—University Asians face rigid stereotypes, speaker says By Polly Campbell Emerald Reporter Asian American women of ten are portrayed by the media as bookworms, foreigners or ex otic lovers, said blame Kim. Assistant Dean of the Unfversi ty of California at Berkeley Kim. speaking Thursday af ternoon in the- FA 11' Fir Room, said the media takes all t\ pes of people front all rates and forces them into a predetermined mold "Part of the rac tai ideology says all Asians are alike." Kirn said Although Asian Americans have been born and raised in the United States, him said they are still seen bv the media and much of society as foreign ers. "Thinking of Asian Ameri cans as foreigners makes them no! bona fide members of soi ie ty.' Kim said "Being seen as eternal outsiders can have .1 di sastrous effei t Kim gave examples of imnu gration and marriage laws that were in effei I until l‘M>H in some st.ites that prevented Asian immigration and also prevented Asians from marry hi ain<> Kim mg whiles Those laws did not apply to any other race "At times it seems that racial crimes 100 years ago could re main unclianged now in the K()s." Kim said Asian Amerii ans also experi cnee being a "model minor ity." him said. She said they are slereotvpi rally thought to he intelligent students attending universities like Harvard, studying science, graduating and getting a good job leading to the top of the i orporate ladder This modi' of thinking works to s.iv something about rare re lations in America. kirn said It (.mates conflu t lietwecn races hy making one race seem better or more important than anoth er. Tins could i reate resent ment on the part of mainstream Americans loo. she added Hut. kirn said, for every two out of 10 Asian American siu dents who attends Harvard, the other eight don’t The "model minorilv" does not include those people On movie and television si reens, Asian American worn en are generally cast in one-di mensional roles, kirn said They play weak charm ters of ten dependent on white men. or they play exotic seducers of while men Asian American men are also represented as shallow in mov ies and on television, she said "Asian American men are portrayed as nerds bei ailse they are thought to he smart without physical appeal or morals." kim said about the media ster ootvpes "Rac ial stereotyping in men ies and television not only in fluencies society hut it also yvorks against the self image of IACUC reviews animal use report The Institutional Animal dare and I'sc Committee went through tlm process ol editing an annual report Thursday re garding compliance with feder al guidelines regulating the use i>l animals for researt li Tin- committee was asked to review the document hv John Moselev. 1'niversitv vita? presi (lent lor research. Moselev li.ul asked the l.-\(!U(! to comment Correction m me lYiiiy 10 tmeraiu. .111 article entitled "Code amendments prodm e oppo sition." inaccurately report ed that a proposed amend ment to the University’s stu dent conduct code would re quire faculty members to as sign a failing grade to any student found guilty of aca demic dishonesty The actual proposal read that the faeultv member in volved "shall impose an ap propriate academic sanction up to and including an N or an Also. Marlene ^reseller's i omments regarding the pro posed amendment were tak en out of context. I ler com menus concerned me i mvn site ()ffi< i' of Student Advo cacv's pro post'd am oiul imsnt This proposed rule read "The adjustment shall give no t redit lor the student's work which has been the subjet t of at ademit tits honesty. A grade will he as sessed bused on the sum to tal of the student's work in ( lulling the zero credit or failing grade assessed to that portion of the work which was found to be .it adeinit al ly dishonest.’ The Kmerald regrets any t onfusion or ini mu enieni e that may have resulted from these errors Great Wall Restaurant Spet lali/mg m S/t*< huan • ( antonrsr • Ament jn ^ egetarian • low ( alone ( o< k tails ()rdt*rs to (to t )pen 7 days A VV wk H4»2 Main sprmigiudd K. POl St It Kt MS If.} * I Hi NAN Ht I I £ * 4 uHt At VSAl I f Hit L> < MIC Ht N * ft 1*3 Mi SMI PORK a ^ si V S/t < Ml AN ST\U ItlUJ 726-91 t \ \t i i ■ • A Grand * Finale -4 For Any Evening... After o hord doy's work. or foi o quiet end to a special evening—come to Onsen. Relax your mind os you goxe up 01 the stors. Pamper your weory muscles in o tub of worm rushing woter. Unwind ond enjoy—ony night of the week. Joking reservations until 11 30 pm weekdoys until 12 45 weekends Con 345 9046 1883 Go'den Ave fugene on the changes hi; had made to the draft report and re< ommend any other .literal ions to the wording. No major revisions of the draft report were made, which will now he sent to Moseley for review Some major changes made hy Moseley in the annual dot u ment ini hide not re<|iiiriug the I At .1'(I to meet every mouth, hut only when a meeting is re quested hy a member or the i hair of the committee Another i Image would re quire committee memhers to coiulut t a formal itispoi lion ol researi h f.u ilities try ii e a year I he number at days to call a meeting to rev levy the proposal Was nil leased from live to III Asians." Kim said "Kidinn Kim is .in example of an Asian American woman who is atilc In appreciate her Asian ti.u round ami also lir successful in tiiu western cul lure," sjik) (‘hris Chan. director of the Asian Pacific American Student l Inion. Not all Asian Americans do martial arts or stud\ si iom e. Chan said "25 Years of Qualify Service" GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342 2912 202S Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 REG. 59.95 39.95 Mai's & Women's ATHLETIC Saturday Suiniay 9 6 30 ’ I Mon thru Thursday 9 30 7 00 • Fn tit 9pm 94 West Broadway • Eugene Oregon • 343 1 ?88 .Downtown £ ogan©. COMPUTER SCANNING • High resolution graphics • Text with optical character recognition • Macintosh and 13 M. formats • Fast overnight service • (’ompetitive prices and student discounts s FT C | A | N I N | E I R [ S •0 3!vd. ; J'jcne ?4/-4ttt>9 TC . \\<--/ .uv> V"’1 CW^c'°' • U> \\C. v\\> lU . Or;lV _l£_1 >V‘ ■xl\'V Oregon I)uil\ _ _ Emerald I'll Hot l| <1 Ingot* I h > gnit VT40 I The Off , m D i , Es published Monday through Friday * « ept during exam week and vocations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co at the Uni verity of Oregon Eugene Oregon The Emerald operated independently of the University m, . ■ : !!«,. th»*d 1 i,. .r {hr Eft Mem. .rial Union .1 5 , a me mber of the A\ ... idled Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal ’ us*- ' papers is pf .»• utable by law General Staff AcJverlismy Director AswMaMt to the Publisher Pr kJw • ■ M v .1.' Advertising Coordinator Clav.ibed Sales Susan Tholen Joan Ownbey Michele Ro-.-> Samira Daller :, • < -1 M. M. i; f ’ Advertising Sales M i . • • • i !•• !• H K * • ' , M.t: M M- A. , T r ,»■ .iitjfi Am, Mitflf.t.fiJt Mr .•••.,» Nelv. »• V Elise Sharon K.ithy Smith S« oil Thorkiidson Accounts Receivable. Circulation. Newsroom Classified Advertising Display Advertising Production. 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