TUES, May 23rd, 4-5pm, Forum Rm, EMU “PORNOGRAPHY, A PRACTICE OF INEQUALITY,” a slideshow & discussion WEDS, MAY 24th noon-1:30 pm, Forum Rm, EMU NADIA TELSEY, former Dir. of Rape Crisis Net- | work, black belt in karate, national presenter on | self defense will present a FREE 3-part work- I shop in self defense: TUES, MAY 23rd, * MAY 30th, Walnut Room. EMU. 7:30 9:30pm 1 THURS, MAY 2Sth, Carson Hall Gold Room. 7:30-9:30pm Sponsored by lb* Oltlc* ol Student Advocacy, an ASUO program